Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lovin Spring Break

Spring Break always tells me we are very close to summertime and this year I am so siked about summer. It's going to be back to normal summers of old, it's jam-packed with lots of fun, travel, family and friend time.
So far we have spent some much needed time with my brother and sister-in-law, my parents, some friends, and my boys are playing some great baseball...and it's only TUESDAY!! I'm lovin the weather, could do without the pollen, but the heat is just like I like it. My girls are off together enjoying themselves aside from school and work for Chrissie but Jess is loving being in Anderson for some time away, can't wait to get upstate myself in a few. Hope this week is a blessed one for all whether it's spring break for you or just going about the norm. Just enjoy cause, this is the day the Lord has made, we should rejoice and be glad in it!!

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