Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Homegirls at fairview

Hey to all my homegirls at fairview. I just wanted to share a few things with you. First of all to tell you that I think you are just a super special group of girls. I can't believe it's coming up on a year that we have been here with you. You have shown (not just spoken) us so much love in so many ways. You have loved our kids with so much affection, a few of them you haven't even met. You just blow me away and please know that you fill so much space in our hearts!!
Baseball season has started and it has started at a crazy hectic pace. I will miss you on some Sundays as I travel to be with my boys since Eddie can't do much of that. That's my role and I love every second. I miss you so much on those Sundays I'm away but you as well as the whole fairview fam are on my heart and mind even when I'm away. 
When I'm on the road I want you to know that whether I'm in the hotel or car driving,  I pray hard for you on Sunday morn especially. It gives me an opportunity to just pray out loud, even as other drivers think I'm crazy that's ok, and press in and listen hard to Him. This  past Sunday morning I was praying for my own family and everything I prayed over them I turned and prayed toward fairview. The bulk of it being that we would be a people who love Jesus above everything and everyone else. That we would follow Him even when it wasn't convenient or made sense. That we would love and welcome others to join us even in our differences. That we would fight the good fight of faith  together keeping our eyes set on Christ. That we would have a burden we couldn't escape for the lost and speak our faith out loud. I was (and am) praying God would so overwhelm us that we wouldn't have a clue what was happening but we would go with it and we would see a work only God could do. I so believe we are on the edge of that happening and I'm choosing to believe every promise he's given to my husband concerning God's great work at fairview. 
Today ill be on the road again. This time I will be praying over our women's ministry specifically. I have been for almost a year now wanting to be careful to get His vision for us and His direction. He has answered so many prayers on our behalf and I'm so excited but there's more prayers to be prayed. I'm asking you to pray with me today but also in the days to come that God would use us mightily for His purposes. I believe He has given us a name and He is pressing on hearts to be a part. I want it to be a ministry of encouragement and fellowship and that we would love the women of our church and city well. I'm so excited to see all that He has for us and I don't want us to miss a thing!! Many times it doesn't appear anything is happening because we don't see it but trust me God is giving direction and I'm hoping you will pray with me that he continues to do that. 
Thank you for partnering in prayer and let's keep our eyes wide open and our hearts expecting and our minds believing that the God of immeasurably more wants to use us and will if we are obedient and willing to follow Him. I love you all and can't wait for the opportunity to be together. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

4 years of college baseball already?!

This weekend is not only the opening weekend for baseball at Charleston Southern, it's also the opening weekend of Stephen's final college baseball career. Can I just say, cliche as it might be, THE TIME HAS FLOWN!!! As ready as I am to get the season started, I'm not sure I'm ready for this. Yesterday's post was about the more important side to baseball, but this mom is sure gonna miss seeing the former #10 and now #35 on that mound whenever baseball comes to an end whether that's this year or down the road. 
It's hard to imagine anyone more competitive than Stephen. He's also probably the hardest worker I've ever known. He's a gym rat at heart always pushing himself to be better. Yes, pushing and motivating himself. I don't think any coach he's ever had would say they had to push him or motivate him much.  No one wanted him to do better and be better than he did himself. They all seemed to know the buttons to push at the right time, but he never gave less than 100%. 
My favorite times were always the close very important games even though they stressed me much more than they ever stressed him. There's never been a look quite like the look he gets walking on and off the mound when he gets In the zone and everything's on the line. The bigger the game the more he wanted the ball and the better he seemed to play. I'll never forget some of those games the most recent being last year for CSU fighting to get in the tournament. Wow, he came up big that game. To be so laid back off the field and such a bulldog on the mound is almost hysterical to me but I love it!!
I'm determined to enjoy every game this year. I've already promised him I'm not going to cry throughout the season and counting down everything. Some say there's no crying in baseball. HA!! I hope I can keep that promise. He's probably much more prepared for this than I am if it's the last hurrah for baseball. He has his focus set on the future. He knows and is excited about what God's called him to do. That baseball platform will open doors and opportunities for him that he never dreamed possible and knowing him he will work it well. I have no doubt that he will be as competitive off the field. The next season of life the enemy may not be in the other dugout. The enemy he will continue to fight will be THE enemy as he strives to snatch many from satan and win them for Jesus. Whatever ministry looks like down the road and whenever it starts, Stephen, if you attack it like you have the game of baseball, many will be won and the kingdom will be advanced. Stay humble. Continue to love the game and play hard for the One who sees everything and rewards faithfulness. Have a great senior season and whatever comes next, it's gonna be amazing!!! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Better than a home run

