Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas to All
It truly is the most wonderful time of the year. Nothing quite compares to Christmas, it somehow just stands alone.
It's been a great week for our family however very different. Yes, Chrissie got engaged (still have to blog that, no words yet). Michael, the fiancee, came to spend a few days with us and was loads of fun. He left today to go back to Florida to spend Christmas with his family. My brother's family got snowed in in New York City while on vacation but thankfully have made it home in time for Christmas. My parents got to come spend a few extra days with us this year. They usually go to my brother's house til Christmas Eve but with them in New York we got them a little early which has been awesome. There's been lots of cooking, baking, buying, family time, friend time, but most of all Jesus time. I was determined my gift to Him this Christmas was making sure we had that time together every day even in the hustle and bustle. I was determined He would not get crowded out and I am much better for that.
There's also been plenty of sadness this month. Six of our church family members have had to deal with loss of loved ones, some unexpected, others not. Doesn't really matter though, it still hurts. A family friend of ours lost 2 of their family members within days of each other. They both lost their fathers...unfathomable heartache, can't even pretend to relate. I know it's hard at any time but the Christmas season just seems like it would be the hardest, I don't know. I just know that my prayer for them is much comfort and renewed faith.
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, can't wait. My kids, even at their ages, still go with their Dad to prepare the candles for the candlelight service at church. I love that service. It's not only beautiful but very sacred. It always impacts me in such a huge way, don't know what I would do without it.
With a daughter engaged I've done a lot of "this is the last time for this", "the last time for that"...very very wierd feeling. It will no longer be the very same for our family but I know it will be good, just different. Remember me talking about getting used to change, yep I'm trying. It did feel like I was sending one of my own away today when Michael left so I guess that's a good sign. I just love that God created us for relationship and even at times when I've wanted to shut down so there would be no more hurt, I just can't. He created us to be in relationship with people. And as I was telling someone the other day, instead of dwelling on the "lasts" and the change taking place, I'm going to choose joy because I know that God is a great and mighty God and He is going to do great and mighty things in our midst.
Praying a very blessed Christmas for all. Keep the main thing the main thing, His name is Jesus...God with us. Praise Him!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Monday Morning Perspective
Most of you who have known me even for a little while know how much I love this season. Like Eddie said, we love the decorations (I can be as over-the-top, cheesy as anyone), we love the presents, the food, the shopping (or at least I do, not so much Eddie), just all of it. But he is so right when he said that the real thrill is Jesus. He's the gift that never wears out, tarnishes, goes out of date. He never gets old, His mercies are new EVERY morning. He really is the thrill not only at Christmas but ALL year long.
I love how Eddie closed us out with talking about how the wise men were warned not to go home the same way. When we have truly met with Jesus, we won't go our same way either. As new believers, we experience a new life, the old has passed and the new has come. As "old" believers we have the joy of gaining a new perspective, a new attitude, a new way of thinking. I think I need that just about every day. I love that the Lord loves us just the way we are but He loves us too much to let us stay that way. I am so thankful that He is always working on me, chiseling away the stuff that doesn't need to be there whether that be habits, toxic relationships, wrong attitudes, things that can cause others to stumble. My prayer is that I will come to Him each morning, and after spending time with Him revealing Himself, will be changed, that I will go throughout my day "a different way" because of Him.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Goodness Abounds
Not too much going on today but at the same time a lot going on. My heart is full to overflowing this morning. I am so grateful of all the ways God has worked in my life and the life of my family. He has been so busy with all of us and most of it I am ashamed to say I don't recognize til I force myself to sit down and be still and quiet and start reflecting. He has been so good to us. I read a blog the other day that talked about how we shouldn't be the kind of person who looks at all the good God has done and think "oh no something bad has to happen soon because there's been to much good". I must admit I am like that at times. It's just hard to fathom so much good when you feel so undeserving but I am determined to just reflect on His goodness and be thankful.
I know that the days ahead are sure to be busy and things are always changing. I'm not one that just thrives on change, I love tradition, but I have learned to embrace change because when I trust God change never seems to be as bad as I thought it would be. It keeps life exciting. With change comes new opportunities, new relationships. I also know that when we give things and people to God He always gives back in a much more special way. Most of it is about trust and not dragging my feet as I go, just let go and let God.
I know this seems like a lot about nothing, mostly rambling. As things clear up maybe my communication will clear up a bit. Just felt the need to release a little of what's been held in but mostly just grateful to see God's hand all over the place recently. Praise Him for that because without that I don't believe I could keep taking the steps forward that need to be taken and with a joyful heart. Have a blessed Saturday and stay warm.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Monday Morning Perspective
I guess my favorite part was when Eddie pointed out how crucial the virgin birth is in our theology. That's a truth worth fighting for. It has everything to do with Jesus being the God-Man that He claimed to be. And I love how it was pointed out that "the name makes all the difference". There is no other name by which we may be saved...AMEN.
By the way, didn't the worship center look absolutely beautiful. It took my breath away especially when the lights were dim and the trees were lit and that huge beautiful tree in the baptistry...WOW! Loved, loved, loved the white poinsettias. Thank you to our decorators, never seen the sanctuary look so beautiful!
Music was incredible as well. I just love the way the Christmas songs were arranged. Missed 9:00 but 11:11 was awesome, way to go worship band!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
My Kind of Day
Monday, December 7, 2009
Monday Morning Perspective
Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday Morning Perspective
We kicked off a Christmas series yesterday and it was great. I've heard so many good comments about it already. I always said my hubby could read names in a phone book and make it interesting and he did a great job with a passage of "begats".
I loved how he started out making us realize that behind every one of those names is a real person, a life, a story. And I love the importance the Jewish people placed on names. I remember even my parents always talking about how important your name is, that your name represents your family and heritage. I love that.
I think my favorite part of the sermon was when Eddie pointed out that the people in the list had nothing to offer. That's the way it is with us as well. We have nothing God needs but He adopted us into His family and allows us the priviledge of knowing Him. I don't know about you but the older I get the more I care less about what He gives me and what He can do for me. I just want to know Him, to be in an intimate relationship with Him every day so that I can hear His voice and see Him work. Seth Oprea spoke to the youth last night and one of the things he said that stuck with me is that maybe we are not witnessing amazing things that God is doing because we are not being obedient to Him and submitting to His Lordship. I want to witness every amazing thing that God will allow me to. I want to be a pure vessel through which He can move and work.
