Saturday, December 12, 2009

My Kind of Day

Even though I am a hot weather kind of girl, it's Christmas-time so I love the weather. It's about 37 degrees on a Saturday. It looks like it's going to rain or snow any minute. We have a roaring fire going and all of the Christmas lights lit. Eddie has chili cooking on the stove and it smells great. I'm spending the day wrapping presents but my favorite part is having both of my girls with me in the kitchen. We are doing some baking, some for us but some for others. I love days like this. We are just all at home with nothing pressing and nowhere to be. Thankfully most of my shopping is done. I love getting it done early so the rest of December is more relaxing and stress-free. As much as I love shopping, I hate being out there with the mob of last minute shoppers stressing over what I have to get for someone. I want the rest of the month to be about spending some fun time with my family, focused on Christ, and enjoying all of the blessings that God has so richly blessed us with this year. He is good ALL the time.

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