Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday Morning Perspective

We continued this amazing series yesterday with God's Gameplan for marriage. We looked at reasons so many fail, God's view, and God's plan. I love how honestly my husband shared. None of us have it all together. I've known people just as you have who want to portray their marriage and their children as being the perfect model. It always amazes me when those with very young children do this. I find myself thinking they have no idea how rough the waters can get as those little ones grow. Besides that, it's not true because none of us are perfect. And it doesn't help those struggling to feel like they're struggling alone. To have the kind of homes God wants for us takes work, sacrifice, lots of grace and tons of love!!
I love the statement Eddie made...marriage is a good idea because it's God's idea. He has the best ideas of all!!
What a great message!! A very challenging message for me as I strive to be what I'm called to be to my married kids. To allow them to leave and cleave to one another without my interference or stressing them out with my own problems. Being careful to let them make their own decisions as my role is to love and encourage them. Like Eddie said, young marrieds have enough stress learning how to grow and build their own marriage without their parents adding to the stress. 
What a great day it was to be at fairview! Another great crowd with lots of visitors. The music was absolutely amazing!! Our band did the song Holy wedding song they did at our daughter's wedding and added a video. It went with the message on marriage with a focus on the cross...unreal!!! I was one big goosebump with tears rolling! So thrilled to be part of such a great team working together to bring the best to worship!! God and God alone is truly glorified!!!!!! 30 years later hearing this man bring God's Word is a thrill...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Do what God has called YOU to do

Warning...this could be lengthy. 
First off, I LOVE the Old Testament. It is so rich and so full. Last week we were eating ice cream at a local spot with our married kids and some discussion came up about Ezekiel. We are a ministry family so work with me. Many of our conversations go this direction even over ice cream ☺️   Anyway, it whet my appetite for some reason and this week I jumped into this book once again. 
Today was chapter 2 and I began to focus on things I had never paid attention to before. Isn't God awesome like that?! We can study the same book over and over and He keeps giving us something new!! Chapter 2 gives us Ezekiel's call, his mission. This was a very detailed, very personal call to Ezekiel. It wasn't meant for anyone else. God called HIM to this task, to go to the Israelites. 
One thing that floors me is how blessed we are that God chooses imperfect people like ourselves to work his plan here on earth. We are made from dust.  And dust is dust. I'm no better dust than you and you're no better dust than me.  We can't even rise to our own feet (vs 2) without His help. And yet He calls us and uses us in spite of ourselves. 
Another thing is God enabled Ezekiel because He saw an open and obedient attitude. He filled him with His Spirit and gave him the power to do what he called him to do. Many of us don't experience the power because our attitude is wrong. I know when mine is wrong I feel totally powerless to do anything. The power is linked to our obedience. Success wasn't going to be whether the people of Israel listened. Success was doing what God said to do. 
Now here's the biggest lesson from this for me today. God chooses to use us and churches DIFFERENTLY!!  He is the one who gives direction to people and churches and if it's not directed to us then we don't need to concern ourselves with it. This was Ezekiel's call. Not Daniel's call. Not David's call. It was His call to Ezekiel. His call on us is specific. It's not about us. It's all about Him. Just because we are involved in the plan doesn't mean that the plan revolves around us. When we cut on others and other churches, I believe God takes that very seriously and very personally. We put ourselves in a dangerous place where the power and the blessing is cut off. We don't know what God has called other people and churches to do. We need to be more concerned with what He has called us to do. I can't worry about what the pastor's wife down the street is doing. I have to do what He has told me to do. And ministers don't need to worry about what the church down the road is doing. Let God take care of that. I love how so many women in ministry publicly cheer on and encourage others and their ministry. It makes me feel good about them and respect them. Why do we think it makes us look better when we tear others down?  It makes us look jealous and insecure. We feel threatened when we should rejoice at what God is doing. The saying around here, at home and church, is it's 1 kingdom, His kingdom!! Our family and our church says all the time, we are on the same team...trying to win the world for Jesus! There's no need to stress about what God is doing "over there" and what they're doing "over there" and focus on what He wants us to do "over here". 
There's way too much competition in ministry and not enough team work. Ministers can be the worst at worrying about what others are doing or not doing or should be doing or shouldn't be doing.  Many preach about all they're doing themselves instead of what God is doing. Maybe if some of us would remove ourselves from the throne and give God His rightful place, we would see Him move in His power like never before and we might even get to be a part of it. 
Challenging myself to keep my focus off other people, off other churches and ministries and focus on Christ and what He's called me to do. I want desperately to experience His power. I want what He wants for me. That after all is so much better than wanting what He wants for others. 
And He tells us daily, like He told Ezekiel, do not be afraid. Do not fear what others say or be terrified by them. We are to speak what He tells us to speak. He has sent us all out into a world of rebellious and obstinate people. The success is in doing what He's told us to do. God's strength is powerful enough to live for Him under the heaviest criticism. Being difference makers is so worth it!!! Being kingdom minded is where the joy is. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday Morning Persoective

I have to tell you I'm loving this series!! We have gotten so much feedback about how families are implementing things we've talked about and how God is working powerfully and answering prayers for families!! We recognize how satan is all about destroying families and we are determined to claim victory in Jesus name! 
I also love hearing that our singles are so into this series as well. I love how Eddie even mentioned yesterday how those dating can apply these principles in their dating life. It's never too early to plan for how you want your family to look even if it's off in the future. After all you will end up marrying the type you date. 
I loved Eddie's challenge that no matter how bad things may be and how tempted you are to throw in the towel, do all you can to save your marriage. We know some who have struggled terribly and have fought for it and now have super strong, happy marriages. It's so worth it!!
Just have to give a huge cheer to our church family. We are having huge crowds in both services and bible study. So many are coming because you are inviting and you are excited about what is happening!! It's working!! People are coming!!! You are also blowing up social media with inviting and then talking about the services. That peaks so much interest and builds excitement. We've noticed also how so many are hanging out after services. That's a sign of great fellowship and we love that people don't seem to want to leave!!  We hear from people in the community and even my dad had someone in spartanburg telling him all that he had heard. Keep it up fairview!! This new year is going to be amazing and we want as many to experience it as possible. There are some great things coming up in 2014 so help us build the excitement. God is blowing our minds doing more than we ever even dreamed possible and we are believing Him for even more!! Let's be ready fairview...God is bringing people and He wants us prepared to welcome them, receive them and disciple them!!!
Eddie and I love you all so much and we are blessed to serve you!!
Coming up this Sunday...God's plan for marriage!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday Morning Perspective

We went back to Ephesians yesterday and started our new series Protect this House-God's Gameplan for the Family. I was blessed to be able to share a part of the message with my husband and encourage our women as we strive to be the wives God has called us to be. 
Eddie made some great points and I think my favorite was to focus on the side  of our husbands that we like. We all have a side that is not very attractive and Satan will try to get us to focus on that. We should be focusing on the good things about our husbands, the things that made us love him to begin with. That point actually goes both ways. We all need to be looking for the good in our

spouses and refuse to let Satan have his way. 
What an exciting time to be a part of fairview! God is doing amazing things and we are so grateful to get to be a part of it. 
Eddie told us that we surpassed our missions giving goal as well as our shoebox goal. We had amazing worship in both services yesterday. Our staff and leadership are working together, on the same page, headed in the same direction and committed to doing all that God is leading us to do. It's going to be an amazing 2014 at fairview. Let's be investing and inviting others to come be a part of this great year with us. The best is coming!!!!