Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

There are some Sunday's where I notice things maybe a little more than other times. Yesterday was one of those. I love seeing band members smile as they play. Makes me think they are really enjoying what they're doing. I love it when they sing while they play. I love glancing around and seeing our faithful ones who are there rain or shine, good weather, bad weather makes no difference to them. I love seeing new faces that at least look like first timers and then new faces that look familiar from somewhere just not Fairview. 
Yesterday was a bit bittersweet. Our family is front row baptists. Maybe because we are easily distracted, but we like being up close. Therefore we all sit on one row, the front one, shoulder to shoulder, almost on one another's lap. I like it that way. Sometimes I think I can hear their hearts race as they worship or as Eddie makes a point (no not really). Anyway, I thought yesterday, that was our last one for a while exactly like that. They will be going to our East campus to serve our church there most Sundays. I'll miss them at our main campus but I'm so thrilled when they jumped all over that opportunity. They've been working so hard to help at that site and we are all excited that God is allowing us as a church to be a part of a new thing He is doing. Pray for God to do some God-size work there and we would keep our hands off and the desire to control would be nil. 
As for the service, every part of worship was grande! We finished the series, God's Lost and Found, with The Lost Sibling. That one probably left me thinking even more than all of the others. Eddie asked us to pray for eyes to see any tendencies we have towards being like the older brother (or sister). Tendencies such as judgmental, self-righteous, complaining, criticizing, unforgiving. Older brothers seldom perceive their predicament. They are carnal Christians who never leave the House. As he said, not all prodigals are in the pig pen, they're also in the pews. 
Can't wait for next Sunday. It is our launch Sunday for Fairview East. It's Easter! And we start a new series, Running on Empty, that has much potential, I believe, to bring healing and hope to many. Get your friends and neighbors there. Easter is an easy invite!!

Monday, March 23, 2015

A Super-sized THANK YOU

I've been wanting to get on here for days and give my shout out to so many of you for being a part of the Living Proof Live Greenville Rally, but we had a Friday and Saturday full of baseball and then Sunday, well you know what Sunday means. It's just been one busy day after another. 
We had the rally last Thursday night. It was the culmination of many meetings, much planning, a few sleepless nights, and one slightly less than hysterical breakdown. You know how it is when you plan an event. It's somewhat like a roller coaster ride and when it's over, and everything came together as it should, you just take a big breath and feel sad and thankful all at the same time. 
First of all I'm thankful God even allows me to serve Him. Knowing my faults, frailties, and weaknesses and He still gives me opportunities that are way over my head, totally blows my mind. I never want to disappoint Him. I never want to let Him down. I've told Him I'll serve 1 or 100 or 1000 or whatever He wants. As long as He's the one who does it I'll trust Him and do whatever He asks. I just want Him to keep asking. 
I love being on this core team to bring Living Proof Live to Greenville in July. The women on this team have each become precious to me in different ways. They are so gifted and so selfless! They have challenged me not only in working with a team and all the administrative stuff that has to be done, but they've challenged me in my spiritual life to pray more and trust more and have lots of fun along the way! I thank them so much for all they did in helping make the rally happen. They gave of their time and treasure and talents and everything else that was asked of them. I'm so thankful for the time we still have together as we look forward to July. 
Now for my church family...NOONE compares to you!! You stepped up in such a grand way. You volunteered and contributed in so many ways. Thank you to our amazing staff for going the extra mile and making things easy on me. To my favor team, you are the cream of the crop. You are gifted beyond what I'm sure you even believe. The one thing I know for sure about leadership is that you surround yourself with godly people and turn them loose to use their gifts! You all are jaw dropping amazing!! I love you all. 
And to my family...I promise not to say the word rally again, at least for a while. My sweet husband couldn't be more patient and supportive. He allows me and encourages me to minister and take on tasks much larger than myself. He's always the one believing in me and giving me room to grow and try things. My precious girls stepped up and served and put up with me for months hashing and rehashing all the details. I know sometimes I push them a bit harder and expect a bit more than I do other volunteers. Thanks girls for pressing on with me. My boys best encouragement comes from giving their mom a hug and actually seeming to be interested in women's ministry. Dropping by to check things out and offer some words of praise means more to their mom than they know. And for bringing me some Chick Fil A on a day when that was probably going to be the only food I got, well that's just how sweet they all are! 
I can't wait to get back with my Favor team and focus on serving our church and community. Leading women to embrace all Jesus has for us and enjoy community with one another is more than a thrill ride for me. God is so good to allow us to serve in His name. He's worthy of all of our time, energy, effort and even a few tears and gray hairs along the way. 