I pray that this series we are doing will have a huge impact on our Christmas season, that we may keep focused on the true meaning and all we have in Christ because He was willing to leave all in glory and come to earth for us.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
We spent Thanksgiving Day with my parents and my brother's family along with a friend of my nephew and Chrissie's boyfriend who flew in that day. I spent a lot of time that day just thinking of how blessed I am that I am rich in relationships. I would trade all the "stuff" I have for the people God has put in my life. I thought as we stood together to pray before we ate that I love these people in this room so much but I also like all of them. We are all far from perfect and I'm sure before the night was over I said something wrong or rubbed someone the wrong way. We don't always agree but thank God we don't fight either. But we really do like each other. They are my family but they are also my friends. Vickie said in sunday school this morning that we don't get to choose our family like we get to choose our friends. It is very nice when your family can be your friends as well.
We also spent some time Christmas shopping a bit. I try to help my mom get hers done while I'm home so she doesn't have to do it by herself so we got that accomplished. And of course the weekend ended great with my Gamecocks getting a big win over Clemson, of which I'm also thankful for.
Well my stomach hurts still not only because of all the food I ate but also from all the laughing I did. It was a fabulous thanksgiving and I hope yours was as well.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The ABC's of Thanksgiving
One thing I do like to do around this time is to list things I am thankful for according to abc order. It's just a way of putting it on paper. Some things never change and there's always new things to add. But it never ceases to amaze me when I write it down, just how many blessings God has granted and how good He is whether we deserve it or not. May we never take even the least things for granted. A very happy thanksgiving to you all.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday Morning Perspective
Saturday, November 21, 2009
It's Saturday!!
Well, there's an unwanted visitor in my daughter's room, a lizard. The only 2 people in the house who will deal with this are not here. Eddie's enroute from Mexico and Stephen is where else, Gold's Gym. So...we are just going to sit and watch it til Stephen gets home. Yes, John is here but he's as much help as me and the girls.
Anyway, got to spend yesterday with my girls doing some Christmas shopping. When you don't have them with you all the time to do that you learn to treasure those times as I'm sure many of you know. I've definitely learned not to take even the smallest quickest trip to Target for granted if I can do it with my kids. We grabbed some lunch, bought some gifts, made a run through the Starbucks drive through and had lots of conversation. A friend said to me the other night that one of the things about your kids driving on their own is it cuts out a lot of good conversation time. So true! It's convenient for them to be able to drive but as busy as we are and you have to drive them everywhere they are kinda trapped in your car. I have had some of the best conversations with my kids in the car as we go. Lots of them are deep thought provoking or challenging or counseling type conversations and many are just fun what's going on what kinda day has it been talks. I love all of them and I miss them not happening as often for sure.
Almost forgot the awesome concert Thursday night we went to with David Crowder. He puts on a great show but it is also a tremendous worship experience. Chrissie got to come home that day with no class this Friday so we all got to go minus Eddie of course. I get to have her home til Monday (no class that day) then she's taking Jessica back with her. We are meeting them in Spartanburg for a long family Thanksgiving weekend starting Tuesday night. Chrissie's boyfriend is flying in on Thursday to join us so should be a great time but more on Thanksgiving later. Have a super blessed Saturday and pray everyone's Sunday is a day of worship!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
18? Are you kidding me?
Stephen, you are the biggest thrill ride God has ever given me. There were days I wondered if I would survive you, if you would survive me, or if either of us would survive! You have given me more belly laughs and more gray hair all at the same time. We named you well when we named you Stephen. Stephen of the Bible was full of grace and at the same time full of boldness and you are so like that. You have more compassion than I could ever muster and at the same time competitive and aggressive down to the very marrow. What God has and can do with you if you remain sold out for Him. Noone could ever accuse you of giving less than 100% in all you do (except occassionally with schoolwork). You are the hardest worker and most energetic kid I have ever known. You do everything at 100mph. I stand amazed most of the time. I love you more than you can imagine and am equally proud of you. Enjoy your special day, you deserve it all.
By the way, I hope your roomies understand when I come into your dorm next year on your birthday and wake you up singing happy birthday. I'm sure they will understand. Love you Bubba!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday Morning Perspective
Please pray for our group in Mexico. I am praying that God would show off continually this week as they not only meet some physical needs of the people there but also spiritual needs. Pray that the messages Eddie preaches will be clear and Jesus would shine forth as the only hope we have, the Savior of the world. Pray that the people there would feel the love that can only come from Christ in the hearts of our people there. As our people leave, may they leave Christ with many who will come to know Him this week for He will never leave us or forsake us. May God get MUCH glory and honor this week. May He alone receive praise and honor as we know He is the only one worthy. Thank you to those willing to go and share.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Random Stuff Again
Eddie's been at the convention all week in Columbia. He leaves for Mexico on Saturday for a mission trip so really feeling like we need to play catch-up and then get-ahead. Hopefully tomorrow I can get penciled in on a very busy man's schedule. That's a hint honey if you are reading this.
Chrissie's sick with a cold. No matter how old they get you still want to be the one getting them some meds, ginger ale and making chicken soup. Hope you feel better sweet girl. She has so much school work to get done before Thanksgiving so it's a terrible time to feel bad. Would love prayers going up for her!
Jessica has been my workout buddy lately. It's so nice to have her to hang with during the morning, ok well late morning hours, before she heads off to work.
Stephen started his final time of conditioning with the South Aiken baseball team this week. He's a senior. So hard to believe this will be his final season. He's played since 7th grade with them and it feels like only a few years. Gonna miss that boy next year.
John had his 1st showcase this past weekend for baseball. He got the award for best change-up (that's a pitch just in case you are not a baseball fan). He threw 82 which is awesome for a sophomore. So proud of him. He's playing school basketball as well so he is tremendously busy right now, but hard work always pays off.
