Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy New Year 2016 (almost)

I admit it, I LOVE NEW YEAR'S! I love New Year's Eve and New Year's Day! I think it's one of the most fun holidays at least in my opinion.  Sometimes I admit tip toeing in to the new year because the past year has been so rich and full and blessed.  Other years I can't wait to kiss the year goodbye and go charging into the new.  I love standing on the edge of a new year with all the hopes and expectations of it.
Normally our New Year's Eve will find us at a local coffee shop hanging out and then dinner has always been Japanese.  Lots of years
we've had all of our children and some years a few.  This is a year with a few.  John is flying back from New York City and Jessica and Justin are enjoying a vacation off in the mountains with Justin's family.  Good football games started at noon and Eddie worked some so the coffee shop got axed for a nice, quiet day at home (at least for me).  And there's a 4:00 game on that for some reason we want to watch =) so we are opting for my man's fabulous chili instead of the traditional Japanese eatery.  New Year's Day will find our house full of fam and food and football for the last time this football season, really unbelievable.  
I hope you are as inspired as I am at the possibilities that a new year brings.  None of us knows what we will face or how circumstances will play out but I do know that God is always good and He's always faithful and He knows every detail of 2016 before we even ring it in at midnight.
I've been thinking about this post for a few weeks.  I mentioned via social media that I would love to hear from you all in regard to your spiritual goals or resolutions.  I know many people choose a word for the year.  Some choose a verse to cling to or a passage of scripture.  Many of you may decide that this will be your year for intense bible study or some of you may begin the journaling process.  I would love to hear your plans.  
Can I encourage you to let this be the year you take your relationship with the Lord to a whole nutha level?  Whatever level we are on, we can always climb higher, dig deeper! I shared with many of my Favor girls at our recent event what my time with the Lord looked like every day and most of that will continue as is.  However, I really want to dig deeper in the Word this year.  I want it to be a year that I only rely on a devotion or study to get me started and then it pushes me to search out the truth of scripture on my own with ALL help from the Spirit.  I want my study to be a springboard for deeper truths.  I want to see in a new fresh way how the Bible intersects from Genesis to Revelation.  I have my journal, just packed up another one in a box I keep in my closet with all of my others, and look forward to getting started in a brand new one.  I have my Bible, the one my sweet husband bought me last January for my birthday and I have loved it so much.  I have my new pens, I'm such a sucker for those.  These I can write with and highlight and write in my Bible without any bleeding through.  And for Christmas, one of my gifts, was a 3 year devotional book called Search the Scriptures.  I've been wanting it for a while and I've been dying to get started but patiently waiting for the 1st.  This book I'm trusting is going to push me and propel me like I want.  Can I challenge you to do the same? One of the roles of the Holy Spirit is to lead us and guide us into all truth.  For many years I trusted more in a bible teacher or mentor to lead me and I've learned so much that way and will still use those tools, but I want more of the Spirit's teaching than ever before! Of course my prayer life always needs improvement and I need to be more specific and I need to pray for eyes to see more and discernment to perceive what God is doing around me.  I sent out on our Favor text this morning that I'm praying 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 over us.  I want to be worthy of His calling and I want to see Him do many great works of faith through His power and get much glory from my life.  
I would love for this to be a place we can engage and encourage one another.  In these days, we all need the gift of community.  
May 2016 be the year we see depth in our relationship with Jesus and it be the year our relationships with one another are everything God wants them to be.  May we leave regrets behind and don't be a person quick to take offense.  If we could just refuse to be easily offended, we would have richer, healthier, longer lasting relationships and our witness to others will have greater effect.  
I love you all.  I'm so thankful God allows me to serve Him even though He knows me so well.  I'm so thankful for fresh starts, not just a fresh new year, but He gives us a fresh start every day with mercies awaiting.  
I'm a fan of you 2015! You've been a very good, rewarding yet challenging year with good days and bad, mountaintop times and some valley times, and through it all God has been faithful! 

Stephen Edward Leopard

So the word going around is that there will soon be another Leopard wedding only this time the Leopard child doesn't change his name, but that doesn't mean lots of other things won't change.  This time the Leopard chid is the groom and for the first time I get to be the mother of the groom so I get to write this from a new perspective. I must say that's the easier route when it comes to planning and paying (did you hear dad shout hallelujah?!) but it's no easier when it comes to letting another child go.  Everyone says it's hard to let girls go but as a mother of boys and girls, I'd say there's no difference at all in that arena.
We've called you Stephen, Skeebo, Skeebee, Bubba, but mostly we've called you sweet, kind, generous, energetic, crazy, the reason I went gray young, miracle (because you and I both are still alive) and now we call you the groom and soon we will call you husband.  My prayer was that if God ever gave me a boy, he would be all boy! And boy are you all boy!! You dug up the back yard looking for the devil (and you've made him run for his life quite a few times sadder that he messed with you), you wandered off in crowded stores more than I can count, you ate us out of a weeks worth of groceries in a few days, we won't talk about the speeding tickets or the chipped teeth or broken ankle.  We could go on and on and on.  Mostly you've made me the happiest boy mom on the planet that wouldn't change a day with you if I could and would happily walk through each day all over again.
We have prayed for your future wife from the moment you were born.  We prayed for her salvation and protection in every way until the time God would bring you two together.  Somehow we knew from the time we met her as a sweet young, very young, high school freshman that she was perfect for you.  Not perfect, as none of us are, but perfect for you.  God took you both on an amazing journey both together and apart.  He worked in you and through you and brought you back to one another when He felt the time was right.  In the meantime many of us, including your mom, scratched our  heads and wondered the what ifs, and what in the worlds, and the what are they thinking, and what are you doing God, over a few years.  But God...enough said.
Stephen we want you to be the leader God has raised you up to be.  Be strong.  Be tender.  You have been a great team player and teammate since you were 5 years old.  Now God is giving you a teammate for life and he's saved the best one for last.  You've learned many life lessons on the playing field and now this is the greatest playing field of all, marriage. You've learned how to fight through adversity.  You've learned not to quit.  You've learned how to stand up for your team and rise to the challenge on every occasion.  Kaylin has learned many of these lessons as well on the field and being a teammate. Marriage is the greatest field of all.  It's worth every tear.  It's worth the persevering.  You never quit or give up.  Fight together and for one another.  Remember you're on the same team fighting for the same thing and the only enemy is Satan who wants to destroy...each other is never the enemy.  Love her well but love God more.  Cling to Him more tightly and He will be the one to superglue the two of you to one another.  Keep the priorities straight and He will work out all of the details and take care of every need that you have. You've always done that and in marriage you will need to continue that.
We can't wait to celebrate your great wedding day! You will have your married brothers next to you who have shown you well what it means to love a wife as Christ loves the church.  They love you both and celebrate this day and the years to come with you.  You will have your little (but not so little) brother standing by you who has been part of your life since you were 19 months old.  You were a great big brother!  You both learned how to be not only brothers but teammates as well through the years. You stood shoulder to shoulder many times on the field and he will stand shoulder to shoulder with you on your wedding day as well.  You've always been there for one another and marriage won't change that.  He loves you both as well and will always be there for you.
Those protective sisters will be standing there for both of you. They've been the ones never afraid to speak up with their opinion and cast their vote of approval on many things in your life whether you asked or not.  We know that they approve heartily of your choice, thankfully.  They always wanted the best for you which speaks highly of you.  They knew what you deserved and what you didn't and they, like all of us, know Kaylin is not only a gift but she's a prize! Your Dad is the only one who actually gets to speak that day, hopefully he gets through it.  No one could be prouder than he is of you! You've made him proud in a thousand ways but next to choosing to follow Jesus, choosing your bride probably is his proudest moment.  It's something we prayed for and we've seen God answer exceedingly greater than we imagined.  We've seen you wait and be wise when it would've been easy to just jump and choose someone, anyone. All the times we felt lonely for you, you were perfectly happy in your own skin, waiting and serving in the church and enjoying good friends, and playing ball.  You were trusting God in His timing and in His choice.  Nothing could make a dad and mom prouder.
Kaylin, this whole family is nuts about you.  We are so grateful that your parents have raised you so well and set such an amazing example before you.  You have been serving God and following Him since before Stephen days and the without Stephen days which tells us it's who you are and not who you're with.  You've been around us long enough to know that family is priority and we stick together. That may cause you to want to run at times, depends on how sticky we get haha.  But know that we will fight for you like one of our very own because you will be.  No friend will ever love you more, cheer for you more, want the best for you more, pray for you more than we will.  Like I said, you are exceedingly more than what we could've asked for, you are a gift, a prize to Stephen, yes, but to all of us as well. We have no doubt but that God reached down and specifically chose you for one another. Cling to Him even tighter than you cling to Stephen and love Him even more and all will be well. 
I love you my boy child! You are a mom's dream and no one could be more proud of you. I love you MORE, but I also LIKE you, a WHOLE LOT!!!!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

