I love the statement Eddie made...marriage is a good idea because it's God's idea. He has the best ideas of all!!
What a great message!! A very challenging message for me as I strive to be what I'm called to be to my married kids. To allow them to leave and cleave to one another without my interference or stressing them out with my own problems. Being careful to let them make their own decisions as my role is to love and encourage them. Like Eddie said, young marrieds have enough stress learning how to grow and build their own marriage without their parents adding to the stress.
What a great day it was to be at fairview! Another great crowd with lots of visitors. The music was absolutely amazing!! Our band did the song Holy wedding song they did at our daughter's wedding and added a video. It went with the message on marriage with a focus on the cross...unreal!!! I was one big goosebump with tears rolling! So thrilled to be part of such a great team working together to bring the best to worship!! God and God alone is truly glorified!!!!!! 30 years later hearing this man bring God's Word is a thrill...
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