Me? Well, trying to finish my Christmas decorating and have GOT to start my shopping. I have a feeling that this is going to be a holiday season like no other. It's always busy but it seems like so much is getting put on the family calendar. Praying hard that we keep Christ at the center of all of it. Do not want to "miss Christmas" for anything. So excited about Thanksgiving. I have really missed seeing my brother and his family lately, can't wait to catch up with them. The older I get the more those things matter more than presents and "stuff". Just longing for a lot of family time and connection right now. Hope you all have a blessed rest of the week.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Monday Morning Perspective
I loved our message on Gideon. I could relate so well to all of it. I have been the coward, the careless and the committed at many times throughout my life. How I long to stay in the committed group but still so often fall into one of the other two. I thought about how many times I feel so strong and yet when the pressure is on I crumble. I know I have to stay in His Word and on my knees to remain prepared for the battles that are always waiting to be raged against me and boy do they seem to come from every direction and hurts the most when they are raged from people and places we would least expect.
My favorite part was when Eddie talked about the Ephraimites and I thought about how I would never want to be one. He mentioned how selfish Ephraimites are, always concerned with how they are treated. They don't care how they treat others. I've heard so many people lately talk about how so-and-so didn't speak to them or so-and-so didn't invite them. I just want to scream "GET OVER IT, WHO CARES!". I also want to ask them how many people they snub or how many times they leave people out of things. We need to grow up and yes that includes me as well. God forgive us all for our complaining and our mean-spiritedness. Being reminded that God took note of it and He did deal with it should be a warning for all of us. Thank God for His mercy, may we echo that mercy towards others.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
It's beginning to look a lot like...Christmas?!
The Perfect Game-The Perfect Trip Part 2
Stephen's game to pitch was Sunday at 12:40. We had to win to win our pool and go into the next round of games which could lead to the championship. Word of warning, I'm going to put my mom hat on and brag so if you can't stomach that turn this off now.We allow no bragging on self around here but a mom always has license to brag on her own.
Stephen rocked. I have no idea how you perform under the pressure of so many people and scouts watching you and pitch a need-to-win game but somehow he seems to rise to that occassion.Trust me, I take NO credit for that. I would have told the coach I was sick (which probably would have been true) but I could never have stood up to that pressure now or at his age. He gave up 1 hit, there was 1 error and we won. It was awesome. I told him he should hug the neck of his infield because they made every play, only 2 fly balls to the outfield which they made, and an incredible pitching performance. Of course Stephen says it's easy to pitch with that kind of defense behind you. He knew if he got them to hit ground balls the play would be made, he was right. I'm so proud of him for being able to perform under pressure. I think it's true in our Christian walk as well. Sometimes it's easy to do the right things at church or when we are with Christian friends or we are living in our parents house and they are always watching us, but what about when the pressure's on? What about when noone's watching? What about when we are around others making wrong choices? Do we still perform? Do we still do what's right? Eddie and I tried to raise our children where of course there was a fear of the consequences we would inflict upon them for wrong choices but it has to go further than that. We knew that the fear of us would only last so long. They would spend time away from us and eventually live away from us. We wanted them to be able to perform under pressure when the only thing was do what's right because it's right. God is always watching and we always want Him to be happy with our performance.
Anyway, we went into the single elimination round, played 2 more games that day winning both of them. We played Monday in the semi-finals and lost that one. We were within 1 game of getting to the championship but it was a great run. Out of 85 teams we came in 3rd so that's pretty good.
I am also proud of those guys on the team whom Stephen said were very welcoming to him as the new kid. They all introduced themselves to him before the 1st night was over and treated him like one of the guys. No wonder they play so well together, they are a team in every sense of the word. That's also a word for our churches, but that's another post.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Monday Morning Perspective
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The Perfect Game-The Perfect Trip
We arrived in Jupiter on Thursday afternoon for Stephen to meet with the Diamond Devils for workouts and dinner. He stayed with them because that's what they do when they travel. I was a little nervous since he wouldn't know anyone but he said the coaches and players were great at introducing themselves and treating him like one of their own. We enjoyed a great dinner at The Yard House thanks to Chrissie's boyfriend Michael Hux leading us around. He lives in West Palm Beach so we got to spend some time with him.
Friday was a full day. Thankfully it didn't start early and it was a gorgeous 87 degrees with a breeze through those palm trees. As soon as we walked through the gate I knew it was going to be something like we had never experienced. They played the games at the St. Louis Cardinals and Florida spring training facility. Fields were manicured, people everywhere. DD played at 12:30, won that game, then turned around and played at 3:00 and won that one too. This team can play!! It was like watching a college team play. They played together as a team, cheered for each other, no errors, outstanding pitching. You could tell they were well coached and they came to play. There was no fooling around, it was all business but loads of fun. I guess winning usually is fun though.
Saturday started early, 10am game. The deal was if they won, they got a free afternoon with family. Lose and it was practice. Praise God they won so we got Stephen til 10 that night. We grabbed some lunch at The Thirsty Turtle and watched college football on their tvs then headed for the beach. The water was so blue and gorgeous, it was breezy and warm, awesome afternoon. We spent dinner at Duffy's Sports Bar and Grille surrounded by about 50 tvs and 5 different college football games, great fun. We got Stephen back by 10 and turned him back over to the team. He would be the starter for Sunday's game at 12:30 so he needed a good night's sleep. Continue this tomorrow.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday Morning Perspective
The message from IPeter was great as always. I loved how Eddie started the message mentioning the fact that we as Christians walk to a different tune and we don't journey through life as tourists. I think so many times we fail to get involved in things because we know that we are just passing through this world but God put us here for a purpose and we need to be making a difference. My favorite part was on our adversary. Eddie mentioned how we need to be alert and Spirit-controlled. Sometimes we need to flee and resist the devil and sometimes God calls us to arm ourselves and stand firm and fight. We are not called to fight as the world does and do battle in our own strength but we are to put on the armour of God and fight in His strength. We overcome by prayer and the Word. The reminder that we as Christians are on the same team and we need to have each other's backs was a great reminder. So often we spend our time fighting with each other and competing with each other and that puts the focus where Satan wants it. We are on the same team and should be working together to win these battles against Satan instead of fighting with one another over trivial little things that are nothing more than petty distractions. Have a blessed Monday.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Pastor Appreciation
October is Pastor Appreciation month so I want to do a shout out to my favorite pastor ever. Top Ten Reasons I love my pastor:
10) He's awfully good to look at.
9) He's great at the balancing act of ministry/family time.
8) He feeds the sheep EVERY week. He never enters the pulpit unprepared.
7) He is totally passionate about ministry.
6) He loves God's Word.
