Sunday, December 18, 2016

Monday Moment

It's Christmas week! Can you believe it?! I sorta can but then not really! It sure has been cold so that's helped me get in the spirit of things. But weather can only do so much. As well as all of my decorations that have been up for a while now along with presents underneath the tree. Yesterday was a Christmas celebration at Fairview and that is what ultimately put me over the top and makes it truly feel like Christmas. Because a focus on Jesus is what makes Christmas Christmas. Right? 

I won't dissect everything or this will turn into a book but there were so many highlights I'll just share those and then you can kick back and watch online when it gets up. Trust me, it'll be worth it. 

The past month worship at 11 has been next level. I've loved the mixture of Christmas and worship songs. I say all the time, church is about the scripture being preached. It's the focal and most important part of worship. It just is. But Eddie will tell you, it's easy to preach behind great worship music. It sets a tone (I also think lighting does that and I'm a fan of dark) and sets the table so to speak. Thank you to Cross Talk for doing what you do. 

We are loaded with musicians and we had the privilege of hearing from Marnie Daniel yesterday. She flat out killed it. She sings beautifully but for stage presence, she gets a perfect score as well. By the end of that I could've run a few laps. But I didn't...everyone calm down. =)

This guy. Well you probably think I brag too much. I'd say I don't brag enough. Wilson Nelson was right. It was one of the best Christmas messages I've heard. With a Christmas tree and a cross set before us, Eddie gave us thoughts on the tree, the lights, the star or angel on top, and the presents. 

We were encouraged to shine our light as believers. Light dispels darkness, not shouting. It gives direction. 

The wise men saw the star and followed. Many today know, but choose not to follow. 

Like angels we are called to be messengers of the good news. 

And then the presents. The perfect gift reflects the nature of the giver and it meets the need of the recipient. Salvation reflects how much God loves us and it meets our every need. None of us deserve it but we are all desperate for it. Salvation is eternal. It won't wear out, go out of style or break. 

Our service ended with the father/son team Tom and Ryan Burns singing O Holy Night! It was incredible!! Also a favorite at Christmas time. 

Rise did a Christmas Night of Worship! Morgan Bryant, Kieffer Mendoza, Cale Gray, and Caleb Massey were on fire!  

It's not easy to put into words what that service was like. I can just tell you that I was sobbing at times, couldn't stop smiling at times, had glory bumps start to finish and was overwhelmed by the presence of the Spirit that was undeniable. Eddie and I were slack jawed. Yes at their giftedness, but mainly at how 4 leaders who rarely lead together just come together and do what they do. It was simply beautiful, like watching art created. I doubt the room or the people will ever be the same. 

We are just astounded and believing God for what He has in store for this group. We broke into groups to pray and to hear prayers going up as they yielded what they want for what God wants and just praying for the reminder of why they do what they do and God's will was just powerful. Honestly just never been part of anything quite like this and it's precious and dear. The humility of all of them, from leaders to volunteers, is worth celebrating in a day where ego and pride is the norm. 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Friday FAVORites

So Christmas is 9 days away! What?! So hard to believe even though the weather definitely makes it feel that way. And me, being the summer weather loving girl that I am, actually LOVES cold Christmas weather. So there's one FAVORite thing for you, cold weather at Christmas time. 


Another FAVORite thing is family group text! Most hate group text. I know sometimes they get annoying, but they can be helpful and even fun!

Our family group texts, other than those where we try to figure out how to get all of us in the same place at the same time for something, can look like someone throwing out a need for some prayer coverage or sharing how God has answered in a big way. Trust me, a fam our size, requires much prayer. There's always stuff going on and it's usually stuff that we recognize being beyond our ability to deal with, handle, whatever. Lives get busy and we don't always have time to sit together and just dissect everything (when we can we do because I'm a dissector at heart) but we can always throw out a text to everyone. And there's nothing a 

Leopard, Hux, or Broome like more than an opportunity to pray. 

Let me tell you the good stuff happens when someone gets an answer and we all get to celebrate! Those emojis start pouring in along with those hilarious dance videos. We love a good happy dance around here. 

In case you haven't guessed, praying and celebrating answers is my all time, nothing better, FAVORite thing!