So for the next few weeks we are back to 1 John to wrap up this book. We took a break for 40 days of prayer and fasting and then our Advent series for Christmas. We were in chapter 5 and my husband gave a great message that leads us well right into the new year. 
Just as there are characteristics of our earthly families that make us distinct there are also characteristics that should be evident if we belong to the family of God. Eddie did a great job walking us through four things: conversion, compassion, commitment and conquest. It all begins with our conversion as we believe and receive the gift of salvation. Loved the illustration as he reminded us of how blessed we are and how so many pass on the gift of salvation. Compassion and love for others should be evident in our lives as we seek to follow Jesus out of a heart of love and obey Him and not because we are in bondage to the law. Commitment is important. Believing right and behaving right. Obedience is always better than sacrifice. And of course God always wants us to live in victory. He has given us the power to win over our enemy. It's important to identify the enemy and know what we are up against and it's not other believers. Our key weapon is faith. It enables us to overcome the odds as we believe God. 
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!! See you next Sunday as we hit the ground running this new year! 

Monday, December 21, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

Did anyone else but me think the Advent service Sunday was extra good? I loved every minute. I sure hope you made it early and caught the video at the 5 minute preservice. I love the song A Baby Changes Everything and who can sing like Faith Hill? The music was great and Jeff and Jenny Williams did an amazing job giving us a glimpse of Joseph and Mary in a modern yet biblical way. My husband's message of an All In Joseph and an All In Mary was challenging and motivating. 
Eddie explained that All In means I'm in no matter what. So many are All In when we talk about the joy of the Lord and the blessings of God but when the talk turns to a cross and sacrifice they're out. They don't want any part of that. 
Mary and Joseph knew there would be cost involved. And Joseph, being a man of character and maturity, obeyed. We wonder why God doesn't give us opportunities, but maybe He knows we wouldn't receive them and obey. Maybe He knows, in His sovereignty, that we would blow Him off. Character and maturity isn't determined by our actions in the routine of the day, but our reactions when the bottom falls out. Joseph had great and godly influence over Jesus as he served as his earthly father. We were left with the challenging question: who are you influencing? Who are you discipling, mentoring? Are you All In?
Here's a few pics to enjoy from a beautiful service (sorry for the quality)... 
And a very Merry Christmas from us!! We love you Fairview family!!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

Yesterday was a day that I'd love to put on repeat! We had record numbers in the 1st service, AGAIN! We added 5 new family members in that service. We had a great crowd in the 2nd service with 2 added family members by salvation and 2 families for membership. Worship music led by Cross Talk was amazing, AGAIN!  The message my husband brought was one of my favorites in this series, AGAIN, as we were challenged to not miss opportunities that God brings our way. God knew if He sent the good news to the shepherds that they would respond. Do we recognize opportunities? Do we seize them or do we blow them off? There's no obscure place with God. He knows exactly where we are. For some of us, we are just too busy. It's not a seasonal thing, it's a life thing. We need to slow down, look around and be discerning. 
Once we meet Jesus, we'll never be the same. We should have a desire to tell others if we have truly met Him. 
What did the shepherds do after meeting Jesus? They went back to their fields. We aren't always called to change our job and address. We may be called to that. But maybe we are just supposed to go back to our same job and our same address a different person. And a person willing to be obedient to the call of sharing Jesus with others. If He's changed your life, you can't help but share it. 
The good news is broad. Luke 2:30-32 says it's for the Jews and the Gentiles, all nations. 
The good news is narrow. Luke 2:11 
says for unto you, and you, and you. 
May those of us who have heard the Christmas story hundreds of times through our lifetime HEAR it with fresh ears this Christmas. And may we TELL others the good news!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

