Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Kickoff Meeting for ReFresh

Our ReFresh lead team got together today for our kickoff meeting.  Loved the energy in the room.  I had to apologize for throwing so much out there and risking overwhelming my girls but like I told them, I have a lot of time on my hands now to think ministry and I have had some of this stuff going through my brain for a while and just waiting for God to say "GO!".  So today, we took off!!!
This group loves the Lord and loves people.  It was evident that we were on the same page and that page is to reach as many women as we can...all ages, all walks of life, all races, all everything.  We want to serve and serve well all to the glory of the only One who matters.  We want to serve with purpose and vision.  We know that Millbrook has much to offer and many resources to work with.  We believe that to whom much is given much is required.  Let's do the work girls.  Let's think BIG.  Let's do those things that we know we can't do without God's anointing on it.  Let's focus on keeping our hearts healthy and have an intimate daily relationship with Him. We want to go deep with Him so we can reach out far and wide.  Eyes on Him and ears tuned to Him.  If you want to join with us and serve in an area, we would love it.  If you are busy in other areas of ministry, please plug in where you can and enjoy all that will be offered.  It's gonna be a wild, fun ride with Christ at the helm.  Have a blessed evening.  World Series time...Go Rangers!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday Morning Perspective

This will be a different MMP.  I wasn't at Millbrook yesterday so I can't give thoughts on the sermon so I'm going to give a perspective on where I was yesterday, not the sermon except to say it was FABULOUS, but on the event.  It may be a bit wordy so if you don't like to read especially mush, tune out now cause here goes...
I left dark and early yesterday morning to head to Greenville, SC.  My precious new son-in-law Michael and my daughter Chrissie were being presented to Clearview Baptist as prospective student pastor.  That's where I was and why.  Backup...
The drive that morning took me about 2hours 45min.  It was 2hours and 45min of awesome Christian radio with praise and worship music, lots of prayer, and lots of praise of what God has done.  I told someone yesterday that part of the fun of getting older is being able to look back on all that God has done and how He has worked. It gives courage and faith to keep going knowing that He will continue working even when we can't see clearly in the hear and now.  Over and over I kept telling Him, "I just can't believe how faithful and remarkable You are to Your people".  It's as if He keeps doing things to show off and say "you ain't seen nothing yet".  I don't know why I'm so amazed!!  He promises good to His people.  He promises that He will never leave us or forsake us.  He promises to do more than we can imagine.  And yet I keep standing there with my mouth open saying, "I can't believe this".
I sat there in that church looking at Chrissie standing there by her new husband and him standing there sharing his testimony and his love for Jesus and students, and all I could think of was "God, you never cease to amaze me at how good you are and how awesome are Your ways".  Chrissie grew up in a pastor's family and honestly there are days I think  "anything else for my kids Lord" and then there are days I think "thank you Lord, what could be better than seeing my kids serve You full time". Oh the wacky flesh.  Trust me, nothing in this world compares to seeing them serve Him with everything they have and wanting to do this full time. After growing up in a ministry family all I can say is "thank you Lord that You have redeemed much and covered much with Your grace".  I'm so thrilled for them.  They are in such a great place.
As for the's pretty typical upstate kind of church.  For those of you who have no clue what that means I will tell you seeing that I'm an upstate girl.  I felt so at home.  The people are as down to earth as they come, no pretense detected.  Lots and lots of hugs and friendly smiles.  Tremendous freedom of worship, hands raised, clapping.  Strong, bible preaching!  It's the perfect place for a young couple starting out in ministry cause you just feel like they will be loved to death.  It felt much like our first church, just never felt more loved on.  We have told them how super blessed they are because most don't go to this size church this early but for whatever reason God just chose to pour out the blessings.  But a word to Clearview, you are blessed as well!!  This young couple will love all over those students you have there.  They are all about relationships and investing in the lives of teens.  They may make mistakes but it won't be from lack of trying and giving it all they have.
Have to say as well that it was added blessing that Michael's grandmother could be there and my mom got to come.  Super proud of my Jessica and Stephen who got up out of those dorm beds and made the trip to Greenville to support their sibs even with Jess not feeling her best.  You guys rock and I love you!!
I guess you've suffered enough so I'll wrap it up.  We also get to welcome a young couple next week to come work with our students.  I am so pumped about that.  They are precious to us and my prayer is that we will welcome them and love on them just as my kids felt that from their new place of service.  Have a Jesus centered Monday.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday Morning Perspective

