Monday, September 7, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

Today is Labor Day. For me, it marks the final day of summer. I know for some summer ends with kids going back to school or football starting. I know we are not officially fall yet but the day after Labor Day marks that for me. We always celebrate with pool time or shopping or chilling depending on the weather. We always have the last official cookout of summer so I'm looking forward to my husband's Bbq ribs and everyone coming over. I know for many it's the last hurrah at the beach or lake and many of you enjoyed that this weekend. For those of us who stayed in town and were at church yesterday, we had a great time at both campuses. We had the Lord's Supper at the Greer campus, that's always special. My husband gave a powerful and yes convicting message from 1 John 3:11-24. He also introduced where we will be headed after next week. This fall will be an exciting time in the life of Fairview! I'm so excited to see how the emphasis on the 40 days of prayer and fasting will affect us both personally and as a church. We have seen 99 students, and still growing, embrace their new discipleship groups and they are serving so well before services. I love seeing their young sweet faces welcoming and helping in different ways. We have new classes starting for engaged and young marrieds both during Sunday morning and a week night study. We kick off a new college life group tomorrow night called Kairos that will serve college students during this season they're in and challenges they face. We have several Favor events coming up! I hope so much you will be a part of those! We anticipate what God is going to do as He leads us and we step out in obedience to embrace opportunities He is placing right before us. It's a new season. There are new opportunities. New things going on. New people joining us to be a part of our family to serve. Don't fear the new, embrace it. God is always doing a new thing and He invites us to join Him. Will you?

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