5) He never seems to give up on people.
4) He's a fabulous Dad.
3) He's a much better leader than he gives himself credit for.
2) He surrounds himself with great people and is always willing to listen and
learn from them. He checks the ego at the door for the good of the kingdom.
1) The number one reason I love my pastor is he is my special gift from God and
I never tire of hanging with him or hearing him preach God's Word.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Monday Morning Perspective
Several points that struck a chord with me:
1) Don't choose a church based on programs, worship style or other "things". Choose a church home based on whether or not the Word of God is proclaimed. So many choose a church based on what the church can do for them or what they enjoy but the message is the main thing. We should be able to worship God with a variety of music styles but if the Word is not taught or only referred to we will never grow up in the faith.
2) A pastor should guard the sheep. I am so glad that Eddie is jealous for us in that he does not allow just anyone to come before us and preach. He makes sure they are biblically sound and preach in line with God's Holy Word. I must say I am the same way when it comes to our women's ministry whether someone is speaking or leading one of our studies or we are studying under a bible teacher. We cannot afford to be too careful when we sit under someone handling God's Word.
3) Be willing to lead. I am so glad that Eddie still gets excited about ministry. He has such a passion for what he does. It's hard to believe that any minister couldn't get excited about working for God but there are plenty of them. We are very blessed.
Great message Hon.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
In love with Self
I saw this weekend where a college coach has banned twitter for his players. Now as a coach I believe he has the right to do that. If you are going to be on his team he sets the rules, if you don't like it go to another team. He commented that he thinks it's just over the top that people think others are so interested in them and what they're doing (agree) and he doesn't want any tweeting about football and his team. The NBA I understand did that as well because players were doing it on the bench...unbelieveable. Get your mind on the game, be a player.
I think the college football coach has a point. We are a self-absorbed culture anyway. For the most part we really do believe that everyone cares what we're doing and where we're going. I think we have bought into the idea that the world would stop if we were not in it. Have to say I am kinda tired of being around those who think this is their world and we are just all a little speck in it. I've been around enough snotty ones to last me forever. I know that a lot of us are quiet by nature and not so outgoing and so our being reserved is seen by many as being snobby. I always try to look more at how people carry themselves more than by how much they say because I like those who have discipline with using their tongue so much. I don't sit and judge people by how they look but so often you can tell by the way someone "enters a room" whether they think "ok everything can start now, I'm here". UGH. I'm tired of people tooting their own horn about "all I do" translated "this or that could not go on if it weren't for me" or people boasting about their gifts or athletic ability or even boasting about how friendly they are compared to others. OH MY, sometimes I think we've reached an all time low. God's Word says if we are going to boast, boast in the Lord Jesus. He alone is the only one worthy of boasting about and the only one we should truly be interested in what He is doing and what He is up to. Noone else's stuff really makes any difference.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Renew our mind
Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday Morning Perspective
Eddie had a great sermon yesterday as we continued this journey on suffering. He pointed out that this life is a marathon and a battlefield. If we remember that, it keeps things in perspective. It went along so well with the study I am doing right now on the battles we face and our attitude when we're in the midst of them. I like how he pointed out that when we are going through suffering that it can be a gift as God chips away the things in our life that are holding us back or keeping us down. The chipping process can be painful at times but we just have to keep our hearts focused on the reward that is set before us. It may be circumstances or habits or even people that He is busy at work chipping away from us so that we can better focus on Him. I thought a lot about whether I am someone God can trust. I'm not sure that I am. I want to be but in my flesh I don't want to have to endure the things that may prove my trustworthiness. It's kinda like we want to share in His glory but not the fellowship of His sufferings, the Bible calls us to both. My prayer each day is that I would be found faithful not because of me but because of who He is in my life. I love Him so and my heart's desire is that His purpose for my life would be my true heart's desire. Eyes on Him, focus off of myself.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Following His Call
Thursday, September 24, 2009
He's rattling my cage again...Part 2
We also discussed in bible study about "God talk". Beth pointed out how there are a lot of people who can do the "God talk" as well as anyone but when you look at their life there is no power, no victory. There just seems to be many of us who want power but it's the wrong kind of power. We want power over circumstances and other people. We want to control things in our churches and we have a desire for power and status. In Matthew 23 Jesus made strong accusations against those who hunger for power, money, status. It makes us lose sight of God and spreads quickly to others. Eddie mentioned not long ago in a sermon about how Satan tries to counterfeit everything God does and he can make it look very real. I think one of the most important things God has been showing me is that people, even those in our churches, can be counterfeits. They talk the "God talk" but all they really are interested in is having man power and feeling important and wanting their way. We need to be very careful because I believe as we get closer to the end times it will be harder and harder to tell the difference.
He has also changed up my schedule a bit lately, not a bad thing. It has allowed me to spend much more time with Him and become a little more focused and has definitely cleared up my hearing. Two things He has pointed out: 1) I have GOT to be more serious in my spiritual walk with Him and 2) I have GOT to be more serious in my physical workouts. So...I have entered into training. I have taken my time with Him to a new level---more prayer time, which I had slacked off in, and more time in the Word, and that means more than just reading a passage and moving on like I had done my time for the day. The prayer conference convicted me of a need for taking cleansing more seriously and repentance. He has also brought me a study that I am working through about the battles we face and the need to stand firm and fight (not the way the world fights). I am also doing a minimum of 4 days a week in the gym. This is definitely my bigger challenge because I can find every excuse in the world not to do it but I AM DETERMINED! I need to get back to the disciplines of the faith and some discipline in regard to my health.
When people rattle my cage, it's annoying and aggravating, but when Jesus does it it's not so bad. He's full of grace and mercy. I'm still learning that it is always best to let Him set our priorities and order our steps. I'm really enjoying what He's doing with mine lately. Hopefully I won't get in His way.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
He's rattling my cage again...Part 1
You know I have never heard God speak in an audible voice, many times it's much louder than that. I don't know how it is in your life but it seems like when I start dealing with something that everywhere I turn He puts it before me whether in a sermon, bible study, a good friend sharing with me, overhearing word on the street, however. I think that's because I'm thick-headed and He knows He just has to keep beating me over the head and then sometimes just jerk the rug out from under my feet and scream, "Now will you listen to me?". The last few weeks I've been cowering saying, "Ok Lord, you don't have to scream it anymore. You have my undivided attention." Do you ever get there? Maybe I get so busy that it affects my hearing but trust me I have been listening up lately and it has been sweet. Just left wondering why it takes me so long to get it.
