Monday, June 22, 2009

Something to rant about

Warning...may contain much sarcasm and appear to be the voice of a very aggravated person yet with at least some justified anger.

Don't you just love having to deal with people who have a god-like syndrome when it comes to how they view themselves? The occassional person you run into at the checkout counter or in the restaurant is one thing, but when that person is closely intertwined in much of your life and the lives of your children it rises to another level, that level that makes you want to put your hands on someone or at least give them a good tongue lashing letting them know they're not quite as important as they think they are. It's someone who thinks that they can control your life and what comes into play for you. Those are the people who don't realize and think on the level of fellow Christians who know that nothing comes to pass in our lives without passing by His throne. He alone is the one who puts us where we are to be, brings people and things and circumstances in our lives that are to be there. These self-ordained God wannabes think they really do have power over you and they use it to try and influence your choices and decisions and God forbid if it's not the choice they want you to make, especially if your choice means choosing a God thing over their thing.

One problem with these people is they don't have a good sense of reality. They don't see things the way most do. Their view seems skewed and they tend to sense things that are way off base.

Another problem with them is they tend to think all the good goes to their credit and the bad is because of others. They don't have a proper view of themselves or the situation.

I wish I could say that I've risen past this kind of thing bothering me, but that would be a lie. Sure some days it just seems to roll off my back and then there are days like today when you've just had enough of self-righteous, self-important people that just seem miserable and intent on making others miserable and if they can't, woe be unto us all. I have learned however that God really does make all things right for those who belong to Him. I also know that every person, whether Christian or not is in our life for a purpose. He works things out for our good and I've seen the revenge He's taken before which definitely makes me not want to be on that side of things. I know that He is the God of yesterday, today, and forever and that nothing is said or done or thought that He doesn't know about and He WILL make it all right in His time. Now His time is something I struggle with as well. I want it to happen today and I want to be there when it comes down but then I remember how grateful I am in my own life for His mercy and grace and love and compassion and forgiveness. I have to admit that I still pray that they choke on their supper so maybe they'll call out to the ONE TRUE God and realize it's not them. Actually I pray a lot for their salvation as well because I can't imagine a truly saved person being so mean and hateful and self-absorbed and with so little joy in their life. God keep me from becoming that very kind of person that I can't stand the most. Use all the stuff, even the stuff Satan tries to use to get the best of us and make us bitter, to make us more like You. Help us to forgive and not to hold on to the words that some say intended to harm us or hurt us and instead give those words over to You and allow You to heal us and convict others. Help us not to get in the flesh and actually smack someone and again and again I ask that You keep a muzzle over our mouth so that we don't act like those that make us so mad. Help us to turn the other cheek knowing that it makes you even madder than it does us. Guard our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus our Lord and protect above all my children, Your children, from the evil and evil ones who try to have influence over them.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

So it's Father's Day so I thought I would talk a little about my father and my kids' father but saving my cheesy stuff for him til our 25th comes around. Anyway couldn't let this day pass without saying something about 2 of the most special people in my life so here goes...
Daddy, you are such a huge blessing in my life. Growing up you were always the steady rock when things seemed somewhat chaotic. Can't remember ever hearing you raise your voice but you sure had our respect and I knew the boundaries. Boy, am I glad for those boundaries. They helped me many times to make the smart choice. You taught me so much about how to treat people. I used to get aggravated when we couldn't go anywhere without people stopping us to talk to you, but I realize how people truly have always liked you. You give people time and at least always seemed as though you were interested in their life and happenings. You taught me not to rush through life but to take time for others. You passed down a strong Christian heritage. There was never any doubt where you stood or what your convictions were. We always knew better than to even ask on Saturday if we were going to church Sunday. When we did ask we would just get that look as if to say, "unless one of us is dead or dying, yes we will be there". I'm so grateful. You let us know early on that that's where we would be come Sunday. I'm also grateful that you taught me so much about sports. You didn't treat me like a boy but you made me aware that sports was something girls could enjoy as well. I'm so glad you included me and taught me because you know I have spent most of my adult life on one ball field or another. You made family priority and I appreciate that. It was never just you and Jim but we all went places as a family.
Thanks Dad for all you taught me but mostly thank you for showing me Jesus in every way and making Him Priority in our family. You made me fall in love with my heavenly father because of the kind of father you were. I love you so much.

