Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday Morning Perspective

We looked at heaven's view of Christmas in part 2 of Christmas in 3G...The Glory.
What an incredible way Eddie presented the Christmas story from heaven's perspective and reminding us that it didn't all begin in Bethlehem with Jesus being born.  John 1:1 explains the beginning and we took a deep look into how Jesus emptied Himself, took on limitations and came to earth.  Salvation really is the greatest gift of all!!  It is priceless.  It is permanent.  It is practical.  It heals our hurts.  It gives meaning and purpose.  It meets our every need.  What more could we want this Christmas? Don't leave the gift of salvation unopened and be willing to share it with others.
Merry Christmas to all from our family to yours!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday Morning Perspective

Kicked off Christmas in 3G with The Grinch also known as Herod.  I'll give you some of my favorite points from the message...(btw parentheses are mine)...
...Herod was determined to kill off all of his competition (how often do we try similar things with those we compete against? We try to kill em off or tear them down with our words usually).
...God isn't taken by surprise by what happens here...and it's all public knowledge in heaven.
...God used the ordinary and sensible instead of the miraculous when he told Mary and Joseph to flee.
...Herod was insanely suspicious and paranoid (Lord have mercy, how often are we suspicious of others thinking the worst of them. May we realize how Herod-like we are when we act like that).
...I loved how Eddie pulled from Revelation (how the Word goes together from Genesis to Revelation!!).
...Remember in The Grinch cartoon and movie how Grinch thought all the Whos would be upset when all was taken but they still rejoiced and it led to the transformation of the Grinch himself??? (what a testimony we can be to others when we show them it's not the stuff, it's the Who Himself that makes Christmas Christmas!).  As Eddie said "it's never too late to be transformed even for a grinch.