It usually starts with discouragement or aggravation, something of that nature. This time it happened to be discouragement. Once again I was faced with the fact that everyone or everything is not always how it seems or wants to seem. That some people have motivation for doing things even calling it ministry that at the bottom line is nothing more than selfishness or a desire for self glory. That scares me a bit because I know God shares His glory with noone and I have seen the discipline on lives that try to get something that belongs to God alone. Well, that has been one lesson that I've had to learn yet again.
Then just when you need it God brings encouragement. I met with the college girls Monday night for their bible study. As I watched these young women turn through the Word and soak up the teaching that was coming from a Beth Moore study, I could've cried. I've always thought if they catch that hunger for God's Word early it will carry them through their life. I have seen some of them catch it and there's nothing more exciting. The message was on friendship, I think I needed it more than them. Beth shared how there's a huge difference between true friends and associates and how true friends can probably be counted on one hand and maybe our wrist. How true is that. One of the girls said she thought about all her facebook "friends". Maybe they should be called facebook "associates". It's funny how we talk to those people like we really know them and most of them we really don't. It's also amazing to me how we will talk on the computer but we see them face to face and we act like we've never met. Facebook is a great thing and I use it myself but I have to make myself keep some perspective. I hate that it seems to have cut out our face to face conversation skills. We will text or email stuff that we would never say in person. It also can move from being fun to trying to get a point across to someone that usually doesn't even realize we're talking to them or we're not talking to them but some assume we are. It's truly crazy at times. Anyway, the message on true friendship and what that means was awesome and I love to see these girls prioritizing bible study when I know how very busy they are.
On the heels of that I read a fellow pastor's wife's blog and she was talking about the people we surround ourselves with. She said that strength is found in shared passions and similar commitments. She said do not be fooled into thinking that you are strong because there's a lot of people around you. Do an assessment of who you can count on. She said it is better to have 2 people with her with like minds, commitments, and passions than 200 who can't support her purpose for being here. I thought that was great insight and I needed to hear that.
I know it's already long so I'll stop and do the rest (hopefully) tomorrow. Blessings.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Gifts and Talents
Another baseball weekend ahead for us. At least this time it's not 4 hours away only 2 1/2. I think this weekend will be special for many reasons even though it's about baseball nothing is ever "just about baseball". Last weekend God showed us some ugly sides of people being all about themselves in the world of sports and that led beautifully into this week with Stephen sharing on serving others. Believe it or not everyone isn't about their team or their teammates and most certainly not about God being any part of that atmosphere. God's great at taking the ugly stuff of life and teaching us what life is supposed to be about. I hate the ugly stuff but they sometimes make for better teaching opportunities with my kids than just the good, fun stuff. He is so good and so faithful. I can't wait to see what He shows us this weekend.
Monday, September 14, 2009
He Never Lets Go
I guess what this is all about is realizing how important relationships are in my life. I've always believed that God doesn't put anyone in our life without a purpose. The older I get the more I realize too what a waste of time being petty is. Life is so much bigger than the petty little selfish things we try to make such a big deal about. There are enough hurricanes without worrying about the rain showers. I want to invest my time in solid relationships and gaining more Godly wisdom. Lord knows I need both.
Lyrics from You Never Let Go...enjoy:
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death Your perfect love is casting out fear. And even when I'm caught in the middle of the storms of this life, I won't turn back I know You are near. And I will fear no evil, for my God is with me. And if my God is with me, whom then shall I fear, whom then shall I fear. Oh no You never let go through the calm and through the storm. Oh no You never let go every high and every low. Oh no You never let go Lord you never let go of me.
And I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on. A glorious light beyond all compare. And there will be an end to these troubles but until that day comes we'll live to know You here on the earth. And I will fear no evil. For my God is with me. And if my God is with me. Whom then shall I fear? Whom then shall I fear? Oh no You never let go through the calm and through the storm. Oh no You never let go every high and every low. Oh no You never let go Lord you never let go of me.
You keep on lovin and You never let go.
Yes I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on. And there will be an end to these troubles but until that day comes. Still I will praise You. Still I will praise You.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Random Stuff
We spent yesterday at Spartanburg Methodist College with Stephen. It was a college day for him and our second visit there to talk with the baseball coaches who want him to come there and play for them. That coaching staff has to be 2nd to none. They are all so personable with substance. They show forth strong character and a tremendous reputation for what they do. We had a great visit with them but still remains to be seen if that will be the school of Stephen's choosing. He has some other options and it has been months of praying and seeking God's very best. We're just really trusting that God will continue to guide and we will be faithful to follow. It was an extra treat to get to spend time with my mom and dad. They live about 2 miles (my dad has measured) from SMC. They do such a great job praying for Stephen but not making him feel like he has to go there for them. Also got to see my sweet girl Chrissie. She's about an hour away at Anderson University so she drove over to hang out and of course have dinner. I could be spending a lot of time on the road this next year if 2 of my 4 land in the upstate. Good thing it's one of my favorite places.
We head to North Georgia tomorrow for a weekend baseball tournament. Stephen and John are playing but on different teams which means for Saturday and Sunday I will GET to see 6 baseball games. Oh yeah, I said 6. So glad I learned to love baseball a long time ago. God knew I would be spending a lot of time around the diamond.
The only negative about being in N. Ga. is that I will miss a very exciting time at our church Sunday. Our new minister of music/worship begins his ministry with us Sunday. I love him and his family already. I know you will too if you have just 2 minutes around them. They have such a heart for God and a passion for ministry that you don't always find even among ministers. Millbrook is truly blessed and so are the Leopards for being able to serve alongside of them. Needless to say there will be no monday morning perspective since I won't be there but I do know you are in for a blessing so don't miss it.