A public shoutout

I'm a huge believer in speaking truth and love and encouragement over people. But occasionally you have to let others know what a gem someone is and how God is using them so we can give Him glory and praise at His mighty works through people. Here's my public shoutout to my son by marriage Justin Broome. 
Can I tell you, Justin, that you are the heart and face of missions to me. I know you plan AND go on mission to Romania like many others do and that's a HUGE need. But what you do EVERY week, going into the bowels in your own city is what missions looks like to me. You get $0 from it. You get very little recognition for it. You get zero tangible, physical gifts from it. You don't get sightseeing from it. It's not a vacation. What you get is the joy of serving and God's good pleasure and I know for you that's enough. And that's how He birthed Immerse, from your heart to serve people. You go weekly into the heart of our city where most of us are fearful to go and you serve those who most of us care little about and you give to their physical needs but mostly you give them Jesus. You are the face of missions to me, but you are the face of Jesus to them!!!  You have given out of your own pocket when you had nothing to give and given them a meal at the sacrifice of your own. What you do is priceless now but with great reward to come. Jesus doesn't miss one cup of water given in His name. 
I just want you to know that we also see and we also rejoice in your life. I wish I had raised you myself but God knew what He was doing because I would've totally messed you up. I'm just grateful to have you as a son now. You brought to this family what was royally missing and I'm forever grateful. Never let anyone tell you that you are anything less than a great and godly man!! I just pray that when we are in heaven that my mansion isn't too much lower than yours that I can't get to you on a daily basis. 
Thank you for what you do. And thank you for being a leader that leads others to follow in the same path. You are a hero to all of us. I crazy love you!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

Week 2 of Advent we looked at Herod or the original Grinch as we like to call him. We walked away with the truth that behind every Herod and grinch, there's an useen prompter, Satan. Herod, like some others, is just a puppet. Some are subtle. Others are very vocal. But the Enemy is behind them all. 
Spiritual warfare is alive and well and we can choose to not believe it, but it's very real. Satan raises up people to oppress us, cause discouragement, hurt us, offend us. He will battle us to the end. And it seems like he steps up his game during the Christmas season. 
We don't have to be enslaved to it, but we need to be on guard against it and be prepared. It will hit us when we least expect it and where we least expect it. 
Just have to say that worship was amazing yesterday. Cross Talk is bringing their A game every week and leading us in worship. I'm so thankful for them! I'm thankful for a pastor who brings God's truth each week that challenges and encourages. I'm thankful for so many leaders and members and visitors who encourage us each week before and after services and even throughout the week. Blessed to have those we can go to when we need some wisdom and prayer. We don't have to allow those who choose  to criticize, complain and discourage get to us. Steer clear of grinches and surround yourself with the those who speak life into you. That's my choice this Christmas season and throughout the year. Merry Christmas! 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Christmas Challenge

Anyone else but me trying to remove things from your December calendar? Or maybe not removing but certainly not adding anything.   I'm making an attempt at both.  I'm always amazed at how much we (in the church) TALK a lot about the real meaning and not getting caught up in the hustle and bustle yet we are probably as guilty as anyone at loading up the calendar with this event, that party, that program.  Even if it's not Christmas I'm a huge proponent of less activity, yes even church activity,  because it frees us up from huddling together to actually being the church in our neighborhoods, etc.  I was even telling my daughter the other day that I was extremely intentional with our calendar when they were young because I didn't want them associating the Christmas season with "mom and dad are never home" season.  I intentionally didn't plan a Favor event for December because I don't want to be an enabler to the whole thing.
Having said all of that and at the risk of being hypocritical, let me throw this challenge out to you.  I challenged myself first because that's always the way to go.  Good leadership says you never ask others to do what you won't do yourself, right?! =)))  I also challenged our Favor team, since I'm not asking them to meet or plan till after the first of the year! =))) Now here's the challenge for anyone who wants to take it.
What if we cross something OFF of our list that really is a non-essential (I know that's hard cause it's all essential right?) and then add just one simple thing that really could make an impact or difference with someone? I've thought a lot lately about what a bad neighbor I can be because I'm "so busy".  I've thought about how being the church starts with family first and then moves to our neighbors and I've been terribly convicted.  I think the way we will see a difference in our churches is when we see a difference in our families and neighborhoods. I think on most days I'm extremely good at being there for my family and prioritizing around them and trying to go over and beyond what they need from me, but I'm not so good at being that good neighbor.  I'm going to try to do better at that in the coming year so I'm going to start with the Christmas season.  So, what if we just do a very simple thing to reach out to those we live around.  Maybe we can bake an extra dozen cookies and give to that neighbor that we barely even throw our hand up at.  Maybe we can hand deliver a christmas card.  What if when we buy something and it's a buy one/get one, we actually give one away without hoarding it for ourself.  Or after we've already received the fifth dessert people have delivered to us, we turn around and give one away.  You probably can think of many more ideas that I haven't but the point is that it takes very little work and cost but may take a lot of courage and a lot of intentionality.  It's a great thing to do as a family especially with small children.  If your children are older like mine, maybe you can split up and cover a little extra ground.  We have plenty of church cards and favor cards to add to it for an easy church invite, but you don't even have to do that.  Just reach out! Building relationships naturally with people is what leads to the spiritual conversations.  And those will last much longer than any gift we stress over buying and wrapping and paying for.  So just take the time that you'd normally spend on one thing and spend it on something more meaningful.
PLEASE KNOW THIS!!!! This is not meant to guilt anyone or add to an already busy time so please don't receive it that way.  If Satan begins to dump guilt over your head or at your feet, tell him to get behind you and keep moving.  However if the Spirit is nudging you to reach out even if it goes against your personality type, go ahead and do it.  We may be the ones to receive the bigger blessing!! Merry Christmas!!!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

We kicked off Advent at Fairview yesterday and it was the most special time. Not only was the house festive with much Christmas decor but our people turned out in a festive mood (and despite what people say is always the lowest attended Sunday,we had a good crowd) and even more important the Spirit was very present. I LOVED starting the service with scripture and candle lighting by one of our church families and the music set the stage perfectly for my husband's message which focused on the prophecy of our coming Savior and the beautiful story of Zechariah and Elizabeth and how God used them. It was a beautiful message on the sovereignty of God and how He works, and still works, to bring about His plan. Nothing "just so happened" with God. 
Do yourself a favor and watch this online if you missed it. And make sure you get in the worship center each week early so you don't miss the very beginning of the service. 

Friday, November 27, 2015

The Day After...

