Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday Morning Perspective

What a great day of worship yesterday. Music was awesome and great crowds in both services. A great day at Millbrook.
The message from IPeter was great as always. I loved how Eddie started the message mentioning the fact that we as Christians walk to a different tune and we don't journey through life as tourists. I think so many times we fail to get involved in things because we know that we are just passing through this world but God put us here for a purpose and we need to be making a difference. My favorite part was on our adversary. Eddie mentioned how we need to be alert and Spirit-controlled. Sometimes we need to flee and resist the devil and sometimes God calls us to arm ourselves and stand firm and fight. We are not called to fight as the world does and do battle in our own strength but we are to put on the armour of God and fight in His strength. We overcome by prayer and the Word. The reminder that we as Christians are on the same team and we need to have each other's backs was a great reminder. So often we spend our time fighting with each other and competing with each other and that puts the focus where Satan wants it. We are on the same team and should be working together to win these battles against Satan instead of fighting with one another over trivial little things that are nothing more than petty distractions. Have a blessed Monday.

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