Thursday, February 13, 2014

4 years of college baseball already?!

This weekend is not only the opening weekend for baseball at Charleston Southern, it's also the opening weekend of Stephen's final college baseball career. Can I just say, cliche as it might be, THE TIME HAS FLOWN!!! As ready as I am to get the season started, I'm not sure I'm ready for this. Yesterday's post was about the more important side to baseball, but this mom is sure gonna miss seeing the former #10 and now #35 on that mound whenever baseball comes to an end whether that's this year or down the road. 
It's hard to imagine anyone more competitive than Stephen. He's also probably the hardest worker I've ever known. He's a gym rat at heart always pushing himself to be better. Yes, pushing and motivating himself. I don't think any coach he's ever had would say they had to push him or motivate him much.  No one wanted him to do better and be better than he did himself. They all seemed to know the buttons to push at the right time, but he never gave less than 100%. 
My favorite times were always the close very important games even though they stressed me much more than they ever stressed him. There's never been a look quite like the look he gets walking on and off the mound when he gets In the zone and everything's on the line. The bigger the game the more he wanted the ball and the better he seemed to play. I'll never forget some of those games the most recent being last year for CSU fighting to get in the tournament. Wow, he came up big that game. To be so laid back off the field and such a bulldog on the mound is almost hysterical to me but I love it!!
I'm determined to enjoy every game this year. I've already promised him I'm not going to cry throughout the season and counting down everything. Some say there's no crying in baseball. HA!! I hope I can keep that promise. He's probably much more prepared for this than I am if it's the last hurrah for baseball. He has his focus set on the future. He knows and is excited about what God's called him to do. That baseball platform will open doors and opportunities for him that he never dreamed possible and knowing him he will work it well. I have no doubt that he will be as competitive off the field. The next season of life the enemy may not be in the other dugout. The enemy he will continue to fight will be THE enemy as he strives to snatch many from satan and win them for Jesus. Whatever ministry looks like down the road and whenever it starts, Stephen, if you attack it like you have the game of baseball, many will be won and the kingdom will be advanced. Stay humble. Continue to love the game and play hard for the One who sees everything and rewards faithfulness. Have a great senior season and whatever comes next, it's gonna be amazing!!! 

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