All I have to say about Eddie's sermon yesterday is INCREDIBLE. Loved it, loved it, loved it. I love sermons like that when we have to "put on our thinking caps". That one made me think a lot. I can tell you the one thing I really walked away with from the message was how I need to be more bold in my witness. If we truly believe that a place like hell exists for those without Christ, we should make it a priority in our life to share Him with everyone. Eddie painted such vivid pictures in my mind yesterday and I hate to think there are those around me headed straight to hell if they die and I kept my mouth shut for whatever reason. Sometimes it just comes down to how much we really believe something and how much we care about other people. I'm getting to the point in my life where I believe all the more strongly in relationships and people. When it all comes down it really isn't about the stuff we have but the relationships we have developed. Since people are really the only things we can take with us to heaven shouldn't we spend more time developing relationships with others instead of accumulating more and more stuff.
I'm reading a great book right now by Bill Hybells called Just walk across the room. DO NOT READ THIS unless you are ready to get convicted. It is slapping me all over the place. One of the things he talks about is that if we truly believe in this God we say we do then why aren't we sharing him with others. It all boils down to "do we really believe Him".
Well it is Labor Day and we are definitely not laboring at our house. It has been a lazy, enjoy the fam kind of day. The only thing missing is my eldest but according to all sources she has had an incredible weekend herself. Our last major "summer" cookout is on the horizon so I better get my stuff together. Hate to think of summer ending but the positive for the fall is football, gotta love it. Have a blessed day. Love to you all.
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