Monday Morning Perspective

It was a great day at Fairview. So thankful for those who lead and serve and give so much of themselves. 
We had part 3 of a 4 part series on God's Lost and Found. This is increasing in seriousness as we have moved from a lost sheep to a lost silver and now to a lost son. 
We saw what a rebellious act it was to ask the father for his inheritance while the father was still alive. We talked about how much fun sin is on the front end but calamity eventually comes as Ecclesiates 8:11 tells us. I love that Eddie pointed out that the father received him quickly. He didn't wait to see if it was true repentance or if the son would stick to his commitment. He received him back quickly and the celebration began. Such a picture of God's grace. We were challenged not to play games with God because He is not mocked but He will always receive us and welcome us. 
Next week we finish with the other son, the older brother. Remember, the far country is just one step away from God. 
We had meetings in the afternoon at our East campus. We met with volunteers and small group leaders. They're so excited and that excitement is going to spread! It was such a joy to see young people stand up and lead and the young ones jump up and say "oh I'll do that"! I love that they have such a passion for the local church and a heart to serve. Allowing them to take some ownership and lead is amazing to watch. I love witnessing those with hearts for ministry take the lead and so thankful for my husband and campus pastor Stephen Talbort allowing them to do this as they disciple them and mentor them and then let them go forth and do it. This is probably one of the most joy-filled times in ministry for me. Just as we are called to raise our children in such a way as to go out and live independently and productively, we are also called to raise up the next generation of godly leaders to serve. We are called to disciple them and pass the baton just as Paul did with Timothy. Gives me goosebumps!! Have a blessed week!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

It was a great day at both Fairview campuses! Big crowds with lots of energy from friendly and excited people makes for a good day. The North Greenville University baseball team joined us for worship. It's always good to have our sports teams join us from a local university! 
We were in the 2nd message of our series God's Lost and Found as we looked at the lost silver. We got a strong word on the fact that Jesus not only loved hanging out with sinners but that sinners were drawn to Him as well. And the Pharisees hated it. Jesus intentionally shared parables that involved a shepherd and a woman, both of whom the Pharisees felt were beneath them. Eddie pointed out that the silver was lost in the dark, in the dirt and in the house. He drew the correlation to those that are in God's house, even every week serving and giving, but may be lost. 
We looked at the role of the Holy Spirit and how He is an agitator who stirs things up in order to bring conviction.  And we saw the need to celebrate the things God celebrates, and that is when the lost are found and when the wayward come back. We celebrate so many things that don't matter and have no eternal good. Eddie shared his hatred for award shows, which I can attest his honesty on that, as it's a celebration of things that are pointless. I admit I usually sneek a peek at the news the next morning to see the dresses which my husband also hates since its spending lots of money on things that don't matter but it can't hurt to peek right? Anyway, this has been a great series so far and I'm sure with the parable that's left, we are going to end with a bang. Two down, two to go!! Don't miss it!! 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

Well I hated to see our Jonah series end, but it's usually that way for me. Endings are always a bit sad but beginnings can be exciting. This beginning is very exciting. We started our new series yesterday, God's Lost and Found. I'm so excited about it because already it's brought fresh perspective and a renewed sense of urgency about reaching the lost and I know I need that, I think we all probably do. 
I love a few things Eddie pointed out early. One, as different as Jesus was, people were attracted to Him. He was a friend to sinners. If He wasn't, we would all be doomed. Two, numbers matter to Jesus. He counts. He knows how many He has. Nunbers represent people with souls who will live for all of eternity somewhere. Churches that are declining are the ones who don't care about numbers. 
We dove into Luke 15 with the lost sheep. We looked at the characteristics of sheep and the the Good Shepherd. We were challenged by the fact that so often our time, energy, resources are spent on the sheep already in the fold but forget about the ones outside the fold that we need to be seeking. 
We all need two things: a Good Shepherd and a flock, a group to do life with. 
Be praying this week as we have another preview service at our East campus on Sunday. Keep inviting people and promote our new campus. We are not two churches. We are one church, two locations. It's all about Him!! Have a blessed week!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

I just have to start by saying I'm totally overwhelmed at the way God allows us to join Him in His work! I'm brought to tears when I sit and dwell on how incredibly He has moved and allowed us to go on this adventure with Him and see up close the magnitude of His love, His grace, His great plan for us as individuals and us as a church! Fairview, we are blessed! We need to celebrate that and never take it for granted. Continue to pray! Continue to be faithful! Continue sharing Him with others and inviting others to come be a part of our family. People are hurting. People need hope and they need to know someone cares! Talking to two sweet ladies Sunday reminded me how much we need to pick up a phone and invite someone to church but not just church. How bout to lunch? Or to go shopping? Or have a cup of coffee? Build those relationships with people and church will be a natural place to invite them to.
 Anyway, Sunday was our 1st preview service at Fairview East! To say I was excited would be a huge understatement. I was praying so hard for my husband's energy level to hold up to do 2 services at Fairview and the service at the east campus. He felt great! He said he could feel prayers. Could I ask you to continue to pray for that? I know his heart is to have no letdown through all three. I was also praying that we would get back for him to catch his breath before preaching again. Thanks to great friends driving us back and forth, there was time to spare! I'm so thankful that when God calls you to something, He always enables and equips. Just please add to your prayer list that his energy level continues, good health, and timing as we go back and forth. 
Eddie did an amazing job with a review of the jonah series for the East campus!  He didn't want them to just get a random message at the end of a series. It was great! The FV East band is incredible. The lead was filling in and he did a super fabulous job. 
hate to see this series end! I've been challenged so much and I like that. Today's message was another home run! I'll just say that the two things that hit home the most, and evidently with others based on social media, was "what makes us happy says so much about our spiritual condition", and "what do you love most, plants or people?". Maybe that will get your curiosity going enough to watch online! Have a great week!