I don't know about you but it feels like Thanksgiving left as fast as it arrived. And now the Christmas season is truly upon us and I'm praying it goes SLOW! I'm not sure why but it seems to creep up on me faster and faster as I get older and older. It's my favorite time of year but I never quite feel ready when it gets here and then it's over as well. 
I hope everyone's Thanksgiving played out as you had hoped but if you met challenges along the way and faced a few curveballs, I pray you found joy in it even if you had to search for it or maybe still searching. 
There's never been much tradition to our Black Friday. It's been different throughout the years. When the kids were little, my mom and I would hit the stores early (that meant 6am years ago not thanksgiving as it is now 😑). You would have to search and fight for those most wanted kid items. Now we have a thing called internet so it's a bit easier. Then there were years we shopped later in the day after filling up at my dad's restaurant. We would part ways to shop while dad took kids to a movie and then we all met up for dinner. Now, with a few kids working Black Friday, 😕 there's more lounging, for a few of us, and I spend more time shopping online than fighting the mob. 
Today starts with a slow morning. (Another change is I cook Thanksgiving dinner and host instead of chilling like I used to while my mom slaved away. Now I really don't know how she did the early shopping run with me!) At some point we will find our way to the coffee bar where our son works and let him make us something yummy and high in caffeine. I'm sure we will meander to the mall just to walk around and be in the way of serious shoppers. And then having a family dinner of which I'm not cooking. 
I'm super excited and my expectations are high as we begin Advent at church Sunday. If you're a little like me and struggling at times to find the excitement of the season, focusing on the true meaning will help us all. There's too much going on in the world at large and in so many homes all around us that the only hope we really have is Jesus. If you focus, like I do on too many days, on the happenings around us, the fear and hurt and evil just gets to be too much. But if we allow it to drive us to pray and find our hope and joy in Him, we can have a glorious joyful Christmas season. And that's what I want, I think we all do. So whether our season is strictly traditional with everything like it always is or there are some changes this year with people missing around the table or maybe a few extras added, let's find the joy in celebrating Jesus. Tis the season!!!
A few pics I'd love to share...
Fam time...More fam...
Girls rule...
My brother took over carving duties from
our dad this year...
This girl spent dinner with her fam but made the drive to catch the end of the day with us...
Love this crowd...
From one of our tables...
And another of our tables to yours...
Happy Thanksgiving and praying your Christmas will be a merry one! That's a wrap!!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

A Different Monday Morning Perspective

My perspective is a bit different this Monday morning. My husband took Sunday off, which he RARELY does! In his words, "they need a break from me". It's definitely been intense lately. We had months of going back and forth to our other campus which we loved but wasn't easy. We did the 40 days of prayer and fasting with a tremendous end result. He hasn't missed a Sunday since August, which actually is his norm. He's not a fan of missing Sundays, anyone who's ever worked for him would tell you that. But it was good timing in taking a day off. 
We decided to go visit The Church at Greer Station. It's a church plant in our area and we have such respect for the pastors there. We've loved getting to know them and they've impacted our boys lives for the good. It was a great service and the message was on point! We share a passion and heart to reach the lost and see people discipled. We see so much of God at work in our area that stirs us on and encourages us that we serve a God who is very active and very involved in our world. 
It's always nice, especially for Eddie, to go somewhere and just worship. That's a rare thing for us. And much needed. I was telling a young couple just the other night that you are never off from ministry. Even on vacation we are thinking, talking, planning, breathing ministry. It's just who you are if you're in ministry (or maybe that's just us). Don't get me wrong or read stuff into this that I'm not saying. Our identity is in Christ. We know that. We know better than anyone that you don't cling tightly to a ministry, but you hold all things loosely and we know that our relationship with Jesus is first and family (though a few have disagreed with us) comes before ministry work. We know all of that and we live that! But God also gives you a heart to love and serve and that makes it a part of who you are. However, as we told that young couple, you have to turn down the volume at times. Thankfully we have family and friends who help us do that. And taking a day off to just go and worship with another church and get a new perspective is one way we do that. 
It also serves to give us eyes to see things differently. We get too caught up in the way we do things being the only way or the best way and we really don't know what else is even out there. Now I am NOT a fan of church hopping. Actually I'm not just not a fan, but I'm aggravated deeply by it. The church buffet is what I call for this, there for that. It breeds a mentality of what is the church doing for me and not how can I serve where God has called me. But going somewhere else on occasion allows us to see what visitors see. It allows us to see why some things feel awkward to them. It allows us to see things in a fresh way and through their eyes.   
I loved sitting next to my husband during an entire service and worship and experience the Lord's Supper together, but I like him on stage preaching even more. And next week he's back at it!! Next Sunday is the beginning of Advent! We are so excited as Eddie will be preaching an Advent series. We are praying that this week of Thanksgiving will be a week that all will feel overwhelmed by the goodness of God and how blessed we truly are! Happy Thanksgiving! Let the greatest season ever get started!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Just pondering...