One more thing before signing off...sooo excited about the bible studies through our women's ministry this fall. We have 81, yes 81, signed up for our Thursday Beth Moore study. Can you believe that! God is doing such a work. I don't have numbers for Disciplers on Wednesday morning for our women and children's study but I can't wait to hear because it is always an incredible group. We are also starting back with a study for our college age girls. Last time we combined them with our 20somethings but this time it is just for them. They will be meeting on Monday nights so pray for that group as they dive into God's Word together. Having said that just let me say a word to you regarding our studies. I always tell our women that bible study is not just for knowledge sake. It is meant to allow God to teach us and work in us and through us. See, we can know all that the bible says and not intimately know the God of the Word. The goal is to KNOW HIM not ABOUT HIM. The goal of our studies is always to see God change lives through the scripture. It's not about a program. It's about His living, active Word transforming lives. So whether you are new to bible study or been studying for many years, there's always something new to be learned. You see He is a God who is always the same yet forever revealing Himself in new ways. If you haven't signed up yet jump on in, we'd love to have you. That's where the best of friends can be made.
Ok, that's it. Hope it's random enough for you. So many different things going on. Reminder to pray for not only the church you attend but how about other churches. Eddie has always said that if they are lifting up Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, crucified, buried, resurrected and coming again, pray God's blessings on them. The Church needs prayer. We need to tap into the power source and be a mighty force together no matter where we choose to worship on Sunday. BE THE CHURCH!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Monday Morning Perspective
I'm reading a great book right now by Bill Hybells called Just walk across the room. DO NOT READ THIS unless you are ready to get convicted. It is slapping me all over the place. One of the things he talks about is that if we truly believe in this God we say we do then why aren't we sharing him with others. It all boils down to "do we really believe Him".
Well it is Labor Day and we are definitely not laboring at our house. It has been a lazy, enjoy the fam kind of day. The only thing missing is my eldest but according to all sources she has had an incredible weekend herself. Our last major "summer" cookout is on the horizon so I better get my stuff together. Hate to think of summer ending but the positive for the fall is football, gotta love it. Have a blessed day. Love to you all.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
25 years and counting
It's so hard to believe it's been 25 years. Time really does fly. I have to admit that marrying Eddie is the best decision I ever made after accepting Christ as my Savior. It's amazing when I think of how God brought us together. It's just something that never should have happened. Our meeting came totally out of nowhere and by all human standards would never have happened and certainly never should have ended this way. Like I've said before neither one of us is perfect but I like to think we are perfect for each other. We kinda balance each other out, smooth out each others rough edges. I think one of the main things for me is that he truly is my friend. We established a friendship long before we tried dating and really like each other. Like is an important factor in marriage. Sometimes the like takes you places you need to go when love gets difficult. We're in that place right now where we are seeing our kids become less dependent and empty nest is around the corner. Neither of us is excited about that because our favorite times have always been "just the 6 of us" times. Stephen labeled that when he was very little and would say "I just want it to be the 6 of us". I just love that. Family, all 6 of us, has always been the most important part of our life, the most fun part of our life, and the most exhausting part of our life. But as that empty nest looms closer, it is nice to know that we do still like each other. I'd rather be with him, talk to him, be quiet with him, just hang with him, raise kids with him, worship with him, more than anyone I know. I love him, adore him, am in awe of him, respect him, treasure him, and LIKE him. It is true that God can do amazingly more than we could ever hope or imagine because He has. At 19 when I said "I will" I never imagined how it would be. The hard times really have been bearable with him by my side and the good times have been extraordinary with him. Trust me on this...we owe it ALL to our Lord. The two of us could never have done this marriage thing alone. We would've given up a long time ago. There's too many opportunities to be selfish or insecure or stubborn. God has done a lot of chipping away at our attitudes and natures and He's still chipping but His grace in our lives has been overwhelming. When Bill sang a few weeks ago "were it not for grace, I could tell you where I'd be", wow, I know where I would be and it's not where I want to be. Covered in His grace and my marrage covered in His grace is the only safe zone for me.
Happy 25th anniversary honey, I love you more than you'll ever know.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Monday Morning Perspective
Yesterday we continued the series on suffering. It was awesome. Eddie preached with boldness and heart. It was truly convicting to think about the things I have withheld from His Lordship and the times I have acted as though I have a Savior but I make myself Lord. It's not my heart's desire to do that but so many times I act as though it is. It has to be our daily almost hourly focus to surrender lordship to Christ. It's not about our making Him Lord because He Is Lord but our acknowledgement of that and surrendering to it.
So today is day one of our time away for our 25th anniversary. The church gave us a trip but we still have to plan that one. Eddie had already planned this one to Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge since this is one of the places we honeymooned. We drove up last night to this cabin that some friends are letting us enjoy. It was dark and we couldn't tell much about the area last night but this morning in the light it was all beautiful. It sits on this mountain with a glorious view. I thought about the fact that so many times we wander around in the dark not realizing how beautiful things around us are until we let the true light of Christ shine and we refuse to live in the darkness any more. Oh well, no more preachy. Just suffice it to say that we are in adorable cabin with a spectacular view and I am with my man whom I love more all the time (more tomorrow on our actual anniversary date).
We started the day at the Apple Barn for lunch, delicious!! We drove down to Gatlinburg and walked around the village, gotta love that place. Ended up at some outlet stores and now talking about what's for dinner, probably a great place called Old Mill (I think). Can't wait for tomorrow, our 25th wedding anniversary. What a great place I'm in at this point in my life both physically (mountain cabin) and relationally with my hubby. Love you all. Have a blessed day.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Birthday Boy
50 remembrances, reasons I love you, things about get the picture:
1. stayed with me 1/2 your life
2. you're gorgeous
3. your eyes still make me melt
4. you haven't lost your hair
5. you're my spiritual leader
6. you put up with my moods
7. you don't yell at me, much
8. you drive me nuts when I drive you in the car
9. you let me stay home and raise my kids, forever grateful
10. you are 5 decades young
11. still hot
12. wouldn't want anyone else for my pastor
13. I get to sleep with my pastor LOL
14. you listen or at least act like it when I give my opinion(s)
15. remember when I held the football (for hours) while you practiced kicking it
16. you never kicked my hand or arm or fingers
17. you are my favorite preacher
18. you always looked good in a baseball or football uniform would still look good
20. you eat my cooking and don't complain
21. you take us out and don't complain
22. you are neater than you used to be
23. you kept your promise to do all the yard work
24. remember Yesterdays?
25. I fell in love with your laugh, still am
26. life is fun with you
27. you are a great Dad
28. an awesome husband
29. you are lots of fun on vacation
30. remember our 1st cruise?