Last Saturday, between baseball games at spartanburg methodist college, there was a ceremony on the field to dedicate the lights and honor the man, John Sparrow, who gave them as a gift to the school. Eddie and I stood up on the hill watching the entire ceremony. At the end the coach said he wanted to present him with a special gift. That gift was our son John's white jersey #30 framed.  My first thought was ok I guess he must have been #30 before and they were retiring it and I suppose John will have to finish in a different number. No biggie. But then the coach explained "that the player who wears that number will be a man of integrity. That's a promise I make to you and your family. The best example of that right now is John Leopard who wears that number for us and he'll do a tremendous job representing you." Well you could've knocked Eddie and I over with a feather. We looked at each other to make sure we actually both heard that right. We were like "wow, where did that come from?" Not that it wasn't great to hear or that we didn't think that he was a man of integrity ourselves, but we had never heard a coach emphasize integrity quite like that and certainly never rewarded it. It was better than any home run he's ever hit, any ball he's fielded at first or any great pitching performance he ever had. And believe me those things have meant a lot at those times. Coach later said in an article explaining the gift, that he wanted to give him a jersey with significance. He said, "I was sitting there looking at #30 and said you know that's John Leopard's jersey and I'm sure John Sparrow was just like John Leopard at a young age. Good, solid, Christian kid, works hard, doesn't cause any problems, great to be around." Here's the deal. I'm not sharing this to brag on John. One point is that it's nice to have a coach that applauds integrity in a world that for the most part could care less especially in sports. The other point is that we've raised John and Stephen to know that baseball is a game. It's a fun game. You are blessed to play as long as you can. For many it ends after little league. For others it ends after high school. Percentage-wise a few are left to play in college and even fewer get to make a living at it. But it will end. And the bottom line is that baseball is not a stepping stone. It's a PLATFORM! It provides a platform in this sports crazy culture to make a difference. The question is, will you?  Long after people remember your playing days, they will remember what kind of person you were and are. And that's what matters. That's what we've been whispering and at times  screaming in their ears since they started playing at age 5. I know at the level that both of them play, the way they play is important especially to a coach who's got them on scholarship. As a mom, do I feel like they're sometimes overlooked? Yes! Do I believe at times they should be in the game when they're not? Yes! Do I believe they could get the job done if they were at bat or on the mound or on the base? Yes! But we also raised them to be a team player. We put them in team sports to learn to work with others and to cheer on others. Confession...they both have that down better than mom. In the sports world of whining about playing time and cutting corners when the coach isn't looking, I want mine to be pulling for the team. I want them going to the gym to work out or to the field to throw when the coach isn't looking and noones telling them to. I can tell you that at times like Saturday, I'm reminded of what really matters. And that is that they both be men of integrity because they'll never be too old for that to matter. And I hope the baseball platform works for them for years to come giving them opportunities to share Christ like no other platform can do. And I hope #30 makes his coach proud long after he's quit playing for him. 
The articles can be found online at by Todd Shanesy at spartanburg herald. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Brooklynn Noel Hux