It's 6am Tuesday morning and I'm still pondering and reflecting last Tuesday. I spent last week at the SC Baptist Convention with my husband. That's one thing I get to go do with him now that our children are older. He used to go with staff and friends and it's one of the things that was a "wait" for me when our children were young. Btw...young moms they'll grow up very fast. Those things that are on the "wait" or "later" list will find their way to you all too quickly. 
Anyway, it was local this year so that made it more convenient as well. And I'm not sure why I was so exhausted from it other than it was out of the normal routine for me. I probably shouldn't say this but I will...the best part other than hanging with Eddie is usually getting to see ministry friends and catch up. It's not the "business" stuff for me. Sorry. So many we don't see through the year other than that time so it's always good. It's also always good meeting new people and I love seeing young new faces who come. This year was great getting to hang with some who've been friends in ministry for over 20 years and also some that we've only gotten to know over this past year who are young and passionate and making an impact for the kingdom. Also having our son Stephen hang with us was an extra treat. At least for us. It's been a while since we drug him around at a convention introducing him to everyone. Actually last time he was probably a very small boy asking over and over when it was going to end. He seemed to have a lot more fun this time around. 
One thing that made it strange or maybe interesting is a better word, is the convention was held in my home church of First Baptist Spartanburg. I first went there with my family when I was seven years old. That was my home church until I got married at age 19, also in that church. I've only been in that sanctuary maybe twice since then. It hasn't really changed at all. We went to the worship service there on Tuesday evening. My mom and dad came with us. We sat on the same side, perhaps even the same pew, or very close to it, that we sat on every Sunday. Actually it's where I sat with my dad. My mom always sat on the left side (my left ☺️) near the top of that massive choir loft. My brother was usually in the balcony with friends. That fact was never good on those Sundays when Dr. Walker called down the teenagers in the balcony during his sermon. That always led to an interesting Sunday lunch which included a long discussion/lecture on behavior in worship. I think my brother and I still agree that those lectures still affect our behavior today =). 
I can only remember one specific message Dr Walker preached in those days...The walk to the Cross. He started on one side of the stage at the manger and as he preached he made his way to the other side where a large cross was placed. That was always the Good Friday message. And it made an impact obviously. Yes, we were in church on Good Friday. And most other times a service was held. My Dad was a strong believer in being in church, not out of duty although he felt it was right, but also because he wanted to be there and he wanted us to be there. Even though I can't remember specific sermons, I remember hearing the Word EVERY time he preached. It's where the gospel came alive to me. I sat in his office with my parents and received Christ there. I was baptized there. I spent my teenage years there being discipled and learning what it meant to be a disciple of Christ. I felt His call on my life in that church even though I didn't know what it would look like. And He is still working there and in churches like that even today. Contrary to what many may believe about the baptist church or traditional church, that's where my walk began and I wouldn't trade that heritage for anything! We even sang hymns in those days and still I was able to worship, pardon the sarcasm. I just find it irritating when people say they "can't" worship that way or the traditional church is no longer effective when I know that is not true. God's not bound by our worship style and long before contemporary was the thing, God was about His business and His people were growing and being discipled. However, I'm quick to say that even though I prefer (and preference can be an evil thing at times and destructive) the newer worship songs, bands, and newer way of doing things, I also know that when we deny that God can use old, new or what hasn't been thought of yet, that's putting God in a box and that's a dangerous thing to do. I'll sure  say that it's harder to minister now than when we started. We've seen a lot!! People don't go to church just because it's right any more. More things vie for time. Culture has changed. It's a different world.  I'll be the the first to say I like church change. I think we need to be on the cutting edge of doing things new and different and take away all excuses people have for not going to church. Doing things the same is often more because we are lazy or fearful than we really believe it works. Look closely, some things aren't working. And we can hold fast to them as leaders and be lazy or be pious and say "if it was good enough back then, it's good enough now".  And as we do that, our ministries and churches die at our feet. We struggle getting people to serve and blame them. Maybe it's boring to them or not challenging enough. Maybe they're looking to make a difference and they don't see what you want them to do as purposeful. I don't know. I do know the main thing is preaching the Word and discipling people. You can't make people choose either but you can set it up for them to want it. I'll be honest. I hated Sunday school once I hit my teens. Yes I was forced to go and I forced my kids to go. I've only had one class since I was a teenager I loved and that's because the teacher was prepared and challenging and loved those of us in there and poured into us outside of the class. So most of the time I taught whether out of a need for a teacher or just because I wanted to and felt called to do it. And saying that let me say this, small groups, no matter what you call them, Sunday school, lifegroup, d group, whatever, should be something everyone's involved in. Too many want to pour out but they don't take in. You can't give out of emptiness. However, those too should be done in a way that people want to be there. 
One thing I do know that's true now as it was waaaayyy back then is that there's no compromising when it comes to preaching God's Word. I want the worship music to be magnificent and inspiring every week like many others do as well. I want our children's ministry to be 2nd to none and every student in the upstate to come to our church. I think everything we do should be done with excellence because it's done for our audience of one and He deserves our very best not our lazy leftovers. And I believe everything should be evaluated. Everything! Even those things we hold tightly to and love that don't work like they "used to". I want visitors to feel overwhelmed with love and acceptance no matter who they are and where they come from. All of that is important. But it's all for one single lay the groundwork for people to come to Jesus. For there to be no obstacles or hindrances to people hearing the gospel. Because that is why we have church. 
I pray that when people return to our church years down the road, like I just did and they begin to ponder as I am now, that they'll remember some of the things I remember: hearing the gospel, receiving Christ, feeling His call and knowing His purpose for them, being discipled. 
I have no doubt they will. My husband, our pastor, never enters the pulpit unprepared or prayed up. He believes the whole Word. And he preaches the whole Word. And to think I used to fear what my sundays would be like when I no longer sat under Dr Walkers teaching. I'm so blessed to have spent very few Sunday's without hearing challenging sermons that pushed me further in my walk. As I read Psalm 77 and 78, it reminds me how important it is to ponder all of God's work and His mighty deeds. He is the one who works wonders. Sometime we think we are the ones doing wondrous things. Huge lie. We are capable of nothing without Him. And how crucial it is to share with our children and the next generation all of His glorious deeds. And to warn them not to be a stubborn and rebellious generation and to not forget His works. 
I'm so thankful for all I learned sitting on those pews at FBC Spartanburg under a great man of God. I'm thankful to still be sitting under a great man of God. The churches are different. The music is different. The style is different. But the message is the same. God has not changed. And He's still at work in HIS church. I'll believe to my grave that the only hope is Jesus and it happens through His local church. 
I guess that was a lot of pondering and ranting and probably sounds disjointed. That's usually how it goes when I just reflect. The bottom line is God is good. He is busy about His church. He's watching all that's going on in His church, through the hallways where we don't think He lurks listening to our conversations and  behind the closed doors when we think we can shut Him out. He's interested in all of it, not just Sunday morning. He knows our motives and He's aware of our agendas. 
Like I said it's never been a more difficult time in our culture to minister, but it's also the best time. Even amidst all the happenings of our world, the things that happen and we're forced to admit, "that one, I just don't get it Lord!" Even amidst all the hurt and pain and suffering, I can't imagine doing anything else or serving anywhere else or believing anything else other than God is still on His throne and He still cares deeply about His people and He's going to make all things right and it's going to be alright. 

Monday Morning Perspective

The message was extremely fitting yesterday with how our week had gone...the terrorist attack in Paris, hearing of the young pastor's wife murdered in her home and I'm sure other individual situations that challenged us to love others and love God NO MATTER WHAT! 
John the beloved, "little children, love one another". 
That's John's message to us. It's impossible to have God's Spirit in us and be a hateful person. Eddie, "we need to repent". 
How do I love God? We love Him with our heart, soul, and mind.
Our heart is the seat of our emotions. We need emotion in our love for God. But emotions change so it can't be based solely on emotion. 
Our soul is our will. It's the backbone of our faith. We make that decision to love Him and follow Him. 
Our mind is our intellect. We study to show ourself approved. We grow by knowing His Word.
Our whole being is given over to God. 
There's no way we can love God with that agape love, loving Him not because of the things He gives us or does for us, but love Him NO MATTER WHAT, unless we give ourselves over to Him. And we can't love others that way without His Spirit working in us and through us. 
The questions we are left with are, do we really love God as we should and are we willing to lay down our lives for one another?
Celebrate and rejoice with us over the ones baptized yesterday, the families who joined in both services, and the huge crowd in both services who came to worship, grow, and fellowship with one another. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

And just like that, we are back in 1 John! What a great message on the love of God. It's a reminder we all need from time to time, no matter how long we've known it, that God loves us and He demonstrated it by sending His one and only Son to die on the cross for us. 
We also need the reminder that the way others know we belong to God is by our love for one another. God calls us to live a life of love. Not a selfish love but a sacrificial love that can only be done when we belong to Him and yield to His power that enables us to love the way He loves. 
Thank you Eddie for allowing us time yesterday to celebrate all that has been going on in the life of our church. So many times we don't know certain things if we aren't involved and it's great for those visiting with us to hear so they'll know if they want to be a part of a church like ours. Ministry and mission opportunities are available for all. Discipleship is growing, amazing to have 100 students in D groups!! 400 in our basketball program which is an amazing outreach to our city. HOPE week is coming soon!! God is always moving! Be one of those who is ready to move with Him and in His direction. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