31. remember all the cruises?
32.remember the prom?
33. remember our first church, oh my.
34. you're a good driver, but I'm better
35. loved watching you play ball
36. love watching your kids play
37. I remember being glared at by your exes and their family
38. I remember your exes being everywhere
39. life has been a blast with you
40. Garden City will always be my favorite place with you
41. and Gatlinburg
42. you love Jesus
43. we led our kids to Jesus together
44. you are my partner in every way
45. you let me move furniture around, alone
46. you are the best decision I made after deciding to follow Christ
47. your parents have every reason to be proud
48. you have made your testimony work for you
49. you took the sports platform and gave it to Christ
50. you are the love of my life now and forever
Monday, August 24, 2009
Monday Morning Perspective
Last week I didn't blog because it would just be depressing. See the first week of school is the most depressing time of my whole year other than when they go back after the holidays. We moved Chrissie back to Anderson last weekend came home Sunday night and the others started school on Monday. My mood was gloomy and I knew everything I would write would be gloomy so I just decided to spare you all and keep all the gloom to myself. But then then the weekend came...God is soooo good. What a weekend.
We had the entire staff including staff wives and staff kids over for a cookout and swim on Saturday. We had our new minister of music (yay) and his family over so everyone could just enjoy themselves and get to know one another. I had the best time!!! God has blessed way more than we deserve. Then Sunday...what an awesome service. Did not plan on it being a squaller, really needed fresh makeup. Bill Howard (new min of music) shared his testimony and sang and the Holy Spirit just had His way. It was overwhelming. Millbrook is in for such a treat as this family comes to join us. I don't know if you have ever met anyone and felt like you had known them forever but that's how Eddie and I felt the first time we sat down to share with them. I know it's just God's Spirit in them recognizing God's Spirit in us, just a God thing. They have 4 of the finest kids we've ever been around, true evidence of godly raising. I'm so excited I feel like I'm going to bust out of my skin. They are the real deal, genuine if I've ever met genuine. Love them all to death.
As for the sermon, WOW!! I needed that so much. Eddie preached on sharing our faith. I've heard a lot of sermons on that lately, God knows I must really need it. He talked about sharing OUR faith and not letting the fear of not having all the answers deter us. I'm so glad he pointed out the importance of living it out and not just talking a good game. Our words mean nothing if our lifestyle cannot back it up. I loved the illustration of the closer in baseball coming in to save the game and blowing it. I have my own blown saves as God has given me opportunities to share and for many different reasons I haven't done it. So glad I serve a God who redeems and sustains, forgives and continues to give us more opportunities. He is definitely a risk taking God when He entrusts things to me. I am so grateful and owe Him more than I could ever repay, praise Him that I don't have to.
THEN... Sunday night came. The deacons and church gave Eddie a 50th birthday party. They presented us with a trip of our choosing since it's also our 25th anniversary soon. Eddie has been with me half of his life, oh my. We had so much fun. What a gracious church family we have. Thank you so much Millbrook for such a special time and for all of the gifts bestowed on Eddie for his birthday. He's most deserving in my opinion. As Harry Harmon talked about our time here and how our children have grown up here, I was just undone. I thought what a blessing it really is to raise my kids for so long with the same church family who has prayed over them and loved them and watched them grow. His compliments to Eddie for spending time with them and not allowing ministry to interfere with his calling as a Dad were right on the head. Thank you again Millbrook for seeing that as his first calling and always encouraging that family time. Our kids are who they are in part because you have been church to them and they have grown up loving the church instead of feeling like they had to compete with it for their Dad like so many do. You truly are our family and we love you.
Ok, that has to be it for now. I know you are tired of reading and I have to save some for later. God's blessings to you and remember to take those opportunities God gives us to share OUR faith.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Happy Birthday, Jessica

19!!! OH MY GOODNESS. Where has the time gone?! You have grown up to be a beautiful young lady but my it seems like it happened overnight. You have been the biggest hoot most of the time. Your infectious laugh with dimples on the side, your sweet smile and even sweeter heart, your love for the underdog and loner shows the heap of compassion you have. I am so proud to call you my daughter, my friend. You are so precious in every way.
God has some big plans ahead for you. Don't ever sell yourself short or settle because He can do great and mighty things with someone who is sold out to Him. I am amazed at Christ in you and your willingness to serve Him in unselfish ways. Living a selfish, me-centered, the world-revolves-around-me life is BORING. Continue to pour it all out for Him and you will have a great adventure ahead of you.
Happy Birthday! I love you soooo.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Monday Morning Perspective
I must say that Eddie was very generous with his words towards me. I felt very unworthy of them and he is just extremely kind. Someone said that he only stopped short of calling himself a wimp. Trust me, I wouldn't marry a wimp. He is much better at this marriage thing than he gives himself credit for. I know him as my husband and my pastor and I would never choose anyone else for either role. He is my best friend, has been for 25 years of marriage plus dating years. I know a lot of pastors who are great at what they do and a lot of men whose wives claim them to be great husbands. But, he's the only one who does it for me. I've never met a man that I would choose over him and 25 years later I would do it all over again. Marriage is so worth working for, fighting for. One thing we know is that Satan is out to destroy our lives and our homes. It is worth fighting him to the death over. If you're struggling, please keep working. I know it can be hard at times but don't give up. Our families are worth whatever we have to do to work it out.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Happy Birthday, Chrissie
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Back up and running
Well since I missed being able to give my monday morning perspective, I will just say it was amazing...loved it loved it. Great sermon for all of us as we celebrate our country and patriotism. Speaking of patriotism let me just say we should all be praying for our first family of SC. It's heart-breaking and nerve-wracking all at the same time. I have to say I have much respect for Jenny Sanford and the way she is conducting herself and at this point controlling her tongue. I really don't know that I would be so kind. I think most of us would be lashing out and tearing him apart but she is protecting her family and being very gracious. We all know that Satan is out to destroy the family but I think at the same time God is at work tearing down our facades and stripping us of our fakeness. Let's pray God gets much glory from this.
We did get to enjoy a few days in Charleston with some friends who welcomed us to spend a few of their vacation days with them, so very thankful. It's always good to get away and I must say for me there's no time I feel closer to God than at the beach. It's just always been my very favorite place. I told them while we were there that we had taken our children to a beach long before they could even walk because they HAD to like it since Eddie and I are so crazy about it. It's the family favorite for vacation. We will be gettting a week there later this summer and I can't wait.