Now for you honey. I know you don't esteem one day over any other but since I occassionally do, here goes. It has been a blast raising four kids with you. They are so blessed to have a Dad of true conviction. You have shown them what serving Christ is all about. You have shown them how to balance ministry and family without either having to suffer. You've kept Christ first but never allowed church to take first place or any place over them. They will never be able to say that you neglected them for the sake of ministry and I know that's why they love not only Jesus as much as they do but also they love the church. It's never been more important to their Dad than they were.
You absolutely have to be the best dad for boys and girls I've ever known. You enjoyed dance recitals and cheerleading competitions even though you didn't really get what you were watching. You cheered them on and always thought they were the best. You've put up with boys hanging around even when you had rather sent them packing. You put up with pajama parties and girls giggling and talking late into the night, loudly, even on Saturday nights. Whatever the boys ever accomplish with sports, they owe a lot of credit to you. You were never too busy to shoot hoops or play catch. You made a mound in the backyard and caught endless pitches, sometimes taking it on the shin or pulling balls out of the pool. You taught them so much about the game but mostly about being a team player and working hard. You've taught them that there's no place for playing for yourself and your own stats. It's about the team and in a culture where everyone is out for themselves and what they can get out of it, it's very rare to see two boys who really play for the team. The credit for that goes to you as well.
You always said that if your kids turned out to be stinkers it would be because they spent so much time WITH their dad and not away from him. Well, they've been stinkers a time or two but mostly they've been real treasures. Thanks for making our kids priority and giving so much of yourself to being a great Dad. We all love you and are blessed to call you ours.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday Morning Perspective

We continued our journey through 1Peter yesterday with a word to the christians work ethic. I've spent the past 21 almost 22 years as a stay-at-home mom. Throughout those years I was constantly reminding myself who I ultimately worked for because as a stay-at-home mom many of you know that there's no pay check which means no raise for a job well done, no co-workers to bond with or pats on the back. It was lonely at times having only little ones to talk to or have lunch with, but let me quickly say that I think I have had the absolute best job in all the world. I wouldn't take anything for it. Most of the rewards may come way down the road but trust me, they do come.
I love the Rebekah principle no matter how many times I hear it. It's something you can use whether with your job or volunteer work, as a student or as an athlete. In our world it doesn't take long to look around and see that very few actually implement that principle. Let me encourage you to be one of them who uses that principle and teaches it to your children. I pray that I implement it myself and that my children will every time they step on the field or into the classroom or on the job site.
Have a super blessed Monday.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

This one's for you Jess

I have been trying to do this for several weeks. I thought I could do it without so much emotion several weeks before graduation but I was wrong. I was even crazy enough to try it the day before...that was a disaster. So now I am going to try this several days later, may take a few tries to get it done. Anyway...Jess this is a dedication to you for your high school graduation.

My my my how time really does fly. I know for you school must have seemed to drag on forever but from the time you started 1st grade it seems like time began to race by at break-neck speed. Especially this past year, it seems like since Sept. everywhere I turned people and things seemed to be trying to hurry you on through high school while I hung on for dear life trying to make time slow down and enjoy every "last" event. Your last time cheering on the sidelines, your last time cheering for the basketball team, your last pageant, your last Homecoming game, your last rivalry games, your last prom, your last basketball game, and on and on and on. It's so hard seeing things end even though I know there are so many exciting things still ahead.

I just want you to know in writing how tremendously proud of you I am. I told you that if you could graduate South Aiken High School with your morals intact, your love for Christ strong, and still holding fast to your convictions, that you would be my hero. Well, baby girl, you are a hero of mine. Being able to accomplish that alone is not an easy task these days in a public high school where so much is thrown at you from every angle, but also to be a leader is a great accomplishment. You have been a great witness and example of how powerful Christ in you can be. He has proved Himself faithful time and time again in your life. He has been the author and perfector of your faith. He has proven that He can be your best friend when it seems there are no other friends around.

It's been a joy to see you lead in your youth group. It's been a parent's dream to never have to make you go to church or be involved. Throughout your years as a teenager you have served in your church and studied His Word through your bible study groups there. You have sought out others to join you on world changers trips and beach camps. You are a shining example of bringing others to Him.

Our prayer for you has always been that you would love Christ and desire Him above everything and everyone else. That you would seek Him with all of your heart. That you would run hard after Him, clinging to Him in the rough times and rejoicing with Him in the good times. That you would keep your eyes fixed upon Him, your heart set on Him and never compromise your convictions for anyone.

This marathon is not over just because high school is over. God has set the race before you and promised to run it with you. Stay on the narrow path for that is where you will find the joy and peace and direction from your Lord. You may not find many willing to run that way with you, but He will never leave you or forsake you. He will be the greatest friend you will ever have.

The future is so bright and promising. I can't wait to see what He has in store for you. I love you. You are everything and more your Dad and I could ever want you to be and we are so very proud of you!! Congratulations on your graduation.