I seriously do not know how to even write this post. I am still so emotionally undone from our final service for Finish the Foundation. I was one big goosebump through the entire worship time. No band anywhere could've been better on this day! The Spirit's presence was so thick, it's just indescribable. My husband, once again, amazed me with a thought provoking, challenging message from God's Word! I've been floored over and over by his leadership and vision not just throughout this series but for the past 2 1/2 years as he has led with passion and laser vision believing God for more and more and desiring all that God has for us. 
I was in no way prepared for the emotion I felt as I sat on that front row and watched all of our church family walk down and place their gift in the chest of Joash. I tried to hold the tears but they would not be held back. I saw kids walk with their parents to give and one dumped his bucket of change! Oh my heart! I saw teenagers giving and sweet young couples that I know it was a sacrifice and step of faith for them. I saw seniors doing their part, they've walked with God long enough to know He's gonna come through. Seeing families make that walk together spoke volumes about what they're teaching their children about giving and following God. Watching my own kids take part made my heart smile. Hearing from people who said they had prayed separately as spouses and God gave them the same amount to give gave me chills. And others who didn't know if they could give and then they received unexpected checks in the mail that made it possible...God always comes through!! 
Needless to say I was a mess at the end of that service. Our whole family said no matter what the amount turns out to be, nothing will take away the miracle of what we saw happen today. Nothing beats an entire body coming together, everyone doing their part, and anticipating what God will do. Like Eddie said, we do our part. God always does His part. We do what we can and He performs the miracle. 
If you can hang with me a bit longer, I'd love to share a few points from the message. It was just too good not to. 
We looked at the passage in Mark 6:24-44. Most of us feel like, what will our little bit do? The young boy had a very small lunch. In human terms, it was nothing compared to the need but he gave what he had. You know others in that crowd had brought a lunch too. But no one else offered theirs. A miracle can happen if the project is bigger than the people. Most operate by what they have in their hand. Churches don't see miracles many times because they don't need one. A miracle can happen and most of the time God makes us do our part first. Check out Noah. Moses had to step in water before it parted. Joshua and the people at Jericho had to do their part before the walls fell. The question always remains, will we do our part? 
Thank you church family for your constant encouragement and love. We have received numerous messages expressing your love and your belief as well that God is up to something. Thank you for believing with us. Thank you for doing your part and following my husband's leadership as He follows God. You are the best, the cream of the crop. You delight me even more than that flavor creamer I'm going to add  to my coffee and that ice cream from Dillard's I enjoyed breaking the fast with. When I scroll Facebook and Twitter and see your posts about church or scripture you post, you make me smile and make me thankful you allow us to serve you. You are an enormous sense of encouragement day in and day out. I'm so proud of you for taking this 40 day journey with us. I hope you celebrate and rejoice in all God has taught you through this. Continue those holy habits as you enjoy those sweets, breads, meals, Cokes and much more that you set aside for this time. I knew you could do it. Now bask in the knowledge that God knew you could do it too. He just wanted you to know you could do it. And I know He's smiling over us! And that's the best of all!! 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

We are winding down with our 40 days of prayer and fasting emphasis at Fairview. As I write this Monday morning while drinking my coffee for day #34 without the flavor added, and no I'm not used to it this way and yes I'm going back to it next Monday morning, I'm just thinking that if you ever want time to slow down then go on a fast. Kidding, not kidding. It's actually been great on many levels. I've developed some new habits, holy habits if you will. After 40 days, it should be a habit. I've struggled some, not only with the lack of flavor in my coffee, but also every food or food group I decided to fast has shown up in abundance around me. Every day I decided to fast for the day proved to be challenging unless I was extremely busy. I've struggled at times yes, but all in all its been extremely positive and worthwhile. More focused time in prayer and the Word, less aggravation over things that don't really matter, more peace, more awareness of things I believe God wanted to show and reveal to me. In other words, the positives far outweigh the negative! I hope you can say the same. It's been so fun hearing your stories and your items of fast. Finish strong this last week. I'm so proud of our church family, how I love you and am grateful for each of you! 
Now about yesterday! Phenomenal on every level! It was such a treat to have Joe Sawyer with us! He and his wife Karen are family to us. They mean more to us than they'll probably ever know. They've mentored us from the day we met them and from the day we met them they felt like family. They've taught us so much about the abundant life following Jesus and so much of His Word. Not just about His Word and truth from it, although they've taught us much of that. They've taught us to love His Word and hunger for it. That's one thing I hope to pass to others before I leave this earth. The testimonies have been timely and challenging. Our band has never been better! They set the bar high yesterday for the weeks to come. Those songs, their spirit, their energy gave us a taste of heaven and left us longing for more. Keep bringing it Cross Talk! 
My husband's message was short, ok shorter. Haha. But each thought was special. Yes, money does talk. Just what is it saying about us? That we spend more on ourselves than others?  That we spend more on vacation than we give in the entire year? 
He challenged us that when we get more it's not to raise our standard of living so we can spend more. When we get more,  we should practice giving more. Again, I love his honesty and transparency. Continue to pray about our offering next week and the part you will play in kingdom giving. It will be a special time as we all don't give equally, but we all give sacrificially. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

We exist for those not yet here. Without sacrifice, there is no blessing. That was the jist of the message. It was powerful as we looked at a familiar Old Testament story to some of us, in a fresh and relevant way. Genesis 22:1-18 is the story when God called Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. It didn't make sense. It seemed to go against everything God had promised, but Abraham immediately obeyed. 
The illustrations Eddie used to bring this to life were next level. I loved how he talked about the professor who talks arrogantly about half his class failing his tests yet God gives us tests and tells us they'll be hard but come to Him and He'll help us. Also the man who talked about his great grandfather planting peach trees that he would never live to see the fruit, but wanted others to enjoy the fruit of his labor. And lastly, only those actually playing on a team can truly enjoy the wins they experience because they know the sacrifice that went in to making wins possible. He concluded by saying that we can come to church and never sacrifice by giving a dime and serving, but we'll also never know and experience the true joy and blessing from the sacrifice. 
Abraham knew what God had promised and he may not have known how God would bring it about if he sacrificed Isaac, but he knew God would not break his promise. He believed God and he was obedient and God blessed!
What a great day it was at church. People surrounded our 1st time tent which is so special! We baptized 4 students. Had one of our student D groups go and meet at the home of one of their members who was recovering from surgery so she could be a part of the group...just how cool is that?! We heard another amazing testimony from one of our members of how faithful God had been to his family as they had practiced stewardship through the years. God is doing so much! I'm constantly in awe that He allows me to be a part of serving at this place for such a time as this. Be blessed today and bless others!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

