Monday, April 28, 2014

Pray about it more than you talk about it

Guilty! So often I talk something to death. I go round and round. I think of every scenario and every what if. I talk it one way and the next day I talk it the opposite. Crazy! Praying trumps talking! Trust me it does. I keep having to learn that lesson. I shared at an event Saturday night and briefly shared something that happened to us last week with an answered prayer just to encourage so thought I'd share a little with you today. 
We have been praying over a matter for months now and it would seem trivial to some but for us it's pretty big. I do know that many people have much weightier things on their heart but I'm a big believer that God cares about all of it. Anyway, the past few weeks it just seemed to bear more weight on us. My husband was praying Thursday morning and just asking God to give us something. He texted one of our kids and he texted back saying he had just been praying the same thing. Ahhhh, I love how God binds us together in prayer and draws our hearts together. That afternoon we got an answer. But hear this!!!!! It wasn't a total answer. It wasn't really the answer we expected. But it gave us hope. The answer was what will not be rather than what will be. But that confirmed that if God knows what will not be, He knows pure well what will be. And He will bring it about!! At first I admit there was some heart hurt and bewilderment. But that soon turned to much joy and delight. And for all three of us praying over this one thing, we all had that same sense of excitement. It also cleared up for us some others things we had been wondering about that hadn't made sense. Suddenly it did. And suddenly that bit of clarity showed us some things about someone that we had thought, but now was blatantly clear. It wasn't pretty. Actually it was down right evil and wrong and now I'm praying through that as well. Last night, or rather early this morning, some of that was being prayed over. Ever prayed some Deuteronomy 28 over anyone? I admit it. I have. I did. Shows me how much work God has to do on my heart. But I believe and please believe with me whatever your situation, God is in control of all that happens. If we are His, people do not have control over us. They may think they do. They may think that they can manipulate a situation for their good and our bad. They may think they hold all the cards. But know that nothing happens to us without God in perfect control of it. He's never caught off guard. If He closes a door it's only to open a better one. And then He will not let what others do to us go unnoticed or unpunished. It may seem that way but He never forgets and He never tarries. We can take people off of our hook and put them on God's hook. I promise that doesn't mean that they get by with it. It means we are released from it. He wastes nothing and He will work it all out for our good. Keep trusting. Keep believing. Keep waiting. That's some hard work right there I know but He ALWAYS come through. Live in obedience to Him so that we stay under that umbrella of His protection and watch Him work!!! You can trust Him with whatever weighs on you today. 
I know this is a different Monday post but I missed services yesterday. I got messages about how incredible it was. If you missed like I did, watch online!! 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday Morning Perspective

Easter 2014! What an amazing day! This Easter was super special in a lot of ways for me. I'll share a few. 
First, of course, is just the fact that it is my all time favorite day because of what it means. Jessica said yesterday that she wondered what the day really meant to unbelievers as they posted pics of Easter baskets and bunnies. How can that day possibly mean anything other than Christ arose?! As Eddie said yesterday in his sermon, if Jesus didn't die and rise, everything we do is pointless and he has wasted his life in ministry. Easter is Jesus and He alone is worthy of worship and celebrating. 
This Easter was extra special because it was our first at fairview! Eddie and I had huge expectations of what God was going to do and as always He never disappoints! We had record numbers in both services. We would never have gotten everyone in one combined service. My man believed from the beginning in the need for 2 services that day, one so that visitors would see what they would get on a normal Sunday but also we just knew God was going to blow our mind with the number of people. As always, again, God exceeded the number we had in our brain. We were believing for 1000, He blew that out of the water!! For those of you who don't like the numbers talk, those numbers represent a lot. They represent, as Eddie says, souls who are going to spend eternity somewhere. They also represent the fact that people are excited. People don't invite people places they're not excited about so it tells us that people are excited about what God is doing and they are investing in people's lives and inviting them to church. It also means that our people care for people and want to see them saved and being discipled. That's real love for others!! Visitors who are new to the area came and were so excited saying they'd be back which just pumped us up even more. Word is getting out about all that God is doing. I just keep praying that we will stay out of His way and let Him have His way!!
The sermon yesterday was the gospel in a nutshell! Eddie challenged all, whether believers or unbelievers with a wake up call. The empty tomb is proof that when God intervenes, nothing is impossible. And the greatest news is that the resurrection is a proven fact!! Our band was unbelievable. They kicked it off in an amazing way, I was a big goosebump. I looked around and people were dancing and praising. Arms were raised and people singing. The worship through music was over the top, AGAIN! 
It was also a great Easter because of family. My mom and dad spent the day with us. They loved the service. They always love Eddie but that my parents in their 70s loved the band and music just got my heart pumping. It was Stephens first Easter at home in 4 years thanks to the coach allowing them to leave the game Saturday with a parent and thanks to a local teammate for taking him back to charleston. We got Justin and Jessica after church for the day. Heard Justin preached a great word as well on Easter! John was here for the day, also thankful they don't play on Easter! Sure missed our Charlotte kids but the pics of them soothed my heart, a little bit. 
We've had some great Easters. Actually, they've all been great thanks to Jesus. But this one was an all time fave. Of course the fam being together was great but the worship takes the cake. It was just different, in a not the typical kind of same old Easter way, if that makes sense! Thankful for our church. Thankful for the team that prays and prepares weekly for worship services just like we had yesterday. Praise God we get that every week. Check it out online!
Here's a few fam pics...

Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday Morning Perspective

Since 5:30 this morning I've been listening to the rain fall. I actually love it. I know most of today I'll be home working on things and I love rainy days at home. However I realize many will have to be out in it and I always feel especially bad for college kids having to spend the whole day in it walking from class to class so I started prayer time this morning focused on them. Then I spent time thinking how much God has rained down on us spiritually and every other way this year as a family and church family. Yesterday was our one year Sunday at fairview. I was so overwhelmed by it. God spoke many things over us, especially my husband, in in the months prior to our coming here. Yesterday I couldn't help but sense Him say, this is just a glimpse of what I said I was going to do. Families were lined up to join, people were on the altar, Eddie's message was incredible and it was just a day where it was impossible not to feel God's presence. 
Ok, already said the message was incredible. So here are a few things worth pointing out but it can't begin to touch the surface so check it out online (hoping podcast will be available this week). We continued in Nehemiah as we looked at facing challenges which come along when God gives us a great opportunity and my oh my God has given us some opportunities as a church. Eddie showed us the danger of not being focused on what we are called to do. Nehemiah's focus was the wall even though there were lots of things that needed to be done. 
We also saw how the people saw the need but didn't really see it. They had lost sensitivity to it because they were used to it. Good leaders understand reality but they see a desired future. Nehemiah had a "we" and "us" mentality rather than "I" and "me". Like Eddie said, "we and us is a must. I and me is a bust". I loved his challenge that if we all catch the vision of investing in people and inviting people, we will see God do amazing things. 
Finally, there's nothing like standing up against opposition and God getting the victory. It doesn't mean that, even in light of the victory, the naysayers won't still be critical and skeptical. If constructive criticism is right, make adjustments. If it's off base, press on. We know all about those people who say "you're crazy to do this", "you won't be able to make it", "why would you do this". But we know, like Nehemiah, we serve a God who can do immeasurably more than we could ever think or imagine. 
As Eddie said, trust God, stand on His truth, and stay at it! 
Have a blessed Monday and as the rain falls think of how much God has rained down blessings on your life. We will probably all experience flooding if we are honest with ourselves. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Fairview...1 year later

One year!!! I can't believe it!!! This has been one of the fastest years of my life. It almost snuck up on me because it just seems unreal. I guess it's true though that time flies when you're having fun. And it really has been a fun year! That's so like God. After several years of wrestling and wondering, fear and excitement, lots of change and even more trusting and believing, God just overwhelmed us with love and encouragement, showing Himself in ways we only had hoped for and proving that His way is the only way. He is for us and all about moving us in a direction that is for our good!! If we just follow Him and keep our eyes focused on Him, He takes care of everything we are headed towards and settles everything we've led behind!! And boy is He good and faithful and trustworthy and kind and loving and compassionate and...
I could go on forever but as Eddie and I drove to charleston yesterday, we reflected on what we love about fairview and I wanted to share it with you. 
Here's our top 10...
10. Facilities are amazing. 
  9. Put out a need and it's met whether it's money for media equipment or needs of the homeless, you come through!!
  8. Location location location!! Can't beat the beauty of the upstate but also we are close to NGU and that benefits us in many ways. Also people are everywhere. We are the fastest growing area in the state. That means we have work to do, reach people for Jesus!!
   7. We are not programmed to death. We are out in the community rather than huddled in the church building. Be the church. 
   6. We have a fast paced mentality. That "let's get on with it" attitude is where it's at rather than bogged down in what my husband calls paralysis by analysis!! 
   5. Worship services. Amazing with music that is "now" and worshipful and the greatest preacher on the planet 😍. 
   4. Volunteers that serve sacrificially and are dependable!!
   3. Leadership that is supportive, encouraging, committed and ministry minded and don't have meetings that go on forever (gotta love that)!! 
    2. Staff!!! Loyal, committed, unselfish, team minded. Not mini kingdom minded but always about what is best for the whole church!!
    1. The #1 of course has to be the people!! That's what the church is anyway!! You amaze us at your enthusiasm and your willingness to follow leadership and jump in and use your gifts to serve and minister. You blow up social media talking church and praising God for what He is doing among us!! Visitors are inviting!!! You have totally bought the vision of investing and inviting. It's working fairview and God is pouring out His goodness and favor on us. Keep praying. Keep looking at things from a God perspective. Keep pointing to Jesus and He will continue to bless. Let's make sure we are always pointing people to Jesus and not man knowing that He is our only hope and He is the only one worthy of praise. Keep encouraging and loving others and let's keep moving forward. God has so much more for us. He is the God of immeasurably more!! Let's make sure all the people in the upstate know that!!!
We love you all and so grateful God allows us to serve you!!!