Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"Go To" Scripture

Jesus replied, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." John 13:7
Since I was about 16 years old, the Lord has sent me to this scripture over and over again. Some of those times I have clung to it like it's all I had and held on for dear life. Other times it has been sweet encouragement and left me with such a sense of peace. It's one of those "go to" verses for me. It has definitely taught me to trust and I love Him so for that.
There have been times when circumstances have been so overwhelming and dark that I was left screaming, "what are You doing???". He led me to this verse.
There have been times He has stripped people from my life and I was like, "what are You doing this for???". He led me to this verse.
There have been times He has brought people into my life that I also asked, "what are You doing???". He again would lead me to this verse.
His ways truly are not our ways, they are so much higher!!! It really is best when we "lean not on our own understanding" but trust and acknowledge Him for who He is. As He asked Job, He has also asked me, "exactly where were you when I was creating the universe, just who do you think you are?" paraphrase of course.
I've definitely learned to trust His love if at times I struggle with trusting anything else. I've learned to embrace the people and love the people He has brought along my path at a particular time knowing there's a reason for it. I've quit thinking "what a waste of time or effort or energy" knowing that He wastes NOTHING. I've learned that everyone is in our life for a reason and a purpose. I cringe to think of the lessons I have probably missed because I didn't have eyes to see it at the time...hindsight really is 20/20. But, I have also learned to trust that His grace covers it all and not give in to Satan's accusations.
How about you? What are some of your "go to" verses? I hope you have one or many. Don't know where I would be or would have ended up without His Word throughout my life.

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