Sunday, December 4, 2016

Monday Moment

Sunday morning was cold and rainy, but who cares about the weather when you're excited to get to go to church and be with the community you love. The community at Fairview has a way of warming me up and making me glad it's Sunday, rain or shine. 

I LOVE the Christmas music Crosstalk is kicking off worship with each week. I love all Christmas music but I especially love the new music that fits so well with modern worship. Super good stuff! 

The message Eddie shared from Philippians 3:17-22 warmed me up better than the coffee I had already enjoyed. It was a word of warning and encouragement. We were warned to not be earthly minded. Many profess but do not possess. Paul says their god is their stomach, meaning any carnal appetite that controls us. They are those whose philosophy is what can they get out of life. 

Eddie encouraged self inventory to assess what our own mindset is and make sure we aren't included in the enemies of the cross. 

He encouraged us, rather, to be heavenly minded. C.S. Lewis said that Christians who do the most for the world, think the most of the next world. Most of us don't run the risk of being too heavenly minded. 

Questions we were left to ask ourself...

Do we live in anticipation of Jesus return? Do we live like He may return today? Are we looking, but also, living like we are ready? 

People should look at us and say "you're not from around here, are you?"  

Rise closed out my Sunday on a high note. This service is accomplishing Eddie's vision which is 3-fold. 1)to provide an alternative service for those who can't come on Sunday morning because of work, sports commitments,  travel, etc. 2) to provide an opportunity for the next generation called to ministry to get hands on experience in a safe environment to learn and grow. 3) to send out individuals or groups ready for ministry in different areas for different purposes. 

One and two are being accomplished every week and number three will come in time. I think they would tell you they are learning a lot and Eddie and I talk a lot about how we see improvement all the time, not only in what they do, but how they're problem solving and learning about people and working as a team. It's not always easy, but ministry rarely is! 

One of my FAVORite Friday posts will share soon on things that make this a favorite for me. But for now, suffice it to say, I love seeing young ones rise up and take their place not waiting til they "grow up" and I love that some come from my gen and older because they love the service atmosphere, but also just to offer support and needless to say I love that my husband has a passion to raise up the next gen ready to take their place. That's a calling for all believers, to be pouring into others and discipling  them in scripture and ministry. 

Having said all of that, we got the true delight to hear another young one bring the word this week. Stephen Leopard, from Origens church downtown, came with a message from Mark 6:45-52. Jesus had sent his disciples to Bethsaida and told them he'd meet them there. Bethsaida was their destination. We all have a Bethsaida but the problem is many times we think what's waiting for us is better than our present circumstances. 

Stephen pointed out how they didn't recognize Jesus. They thought he was on the other side so they weren't looking for him or a miracle. If we aren't looking for Jesus, we may miss him and the miracle he does. 

Interesting that of 37 miracles, only 3 were performed in a church setting. They were in homes, weddings, or on the journey. 

The life of a believer  isn't so much where we are going as who we are going with. We miss so much on the journey. Even when that journey includes a storm. God is busy NOW where we are NOW! 

Stephen left us with 4 questions to ask ourself...

1)how can I make the most of where I am now?

2)what would happen if we took the journey seriously? If we didn't see time as wasted. 

3)what does God want to show me about myself?

4)what does God want to show me about Himself?

Mark doesn't include the part about Peter walking on the water. Maybe he knew the story was about Jesus. 

As Oswald Chambers said "it's the process not the outcome that Jesus is about". 

In conclusion, let's embrace our place. 

Thank you Stephen for sharing a much needed word peppered with personal insight on making the most of our journeys. 

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