Monday, December 14, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

Yesterday was a day that I'd love to put on repeat! We had record numbers in the 1st service, AGAIN! We added 5 new family members in that service. We had a great crowd in the 2nd service with 2 added family members by salvation and 2 families for membership. Worship music led by Cross Talk was amazing, AGAIN!  The message my husband brought was one of my favorites in this series, AGAIN, as we were challenged to not miss opportunities that God brings our way. God knew if He sent the good news to the shepherds that they would respond. Do we recognize opportunities? Do we seize them or do we blow them off? There's no obscure place with God. He knows exactly where we are. For some of us, we are just too busy. It's not a seasonal thing, it's a life thing. We need to slow down, look around and be discerning. 
Once we meet Jesus, we'll never be the same. We should have a desire to tell others if we have truly met Him. 
What did the shepherds do after meeting Jesus? They went back to their fields. We aren't always called to change our job and address. We may be called to that. But maybe we are just supposed to go back to our same job and our same address a different person. And a person willing to be obedient to the call of sharing Jesus with others. If He's changed your life, you can't help but share it. 
The good news is broad. Luke 2:30-32 says it's for the Jews and the Gentiles, all nations. 
The good news is narrow. Luke 2:11 
says for unto you, and you, and you. 
May those of us who have heard the Christmas story hundreds of times through our lifetime HEAR it with fresh ears this Christmas. And may we TELL others the good news!

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