I don't really know where to begin with this one. My daughter did such a great job blogging the details of her birth so I thought I might just write my sweet 1st grandchild a letter. So here goes...
You sweet girl have pretty much made me speechless and that's not an easy thing to do. It's hard to find words even when my heart is so full. I guess I want you to know more than anything else how loved you are. You have a mom and dad who will only grow to love you more as you grow. I hope there's never a day that you question how blessed you are. Not that you will always understand their decisions, know that every decision will be made based on what's best for you. We have been praying over your life since the second we knew you existed. First and foremost for the day to come that you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You will never make a decision for yourself greater than that one and we won't stop praying for that until it happens. We pray not only for that but also that you would follow Him closely. That you would love Him and serve Him by loving and serving others. We pray that you love Him and adore Him above everything and everyone else. We are praying for our sweet Brooklynn to be a mighty force for Jesus on this earth, that you would shine His light on this dark world. That you would be an instrument of His mercy and grace to all he brings your way. You have been born into a crazy family who is crazy about you and crazy for Jesus. You will fit in perfectly I know!!
You were conceived earlier than I think any of us expected and arrived 3 weeks early. I'm not sure exactly what that means but im pretty sure there's purpose in that ☺️.  God brought you here between 2 snowstorms. I'd been praying since I got the feb due date that no snow would come between us and the birth time. God is good and His timing is always perfect. You also let all of us get through Sunday services, the 1st baseball weekend of your uncle, and even the Super Bowl. How could we ask any more of such a little person?
Watching you grow is going to be the biggest thrill we have had since watching your mommy, aunt, and uncles grow. This time I've told them I refuse to be the mean one 😄 even though I have to go by mommy's and daddy's rules. Can't wait for shopping sprees. I raised your mom in Haywood mall and she didn't turn out too bad except her enormous love for shoes (lots of stories to share with you one day). Sleepovers or lackofsleep overs will happen. Cooking and baking. I can't wait to watch you do things that you've chosen to do. From tutus to softball pants or basketball jerseys to music to whatever, it's going to be exciting. 
Just remember God loves you and has a plan for you and good works waiting for you. We love you and will always be here for you. Life can be tough but God is good and he is always faithful sweet one. 
I'll tell you this and more, much more, in the days to come but for now, eat good and SLEEP good and I'll be back soon. 
Love, GiGi

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday Morning Perspective

We wrapped our series yesterday Protect this House with looking at our work life. I love how Eddie pointed out that this message fits with this series because of how our work affects our home in so many ways. It's almost impossible to "leave it at the office". It's such a huge part of our life and most definitely affects our home life. 
I love Eddie's statement that the biggest decision we ever make is whether we receive or reject Jesus because it determines our eternal destiny. Another big decision is marriage because it affects our future on earth. Another big decision is our occupation because it too affects our future and earthly life. 
My favorite part was when he talked about pleasing people and God being our ultimate boss. He used a great illustration having to do with surveillance cameras. I loved that part because I couldn't help but think that God is our ultimate surveillance camera as well. He sees everything. Nothing is done without his knowledge. It's never too dark that He can't see and we are never sneaky enough to get anything by Him. He hears every "private" conversation. He sees every goof off moment. 
Eddie closed by pointing out that there are no favorites with God. It doesn't matter whether we claim the corner office  or clean it. It doesn't matter whether we own the restaurant or cook the food. The ground at the cross is level!! 
This series was a grand slam!! So thankful for God using my man every week to bring the Word in a way we can all understand and relate to. 
Our worship music was a grand slam as well.  I love that all age groups love it and both services represent all generations. That's RARE especially in a contemporary service!! Every week I hear from people in their 20s to their 90s who tell me how excited they are to be a part of fairview. That's obvious by the number of visitors we are having! People are coming from spartanburg to greenville and all the towns in between!! Thank you for continuing to invite so that others can be a part of all that God is doing here. We don't want anyone to miss out! Let's take the upstate together for Jesus!!  Love you fairview!!