Yesterday was another one of those Sundays that I wished the whole world could sit under my husband's preaching! I've sat under him for 30 years and haven't tired of it yet. I've never walked out thinking the message was anything less than great. He's hit lots of home runs thanks to Jesus and now because of last week's message and then yesterday, he's hit back to back grand slams. It's hard to blog after those messages because it seems to cheapen it, so I would not only now but every week, encourage listening for yourself. If you can't be with us, thankfully, you can listen online. Technology has it's good points!
So as we continued Finish the Foundation, we camped out in the Old Testament book of Numbers chapters 13 and 14.  I agree with my son, Stephen, who said in proclaiming his love for the message, "I'm an Old Testament junkie"! I still remember the day he called and said he had fallen in love with the OT. So many treasures's pure GOLD! Anyway, the entire story of taking the promised land is worth reading! Eddie challenged us throughout the message to see through the eyes of faith and not fear. God had said He had given them the land. But on the banks of the Jordan, after all He had done, the people began walking by sight instead of faith. And God removed His hand from those who chose not to believe Him and follow Him and He will still do that today in the lives of people and churches. 
Those who looked through the eyes of fear brought God to their level. They underestimated what God could do and what their decision would mean. It brought discouragement and discontentment and led to defeat. 
Those who looked through the eyes of faith saw opportunities instead of obstacles and gained courage and God's   blessing. 
Eddie gave a great word on the vision God continues to give him for our church. He quoted JD Greer who said "a successful church isn't measured by seating capacity but by sending capacity". It's great to fill up the building we have now and have multiple services, but the greatness is going to be in raising up people to go, as Eddie said, "across the world and across the street". 
In closing, Eddie shared four important things to remember...
1. The spies all saw the same thing, they just saw it differently. 
2. Some chose the comfort zone over the end zone which is a boring place to be. 
3. God shows His will but allows our choice to stand. 
4. Their perspective defeated them, not their problem. 
So after pondering this one again and writing it out, I again feel like taking a few hallelujah laps! I hope you are as encouraged and motivated as I am to believe God and walk it out in faith and claim whatever land God has shown you. Opportunities are greater than any obstacles. Let's take the land around us for His glory and do something mighty for the kingdom!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

So this was a rather crazy weekend weather wise. It had the same feel as when we await a snowstorm coming. Lots of weather forecasts and warnings about what was coming. Only this time it was rain and potential flooding. Not nearly as exciting but enough to keep us glued to the forecast and watching out of windows. And the rain came! Lots of rain! We didn't get the worst of it like our friends on the coast and in the midlands did, but it was still pretty bad. Saying all that just to say, like with snow, when the weather is threatening we always wonder what that will mean for Sunday morning worship. We watched packed out stadiums of people sitting in rain to watch their teams play and you just have to wonder, would people do that for church. Many don't even want to get out and drive to church with a mild rain, and honestly, I don't like it either. However, we serve at a church where people don't seem to look for excuses to miss and stay home. Most seem to love coming to church and hate when they have to miss. I'm so thankful for that. So, needless to say we had a really good crowd at both services and they brought energy and enthusiasm with them! It was a great day! Worship was intense and powerful yesterday. You could feel the Spirit and He was moving and working. We had two students saved who professed their faith and I always love our reaction, which is a raucious applause! How encouraging for those who step out in faith! 
As for my husband...he was totally on fire! Our daughter said it best when she said she felt like running laps. I so could've joined her in that. Eddie took us to Matthew 16 and preached a powerful word on the church and who Jesus is. He gave us background. He gave us a Greek  lesson. He challenged us with questions about who Jesus is to us and challenged us in our zeal for the church and our understanding that the one thing Jesus claimed ownership to was His church. We don't own it. We don't build it. It's His. We are called to be faithful to Him and serve, to be living stones. 
He concluded by encouraging us that even when it appears that the Enemy is winning, he won't succeed. Jesus has already won. His power can't be denied. There is no perfect church but we have a perfect Savior. 
This really is a poor attempt to shed light on an incredible message. If you missed it, please watch online. It's so much better than what can be written about it. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

I loved my husband's sermon yesterday from our 40 days series. It was on stewardship from 2 Chronicals 24. We saw how King Joash didn't let his age be a hindrance as he served well, just unfortunately didn't finish well. We saw that he had a heart for God and did what was right. The right thing is not always easy or politically correct. As my husband said, what God says is right is right and what He says is wrong is wrong. Please God and it won't matter who is displeased. 
Being a good steward isn't about making a one time gift, it's about adopting a stewardship way of life. It's not about giving to the church, it's about giving to the Lord. Everyone can give something, but not everyone can give the same thing. 
One of the greatest things about this emphasis on prayer and fasting has been hearing from so many of you about what you're fasting and how the journey is going so far. We've heard from teenagers 
to senior adults who are taking part in the fast whether it's food, social media, video games, so many meals a day or per week. Some are fasting certain types of food or tv time. It's been great to see so many taking it seriously and seeking God with great expectation during this time. I believe we are going to come out of these 40 days with some holy habits that that will go well beyond these 40 days and make huge impacts far beyond what we can even begin to believe right now. I'm praying for you. I know it's tough but we can do this! We can do anything for 40 days, right?! Blessings!!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

40 Days of Prayer and Fasting kicked off yesterday! I've been anticipating this for a while. I just know God is going to do some mighty things in these 40 days and beyond if we will go with Him through this and surrender to Him. I have my new journal ready to go. I have my 40 days of scripture I'm going to be praying. I do have a prayer list but I also just want to see how He leads me to pray. One of the things we've talked about in our house a lot in reference to this is we believe God is going to show Himself in a powerful way one reason being that Satan has seemed to be extra busy. We've seen his fingerprints on some things and we know he is mighty unhappy. I think prayer and fasting is the LAST thing he wants us doing so he has upped his game. Don't fear that. Just armor up! Recognize his handiwork and don't be distracted by it. I've been telling God I'm open to divine interruptions but don't let me be distracted by the junk that seeks to get me off track. So that's my own personal word, about yesterday...
What a great day we had at Fairview. It was good to experience all of the in between service, post service and preservice energy! I love all of our people out greeting and seeing the lobby buzzing with people. Worship was great and the message was as well. A few points to point out ☺️ that I especially loved...
...Jesus assumes we will fast. Mt 6:16
...battles of life worth wining are worth fasting. 
...the purpose isn't to get God on our agenda it's for us to get on His. 
...some battles will never be won and some doors will never be open apart from fasting. 
Looking so forward to being with so many of you Thurs evening at Favor! Have a blessed week and know that you CAN do this!!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