Maybe 2017 is the year you do something like this if you don't already. Do it with your family or some of your church family. Maybe you have a strong group of friends to share with. Just make a habit of praying with and for others and then celebrating with one another. It'll change your life. 

And by the way, we welcome anyone who wants to add us to their text or email or whatever. It's pure joy and an honor to join with others to pray and celebrate! Plus it gets us all out of our tiny bubbles to see the needs of others. God gives us a reason every day to break into a happy dance no matter what is going on around us. Many times I miss the opportunity because I'm focused on things that don't matter or the problem itself. But with those new mercies every morning, is an opportunity to dance! So DANCE people!! Life is hard but God is good!!

I love you all! This may, possibly, but not positive yet, be the last Friday FAVORites for 2016. We'll see how busy things are the next two weeks! Merry Christmas to all and blessings galore for 2017! 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Monday Moment

What a great service this morning with Crosstalk leading some great worship and mixing in Christmas carols.  We welcome Bob and Sylvia Atwell to our staff team. Bob will serve as missions/discipleship and eventually senior adults when Wilson and Mary Winn head to Florida to enjoy retirement. 

There was no holding back today as my husband brought a great word from Phil 4:1-3. 

Eddie told us right from the start not to look beside us during this message. Most of us could say we need to look in the mirror. 

This passage reminds us that a small problem has potential to cause a huge stink. 

Paul encourages the readers to stand firm. Too many retreat and too many stand on opinions and personal preferences but we are to stand firm in the Lord. 

In verse 2 Paul calls out names, not of those outside the church causing problems, but of fellow believers, co-laborers. Eddie mentions that had the problem been doctrine or theology or moral, Paul would probably have detailed the problem. But he didn't, which probably means it was trivial. Eddie said they should've been back to back but they couldn't see eye to eye so they went toe to toe. 

How often do we pull others into our conflict, talk behind backs, and exaggerate things. Paul and Eddie both tell us, agree in the Lord and just get along! 

Even Christians at times get sideways with one another and it's important to understand how it affects the entire body. More is always accomplished together as a team, as a body. 

We have much to rejoice over at Fairview as Michael shared in the welcome. What a generous body of believers! We have given much and we have done much in 2016. Just remember, going is as important as giving. Let's be a body that does both well. Let's finish strong! 

On a cold, damp Sunday night, Rise was a great place to be. The coffee was hot and the Spirit hotter. It's always a glory bump service and for reasons I know not of, and don't even care to know, it's always a service that brings me to tears. Don't want to figure it out for fear if I do it may stop. I'm just gonna go with it. 

Worship was special as always and had all of us in a receptive spirit for the word Nathan Brannon would bring. From Phil 3:12-22, Nathan preached on vision and the need for it in moving forward. He spoke on forgetting what is behind, not only the bad things that we need to let go of, but also the good things so that we don't get complacent and rest in past successes. There's validity in remembering but you can't get stuck there. He spoke of the need for mentorship for all believers, its that step beyond the small group discipleship. 

The reminder that Greer is not our home but we are citizens of heaven keeps us from being so earthly minded. 

Nathan quoted a saying that says, things seen are temporary but things unseen are eternal. He challenged us to stop spending time, energy and money on the seen which is passing away but the unseen things are the things that shape, or should shape, our vision.  What an incredible message by one of our young men with a heart for Jesus. 

And thank you Nathan for offering the opportunity to put our word for the year on a piece of wood as a reminder throughout the year. I had chosen my word earlier. I love doing that every year. But thanks to Nathan I have a visual to keep in front of me all of 2017.

Anyone else choose a word for the year? I don't always but most years I do and I love it! You may be hearing more about that from me very soon! 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Friday FAVORites

I hope this is a favorite time of year for you all. It sure is mine. I love the lights of the city and our neighborhood. Honestly, it has been a bit too busy for me. Seems like the calendar has been too full for my liking. My idea of a good night is dinner at our kitchen table and Christmas shows and movies on the tv and turning in to bed early. It's been so busy for all of us with crazy work schedules and parties on top of parties that we haven't been able to work in my favorite night of the year, but I'm not giving up. There's still time. Hopefully it will happen then it can be a FAVORite post. Actually two things yet to come. We'll see. 

Here's a few beauty favorites for your Friday I'm happy to share. They could be great stocking stuffers or a gift to yourself.

