Another FAVORite thing is family group text! Most hate group text. I know sometimes they get annoying, but they can be helpful and even fun!
Our family group texts, other than those where we try to figure out how to get all of us in the same place at the same time for something, can look like someone throwing out a need for some prayer coverage or sharing how God has answered in a big way. Trust me, a fam our size, requires much prayer. There's always stuff going on and it's usually stuff that we recognize being beyond our ability to deal with, handle, whatever. Lives get busy and we don't always have time to sit together and just dissect everything (when we can we do because I'm a dissector at heart) but we can always throw out a text to everyone. And there's nothing a
Leopard, Hux, or Broome like more than an opportunity to pray.
Let me tell you the good stuff happens when someone gets an answer and we all get to celebrate! Those emojis start pouring in along with those hilarious dance videos. We love a good happy dance around here.
In case you haven't guessed, praying and celebrating answers is my all time, nothing better, FAVORite thing!
Maybe 2017 is the year you do something like this if you don't already. Do it with your family or some of your church family. Maybe you have a strong group of friends to share with. Just make a habit of praying with and for others and then celebrating with one another. It'll change your life.
And by the way, we welcome anyone who wants to add us to their text or email or whatever. It's pure joy and an honor to join with others to pray and celebrate! Plus it gets us all out of our tiny bubbles to see the needs of others. God gives us a reason every day to break into a happy dance no matter what is going on around us. Many times I miss the opportunity because I'm focused on things that don't matter or the problem itself. But with those new mercies every morning, is an opportunity to dance! So DANCE people!! Life is hard but God is good!!
I love you all! This may, possibly, but not positive yet, be the last Friday FAVORites for 2016. We'll see how busy things are the next two weeks! Merry Christmas to all and blessings galore for 2017!
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