We spent time in Ephesians yesterday looking at Paul's prayer in 3:14-21.  It's one of my all time favorite prayers in God's Word.
I loved the whole section on Paul's provision for prayer...strength, stability and sanctification.  Out of that section my favorite was on stability.  I had never really put much thought into what "dwell" in verse 17 means.  Eddie said that word means to preside and settle down, to take up permanent residence.  Ok, that sounds good.  I know when He saved me He took up permanent residence in my life.  He also said it means to be comfortable. that part of the definition but it hit me between the eyes.  The list of questions to consider...Is God's Holy Spirit comfortable in your life?  Does He feel at home there?  Is He comfortable where you take Him, with the attitudes you display, the way you treat your family, the way you spend your leisure time, with the language you use?  One of the things I remember my parents always saying is "you can't leave His Holy Spirit at home when you choose to go places and do things you don't want Him to be a part of".  He goes everywhere with us, He sees everything, He is part of every phone conversation we have, every email we send.  He's always present.   I need to take each one of those questions and just spend some time thinking about each of them.  I know there are areas in my life that could stand a change that each one of those questions addressed.  This is definitely one sermon I am going to pick apart piece by piece over the week and examine my life in light of it.  So glad Jesus Christ not only saves us but He redeems us.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fall Break and Reflection

I have been beside myself for the past two days now.  My two college kids come home tomorrow for their fall break and I never thought it would get here.  Jessica gets to come home every other weekend or so but it seems like before we turn around a few times it's Sunday afternoon and she's headed back.  Stephen hasn't been home in forever because of baseball.  We have had a few glimpses of him here and there after games but that's not nearly enough for this mama.  Hate to think he won't get back home til Christmas.  I'm so proud of both of them though.  They have adjusted well, classes are good, and working hard at cheerleading and baseball.  They stay so busy and I guess that's a good thing.  I miss them both terribly and tremendously thankful that we had that 4th child or don't know what I would do having given up one to marriage and 2 to college all in one month.  John Michael is probably tired of all my attention focused solely on him.  He will probably be grateful to share the attention for a few days.
Just an encouragement to you moms younger than myself...ENJOY every single moment that they are home.  The day they take off comes so fast even if the days seem long when they are little and you think you will never have quiet will and it comes sooner than you can imagine.  I was a full time stay at home mom with 4 under the age of 6 at one time and wouldn't have had it any other way.  I spent most days with them under my feet, wrapped around my legs, in my arms or sitting on my lap.  It was an ordeal to ever get to the grocery store or even go to the bathroom for that matter.  However, I wouldn't trade a single second of it!!  That was my calling just as much as the call to ministry was. I knew that was exactly where God wanted me to be as sure as I knew of His love and my own salvation.  That doesn't mean every day was cupcakes and sing-a-longs.  Some days were long and the only people I talked to were preschoolers, my own.  This isn't meant to make anyone dread them growing up because honestly I have loved every stage of their life, YES even the teenage years.  It's been one great adventure and most days we have laughed harder than we've cried.  I love where I am in my life now but there's no doubt that if I could do it all over again with those same youngins and my dear man I would live it all over again.
When I sat down to blog this, I did not intend to go in this direction.  Oh well, enough said.  Just ready to get those kids home and a little bit more commotion in this house.  I'm ready for the noise level to go up just a bit. I will tolerate the noise because they are going to have to tolerate me hugging and kissing on them, asking them 100 questions wanting details of course about everything and everyone they have seen, talked to. or encountered over the past weeks.  I'm sure there will be plenty of laughter, yelling at ball games, and yes tears (my own of course) when it comes to a close.
Pray a super blessed weekend on everyone.  Enjoy your family time but don't neglect your Jesus time either.  He is, by the way, the giver of all the good things and people we enjoy.  Where would my life be without Him?  I shudder to even think.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday Morning Perspective

