Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

It was a great day at Fairview. So thankful for those who lead and serve and give so much of themselves. 
We had part 3 of a 4 part series on God's Lost and Found. This is increasing in seriousness as we have moved from a lost sheep to a lost silver and now to a lost son. 
We saw what a rebellious act it was to ask the father for his inheritance while the father was still alive. We talked about how much fun sin is on the front end but calamity eventually comes as Ecclesiates 8:11 tells us. I love that Eddie pointed out that the father received him quickly. He didn't wait to see if it was true repentance or if the son would stick to his commitment. He received him back quickly and the celebration began. Such a picture of God's grace. We were challenged not to play games with God because He is not mocked but He will always receive us and welcome us. 
Next week we finish with the other son, the older brother. Remember, the far country is just one step away from God. 
We had meetings in the afternoon at our East campus. We met with volunteers and small group leaders. They're so excited and that excitement is going to spread! It was such a joy to see young people stand up and lead and the young ones jump up and say "oh I'll do that"! I love that they have such a passion for the local church and a heart to serve. Allowing them to take some ownership and lead is amazing to watch. I love witnessing those with hearts for ministry take the lead and so thankful for my husband and campus pastor Stephen Talbort allowing them to do this as they disciple them and mentor them and then let them go forth and do it. This is probably one of the most joy-filled times in ministry for me. Just as we are called to raise our children in such a way as to go out and live independently and productively, we are also called to raise up the next generation of godly leaders to serve. We are called to disciple them and pass the baton just as Paul did with Timothy. Gives me goosebumps!! Have a blessed week!

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