It's been such a busy summer, can hardly believe it's July. I have to say it's my favorite time of the year. I love the heat ( the hotter the better), my kids out of school (although they don't spend as much of their day with me as they used to), vacations, baseball games (and there have been lots of those), a more relaxed schedule (definitely not a relaxed pace). I just love all of it.
I am so excited about what God is doing in our church and what He's going to do. He has been working in some lives lately and I'm so thankful for the stories I've been priviledged to hear. Some of our faithful are hurting and we need to pray daily for them and watch God work. Let's never forget that He is always busy at work even when we don't know exactly what He's doing. He's never absent. Praise Him for that.
Ok, back to the fam. It was good getting on this keyboard again. Have a blessed evening.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Something to rant about
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day
Daddy, you are such a huge blessing in my life. Growing up you were always the steady rock when things seemed somewhat chaotic. Can't remember ever hearing you raise your voice but you sure had our respect and I knew the boundaries. Boy, am I glad for those boundaries. They helped me many times to make the smart choice. You taught me so much about how to treat people. I used to get aggravated when we couldn't go anywhere without people stopping us to talk to you, but I realize how people truly have always liked you. You give people time and at least always seemed as though you were interested in their life and happenings. You taught me not to rush through life but to take time for others. You passed down a strong Christian heritage. There was never any doubt where you stood or what your convictions were. We always knew better than to even ask on Saturday if we were going to church Sunday. When we did ask we would just get that look as if to say, "unless one of us is dead or dying, yes we will be there". I'm so grateful. You let us know early on that that's where we would be come Sunday. I'm also grateful that you taught me so much about sports. You didn't treat me like a boy but you made me aware that sports was something girls could enjoy as well. I'm so glad you included me and taught me because you know I have spent most of my adult life on one ball field or another. You made family priority and I appreciate that. It was never just you and Jim but we all went places as a family.
Thanks Dad for all you taught me but mostly thank you for showing me Jesus in every way and making Him Priority in our family. You made me fall in love with my heavenly father because of the kind of father you were. I love you so much.
Now for you honey. I know you don't esteem one day over any other but since I occassionally do, here goes. It has been a blast raising four kids with you. They are so blessed to have a Dad of true conviction. You have shown them what serving Christ is all about. You have shown them how to balance ministry and family without either having to suffer. You've kept Christ first but never allowed church to take first place or any place over them. They will never be able to say that you neglected them for the sake of ministry and I know that's why they love not only Jesus as much as they do but also they love the church. It's never been more important to their Dad than they were.
You absolutely have to be the best dad for boys and girls I've ever known. You enjoyed dance recitals and cheerleading competitions even though you didn't really get what you were watching. You cheered them on and always thought they were the best. You've put up with boys hanging around even when you had rather sent them packing. You put up with pajama parties and girls giggling and talking late into the night, loudly, even on Saturday nights. Whatever the boys ever accomplish with sports, they owe a lot of credit to you. You were never too busy to shoot hoops or play catch. You made a mound in the backyard and caught endless pitches, sometimes taking it on the shin or pulling balls out of the pool. You taught them so much about the game but mostly about being a team player and working hard. You've taught them that there's no place for playing for yourself and your own stats. It's about the team and in a culture where everyone is out for themselves and what they can get out of it, it's very rare to see two boys who really play for the team. The credit for that goes to you as well.
You always said that if your kids turned out to be stinkers it would be because they spent so much time WITH their dad and not away from him. Well, they've been stinkers a time or two but mostly they've been real treasures. Thanks for making our kids priority and giving so much of yourself to being a great Dad. We all love you and are blessed to call you ours.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Monday Morning Perspective
I love the Rebekah principle no matter how many times I hear it. It's something you can use whether with your job or volunteer work, as a student or as an athlete. In our world it doesn't take long to look around and see that very few actually implement that principle. Let me encourage you to be one of them who uses that principle and teaches it to your children. I pray that I implement it myself and that my children will every time they step on the field or into the classroom or on the job site.
Have a super blessed Monday.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
This one's for you Jess
My my my how time really does fly. I know for you school must have seemed to drag on forever but from the time you started 1st grade it seems like time began to race by at break-neck speed. Especially this past year, it seems like since Sept. everywhere I turned people and things seemed to be trying to hurry you on through high school while I hung on for dear life trying to make time slow down and enjoy every "last" event. Your last time cheering on the sidelines, your last time cheering for the basketball team, your last pageant, your last Homecoming game, your last rivalry games, your last prom, your last basketball game, and on and on and on. It's so hard seeing things end even though I know there are so many exciting things still ahead.
I just want you to know in writing how tremendously proud of you I am. I told you that if you could graduate South Aiken High School with your morals intact, your love for Christ strong, and still holding fast to your convictions, that you would be my hero. Well, baby girl, you are a hero of mine. Being able to accomplish that alone is not an easy task these days in a public high school where so much is thrown at you from every angle, but also to be a leader is a great accomplishment. You have been a great witness and example of how powerful Christ in you can be. He has proved Himself faithful time and time again in your life. He has been the author and perfector of your faith. He has proven that He can be your best friend when it seems there are no other friends around.
It's been a joy to see you lead in your youth group. It's been a parent's dream to never have to make you go to church or be involved. Throughout your years as a teenager you have served in your church and studied His Word through your bible study groups there. You have sought out others to join you on world changers trips and beach camps. You are a shining example of bringing others to Him.
Our prayer for you has always been that you would love Christ and desire Him above everything and everyone else. That you would seek Him with all of your heart. That you would run hard after Him, clinging to Him in the rough times and rejoicing with Him in the good times. That you would keep your eyes fixed upon Him, your heart set on Him and never compromise your convictions for anyone.
This marathon is not over just because high school is over. God has set the race before you and promised to run it with you. Stay on the narrow path for that is where you will find the joy and peace and direction from your Lord. You may not find many willing to run that way with you, but He will never leave you or forsake you. He will be the greatest friend you will ever have.
The future is so bright and promising. I can't wait to see what He has in store for you. I love you. You are everything and more your Dad and I could ever want you to be and we are so very proud of you!! Congratulations on your graduation.