John the beloved, "little children, love one another".
That's John's message to us. It's impossible to have God's Spirit in us and be a hateful person. Eddie, "we need to repent".
How do I love God? We love Him with our heart, soul, and mind.
Our heart is the seat of our emotions. We need emotion in our love for God. But emotions change so it can't be based solely on emotion.
Our soul is our will. It's the backbone of our faith. We make that decision to love Him and follow Him.
Our mind is our intellect. We study to show ourself approved. We grow by knowing His Word.
Our whole being is given over to God.
There's no way we can love God with that agape love, loving Him not because of the things He gives us or does for us, but love Him NO MATTER WHAT, unless we give ourselves over to Him. And we can't love others that way without His Spirit working in us and through us.
The questions we are left with are, do we really love God as we should and are we willing to lay down our lives for one another?
Celebrate and rejoice with us over the ones baptized yesterday, the families who joined in both services, and the huge crowd in both services who came to worship, grow, and fellowship with one another.
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