What a great continuation in I Peter we had yesterday. Eddie began our Christian Travel Guide for Marriage with a great message. He dealt with the keys to a wife's heart and how to go about treating them. I loved what he said about us trying to give others what we want ourselves. I think that's the natural tendency which is why we have to work at our marriages. I think a lot of people don't think you should have to work at a marriage but that seems silly to me. Anything worth having takes work, but I believe it's the greatest thing bar none to work for.
I must say that Eddie was very generous with his words towards me. I felt very unworthy of them and he is just extremely kind. Someone said that he only stopped short of calling himself a wimp. Trust me, I wouldn't marry a wimp. He is much better at this marriage thing than he gives himself credit for. I know him as my husband and my pastor and I would never choose anyone else for either role. He is my best friend, has been for 25 years of marriage plus dating years. I know a lot of pastors who are great at what they do and a lot of men whose wives claim them to be great husbands. But, he's the only one who does it for me. I've never met a man that I would choose over him and 25 years later I would do it all over again. Marriage is so worth working for, fighting for. One thing we know is that Satan is out to destroy our lives and our homes. It is worth fighting him to the death over. If you're struggling, please keep working. I know it can be hard at times but don't give up. Our families are worth whatever we have to do to work it out.
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