Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday Morning Perspective

Yesterday we continued our series on God's Lost and Found with the familiar story of the prodigal son. Thankfully we were reminded not to lose the meaning and impact just because we are so familiar with the it.
My favorite part I think was when Eddie talked about how God is perfect in every way. He is the perfect father yet He has rebellious children. I don't think I have ever thought of it that way. I know one of the things we have always tried to stress to parents dealing with rebellious children is not to blame themselves. Our children have a free will and at times make some very bad choices. We also as God's children live at times in rebellion wanting to do it all our own way and we make some bad choices as well. Thankfully this parable shows us how loving and forgiving our heavenly Father is and as His children we are called to be like Him showing love and forgiveness to others.
I've tried lately to focus some prayer time on those I know who are lost and those prodigals I know. I'm sure we all have some we can add to our prayer list. My prayer is that they will recognize the goodness of God and repent and the consequences of sin will not be too overwhelming. Have a blessed week!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"Go To" Scripture

Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7
Since I was about 16 years old, the Lord has sent me to this scripture over and over again. Some of those times I have clung to it like it's all I had and held on for dear life. Other times it has been sweet encouragement and left me with such a sense of peace. It's one of those "go to" verses for me. It has definitely taught me to trust and I love Him so for that.
There have been times when circumstances have been so overwhelming and dark that I was left screaming, "what are You doing???". He led me to this verse.
There have been times He has stripped people from my life and I was like, "what are You doing this for???". He led me to this verse.
There have been times He has brought people into my life that I also asked, "what are You doing???". He again would lead me to this verse.
His ways truly are not our ways, they are so much higher!!! It really is best when we "lean not on our own understanding" but trust and acknowledge Him for who He is. As He asked Job, He has also asked me, "exactly where were you when I was creating the universe, just who do you think you are?" paraphrase of course.
I've definitely learned to trust His love if at times I struggle with trusting anything else. I've learned to embrace the people and love the people He has brought along my path at a particular time knowing there's a reason for it. I've quit thinking "what a waste of time or effort or energy" knowing that He wastes NOTHING. I've learned that everyone is in our life for a reason and a purpose. I cringe to think of the lessons I have probably missed because I didn't have eyes to see it at the time...hindsight really is 20/20. But, I have also learned to trust that His grace covers it all and not give in to Satan's accusations.
How about you? What are some of your "go to" verses? I hope you have one or many. Don't know where I would be or would have ended up without His Word throughout my life.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Dose of Humility

I've spent a lot of time lately in the gospel of John. One of the things that never ceases to amaze me is the humility of John the Baptist. Humility isn't something we often hear referred to as a virtue in our world yet it's huge in God's sight. We seem to be all about will this make me appear, how will this affect me, what will this cost me? That's the world's mindset. One of my fave verses is 2:17, His disciples remembered that it is written: "Zeal for your house will consume me." I've been asking myself if I am zealous for His House. We are zealous for many things, most have no significance in the kingdom of God and most are self-serving. John the Baptist was kingdom minded and it wasn't his own kingdom he was concerned with. He was fine with the fact that Jesus would increase and he would decrease. So often we are focused on our own following. We take ownership over "our class" and "our people". It's all about us. Somehow we take it personally and think everyone is supposed to follow us when in fact we are called to point others to Christ just as John did. Our mission is to lead people to follow Christ not us whatever role we are placed in. We grow jealous of another person's ministry or place of leadership...nothing could be further from the heartbeat of what ministry is suppose to be.
Competition in the world is normal, doing what it takes to get ahead is how people work. I'm a huge competitor when it comes to sports, I hate to lose. BUT, there is no place for competition in the church. Are we not all working for the same purpose? So often it seems like we are working against each other all for the sake of self. John knew his role and never forgot it. He didn't care anything about power or position in the political system of the Jews. He always pointed beyond himself. As God's truths work in us and people are drawn to us, may we always point them to Christ and take the light off of ourselves.
Matthew 11:11..."I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greather than John the Baptist..."

Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday Morning Perspective

Do Sundays just keep getting better or is it just me??? I don't think it's just me cause so many of you keep telling me it does for you too...always so glad to hear your comments.
We continued our series yesterday on God's Lost and Found. We focused on the lost silver from Luke 15:8-10. I loved ALL of it. It was convicting, encouraging, challenging all wrapped up in one.
What Eddie said about those being lost in the House is the most sad and tragic of all is so true. That thought alone breaks my heart. My prayer is that God would open all of our eyes to Truth not so we may doubt our salvation but that we may rest in the assurance of our salvation.
My time alone with Him this morning was spent in John. In the book of John we see so many responses to Jesus. We see that some left, others stayed and heard His message and believed and some used Jesus for personal gain. Many today turn from Christ while others pretend to follow going to church for status or feel less guilty or business contacts. Others for approval of family or friends. There are really only 2 responses to Jesus---you either accept Him and follow Him or reject Him. We all must make up our own minds and understand that our choice determines eternal consequences. Let's none of us just assume those around us are true believers in Christ. Let's share Him with everyone and if He has laid someone on our hearts, know it's probably for a reason. Blessings to all!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Monday Morning Perspective

I know it's Tuesday but just couldn't get the computer to wake up much yesterday. Anyway...
We started our new series Sunday called God's Lost and Found. I know I'm gonna love it just like I love all of them. We started with The Lost Sheep in Luke 15.
Eddie started out sharing our condition as sheep. I love how he pointed out that sheep are defenseless and people apart from Christ are defenseless against all that Satan throws at us. It was also a good reminder how our drifting happens gradually which is why being consistent in our time alone with God and our worship attendance is so important. We miss one sunday then it's two...before long we are way out of fellowship and don't understand why.
I loved how we spent time seeing the compassion of our Savior. Luke 19:10 points out the reason why He came...He came to seek and save the lost. I couldn't help but think that if we would think back to our own salvation experience and remember daily just what that means we would be more intentional in sharing with others so that they might also experience salvation. I believe it starts with daily praying for a heart for the lost and a passion to share our faith and then not missing the opportunities God brings our way to share.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lovin Spring Break

Spring Break always tells me we are very close to summertime and this year I am so siked about summer. It's going to be back to normal summers of old, it's jam-packed with lots of fun, travel, family and friend time.
So far we have spent some much needed time with my brother and sister-in-law, my parents, some friends, and my boys are playing some great baseball...and it's only TUESDAY!! I'm lovin the weather, could do without the pollen, but the heat is just like I like it. My girls are off together enjoying themselves aside from school and work for Chrissie but Jess is loving being in Anderson for some time away, can't wait to get upstate myself in a few. Hope this week is a blessed one for all whether it's spring break for you or just going about the norm. Just enjoy cause, this is the day the Lord has made, we should rejoice and be glad in it!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday Morning Perspective

Easter is beyond words so this will be short. Eddie said he always has trouble preaching an Easter message, it's just too big for words. It was a great message and a great Easter at Millbrook. Jesus rose just as He said He would!