This is my favorite eye liner, at least for now. I have a mac pencil that I like and a cover girl I use too and I like it. But I LOVE my elf, which is appropriate this time of year don't you think?! It stays on ALL DAY and doesn't smudge! It's a keeper. 

I also love this stuff. You can see it's uses on the tube but it's my year round go to for my lips. I use it throughout the day, summer through winter! 

Favorite blush ever!

And you know I've told some of you before the love relationship I have with this...

Do yourself a favor and go get you some! 

And this. Well, you're welcome! I have some in the shower and by my sink. If you have itchy winter skin, this is your skin salvation. It's new to me, but I will never be caught without it. 

Have a fabulous weekend! Do some of your favorite things with your favorite people in this favorite season!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Monday Moment

Sunday morning was cold and rainy, but who cares about the weather when you're excited to get to go to church and be with the community you love. The community at Fairview has a way of warming me up and making me glad it's Sunday, rain or shine. 

I LOVE the Christmas music Crosstalk is kicking off worship with each week. I love all Christmas music but I especially love the new music that fits so well with modern worship. Super good stuff! 

The message Eddie shared from Philippians 3:17-22 warmed me up better than the coffee I had already enjoyed. It was a word of warning and encouragement. We were warned to not be earthly minded. Many profess but do not possess. Paul says their god is their stomach, meaning any carnal appetite that controls us. They are those whose philosophy is what can they get out of life. 

Eddie encouraged self inventory to assess what our own mindset is and make sure we aren't included in the enemies of the cross. 

He encouraged us, rather, to be heavenly minded. C.S. Lewis said that Christians who do the most for the world, think the most of the next world. Most of us don't run the risk of being too heavenly minded. 

Questions we were left to ask ourself...

Do we live in anticipation of Jesus return? Do we live like He may return today? Are we looking, but also, living like we are ready? 

People should look at us and say "you're not from around here, are you?"  

Rise closed out my Sunday on a high note. This service is accomplishing Eddie's vision which is 3-fold. 1)to provide an alternative service for those who can't come on Sunday morning because of work, sports commitments,  travel, etc. 2) to provide an opportunity for the next generation called to ministry to get hands on experience in a safe environment to learn and grow. 3) to send out individuals or groups ready for ministry in different areas for different purposes. 

One and two are being accomplished every week and number three will come in time. I think they would tell you they are learning a lot and Eddie and I talk a lot about how we see improvement all the time, not only in what they do, but how they're problem solving and learning about people and working as a team. It's not always easy, but ministry rarely is! 

One of my FAVORite Friday posts will share soon on things that make this a favorite for me. But for now, suffice it to say, I love seeing young ones rise up and take their place not waiting til they "grow up" and I love that some come from my gen and older because they love the service atmosphere, but also just to offer support and needless to say I love that my husband has a passion to raise up the next gen ready to take their place. That's a calling for all believers, to be pouring into others and discipling  them in scripture and ministry. 

Having said all of that, we got the true delight to hear another young one bring the word this week. Stephen Leopard, from Origens church downtown, came with a message from Mark 6:45-52. Jesus had sent his disciples to Bethsaida and told them he'd meet them there. Bethsaida was their destination. We all have a Bethsaida but the problem is many times we think what's waiting for us is better than our present circumstances. 

Stephen pointed out how they didn't recognize Jesus. They thought he was on the other side so they weren't looking for him or a miracle. If we aren't looking for Jesus, we may miss him and the miracle he does. 

Interesting that of 37 miracles, only 3 were performed in a church setting. They were in homes, weddings, or on the journey. 

The life of a believer  isn't so much where we are going as who we are going with. We miss so much on the journey. Even when that journey includes a storm. God is busy NOW where we are NOW! 

Stephen left us with 4 questions to ask ourself...

1)how can I make the most of where I am now?

2)what would happen if we took the journey seriously? If we didn't see time as wasted. 

3)what does God want to show me about myself?

4)what does God want to show me about Himself?

Mark doesn't include the part about Peter walking on the water. Maybe he knew the story was about Jesus. 

As Oswald Chambers said "it's the process not the outcome that Jesus is about". 

In conclusion, let's embrace our place. 

Thank you Stephen for sharing a much needed word peppered with personal insight on making the most of our journeys.