By the time John wrote 1John, false prophets were on the scene. And they're still with us today. I don't believe we fear them or cower from them. But I do believe that we remain aware and know how to discern between what is truth and what is false. 
Eddie gave us three tests we can do. We test the message. Get to the core of what they say about Jesus. Amazing truth Eddie gave us was "if they're wrong about Jesus, it doesn't matter what they're right about."  Even a broken clock is right twice a day. 
We also test their methods to make sure they are culturally relevant yet scripturally true. We also test their morality. 
The key to all of this is relying on the Holy Spirit within us. His primary role is to guide us. His presence in us is greater than the pressure outside of us.
We take a break from 1John and go into 40 days of prayer and fasting starting next Sunday. This will be an incredible 7 weeks in the life of our church and individual lives. I would strongly encourage all to make the most of this time. It will transform us and radically change us if we will yield to the Spirit and seek Him with everything we have. Start praying today, if you haven't already, about what you want God to see God do in your life through this time and give Him permission to do it His way! Pray for our church to be an instrument that He can use to reach many for Himself and that He will be glorified. May we decrease and Jesus increase. May these 7 weeks be just the beginning of all the best He has for us!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

Today is Labor Day. For me, it marks the final day of summer. I know for some summer ends with kids going back to school or football starting. I know we are not officially fall yet but the day after Labor Day marks that for me. We always celebrate with pool time or shopping or chilling depending on the weather. We always have the last official cookout of summer so I'm looking forward to my husband's Bbq ribs and everyone coming over. I know for many it's the last hurrah at the beach or lake and many of you enjoyed that this weekend. For those of us who stayed in town and were at church yesterday, we had a great time at both campuses. We had the Lord's Supper at the Greer campus, that's always special. My husband gave a powerful and yes convicting message from 1 John 3:11-24. He also introduced where we will be headed after next week. This fall will be an exciting time in the life of Fairview! I'm so excited to see how the emphasis on the 40 days of prayer and fasting will affect us both personally and as a church. We have seen 99 students, and still growing, embrace their new discipleship groups and they are serving so well before services. I love seeing their young sweet faces welcoming and helping in different ways. We have new classes starting for engaged and young marrieds both during Sunday morning and a week night study. We kick off a new college life group tomorrow night called Kairos that will serve college students during this season they're in and challenges they face. We have several Favor events coming up! I hope so much you will be a part of those! We anticipate what God is going to do as He leads us and we step out in obedience to embrace opportunities He is placing right before us. It's a new season. There are new opportunities. New things going on. New people joining us to be a part of our family to serve. Don't fear the new, embrace it. God is always doing a new thing and He invites us to join Him. Will you?

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

BToday was one of those services I'll be thinking about for a while. Worship was incredible as Cross Talk was on fire. We had 3 students baptized which is always the highlight! East campus had a huge crowd and Eddie brought a great message! God changed it up on him some on Friday. I'm sure the planned outline would've been good too, but super thankful for a pastor who is sensitive to the voice of God and obedient because this message was anointed and greatly needed. 
With local issues and national news this week showing us what we look like when we give way to our naturally sinful self and try to cover sin rather than confess it, we find the best thing to do when we find ourself there and before we condemn others is look to Jesus. We also need to realize that God shows mercy and He forgives, but sin is not ok with Him. 
We are not to fight the devil, we are to flee from him. We don't fight for victory, we fight from victory. Believers are never comfortable and ok with sin. We may lapse into it, but we don't live in it. Jesus can change our want to if we let Him. Happy Monday to all!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

Yesterday was a great day to be a part of God's work at Fairview. We had our highest attendance ever in the 8:30 service. You people are inviting and bringing and God is honoring that!! We were blessed with a packed house in the 11:00 and enjoyed having the North Greenville University football team with us. We baptized 3 more which is a habit I pray continues after 4 last week! East was great with new faces and an abundance of energy.
We dove into 1John 3 with a great message on God's love. It was encouraging as we saw how God has lavished His love on us. I love that word lavish! Such a visual of God pouring out His love that has nothing to do with our worthiness and everything to do with just who He is! Our motivation to love and act like His children should have nothing to do with guilt or fear but our love for Him. What a comfort to know that as His children we will spend all of eternity with Him and also those who have gone before us. What a day that will be!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Where are you going August?!

Maybe it's only me, but August, actually all of summer, is flying at record speed.  I've said it a million times, it's my favorite season and it's NEVER long enough for me.  August especially seems to be getting away from me.
It started with a lightening fast few days at the beginning of the month as Eddie and I headed to Nashville with our son Stephen for the Send Conference.  John had been working for NAMB all summer in Atlanta and they took all the Gen Senders to this conference.  Since it was required that we get him home one way or another we decided to go to the conference and then bring him home with us.  I love Nashville.  It's a great city. Our first stop our first day was, where else, a coffee shop.  We met John at the Barista Parlor.  It's the first time we had seen him in about 3 weeks so getting to see him for the first time at a coffee shop was pretty ironic.  And evidently it's where the who's who of Nashville hang.  He had met and talked with Kristian Stanfill earlier in the week there so that was pretty cool.  The conference was probably one of the best we've ever attended. Speakers and music all  fabulous and we decided to break up for the break out sessions so we could cover more ground! Those were a great few days and even greater getting to bring John home.  That's the only part about summer that didn't fly by was him being gone.
We got to celebrate with our marrieds their 5 year anniversary! Talk about time flying!! I can't believe it's been 5 years.  Reconfirms how we are only here for an instant and need to make the most of our time.
We took off for the beach where we celebrated our daughter's birthday, 25 years old. WHAT!!! Again. Time. Have mercy.  It was a great week of family time just relaxing.  Eddie was right.  It was probably Thurs before we felt relaxed and then it was almost over.  We also celebrated our son and his girlfriend getting engaged. Maybe that was part of our stress and not being able to wind down.  We were all afraid of saying something that would give it away and blow it.  They met at the beach waaayyyy back when Stephen was a sophomore in high school and she hadn't even started high school.  They were with different churches at a student camp and the rest is a marvelous journey only God could orchestrate.  But that's why he wanted to propose on the beach, their meeting place years ago.  She was definitely surprised and we are totally overjoyed.  Let the wedding planning begin. I get to be mother of the groom this time so not nearly as much falls on my shoulders, whooooo.
We still have a spiritual birthday and Eddie's birthday to celebrate this month not to mention school starts and TONS of ministry on our plate this fall.  And that's always worth celebrating! Here are a few pics to enjoy.  They make me long for the beach again as I sit here looking out at the rain...