I loved the message yesterday, Gaining a Proper Perspective, maybe because it was on perspective and I don't think we can ever be challenged too much on keeping the proper perspective.  It is crucial in every area of life whether it be sports or school or our jobs.  Perspective is HUGE!!!
We looked at the passage in Ephesians 3:1-13.  The fact that Paul had a proper perspective, chained to Roman guards in a Roman prison yet calls himself a prisoner of Christ, is one reason he still impacts us today.
My fave part was as we looked at vs 8 we see the humility of Paul.  Eddie pointed out that Paul was completely God-centered.  It blew him away that God chose him.  Oh, how that should be our perspective...completely blown away that God chooses to use us in His service.  I've never been able to come to grips with the fact that God has called me to ministry by being a pastor's wife.  I'm amazed that God would allow me to serve Him in this way and anything good at all that comes from it has to be totally Him.  I know myself too well to think I'm deserving, worthy or capable.  How graceful of God to use us in spite of ourselves.
Also loved how Eddie pointed out the importance we are placing on discipleship because without going deep in His Word we will have no stability when the pain comes  We looked at Job as we examined what our perspective is in the midst of pain and suffering.  Job was blameless, feared God, shunned evil and still suffered.  He grieved yet he worshipped.
In my study this morning in 2Chronicles, God tested Hezekiah to show him his own shortcomings and the attitude of his heart.  God tests us at times to develop our character and prepare us.  Nothing removes that thin veneer of goodness like facing some pressure, trouble, or pain.  Eddie has always said that when we are squeezed the real stuff comes out.  What are you like under pressure or when everything is going wrong?  Those in touch with God don't have to worry about what pressure may reveal about them.  God must have thought I needed a double dose between the message yesterday and this morning's study.  Thank you Lord.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday Morning Perspective

War and Peace...that was the title of the message.  Like Eddie, I hate conflict.  Like Eddie, I avoid it.  Like Eddie, I know some thrive on it, that's their comfort zone so to speak...drama, turmoil, conflict.  As for me, I've got to have peace.  Thankfully, I have peace with God through my relationship with Christ.  Peace with others is something I think we all have to work at daily.  I don't think most of us seek war with God or others but like Eddie said the most significant war has been going on and will go on in the spiritual realms and we are all caught up in it.
Just like Jesus broke down the barriers that were placed in the temple through His death on the cross, praise Him that He still breaks down barriers today.  I have some barriers of my own that I pray daily God would chip away at and break down yet there are days that I pray He will just leave them intact because they are self-protection barriers.  Those barriers we put into place because others have hurt us or betrayed us and we think the answer is to just keep others at arms length so it can't happen again.  That's a tough one for me because I'm so relational and I love getting to know people and invest in their lives.  I was reading a great book lately that talked about allowing God just to heal those things and give us healthy hearts so we don't put those barriers in place.  I can't find scripture that tells me that I am supposed to protect myself anyway.  Still a work in progress and I'm thankful He's still working.
I would love to go into great detail about some of the spiritual warfare I have sensed lately but it's personal and weighing heavy so I won't.  But I will say this...there is a battle going on for the souls of people and if you don't believe that you are in a bubble.  I've sensed the more I have prayed for the salvation of some I care deeply about, the more I have felt the war and how Satan will go to all lengths to keep people from receiving Christ.  I sensed it greatly during the service yesterday.  I know some have said that there is great spiritual warfare going on while the Word is being preached.  Eddie has said at times that he could sense it greatly as he has preached certain messages.  I think it's one reason pastors are so exhausted after preaching because they have been in an unseen battle going on during that time.  Is that discouraging?  No.  There are days I would like to bury my head in the sand and not see it because it is painful and I feel almost helpless however it is a great challenge to me to increase my prayers for others and never give up. It makes me pray harder for my husband before he stands to preach.  I need to be intentional about praying over the things that are of eternal significance and not keep my focus on the petty things of life.  I need to leave those things to God to judge and handle.  I'm much more concerned about seeing some come to salvation than I am about whether some like me or not or whether some agree with ministry decisions made or not.  My focus has taken a turn and I'm so glad.  Don't get me wrong, I pray about every seemingly insignificant thing in my life because I believe God cares about ALL of it.  I'm just saying sometimes we get caught up in the trivial and neglect praying hard for those by name that we know are lost.  Praying for the lost will send you directly into that warfare but it's an opportunity to see God have great victory as well and that's what I want to see.  I want to see Him have LOTS of BIG victories for His glory.  How about you???