Sunday, November 22, 2015

A Different Monday Morning Perspective

My perspective is a bit different this Monday morning. My husband took Sunday off, which he RARELY does! In his words, "they need a break from me". It's definitely been intense lately. We had months of going back and forth to our other campus which we loved but wasn't easy. We did the 40 days of prayer and fasting with a tremendous end result. He hasn't missed a Sunday since August, which actually is his norm. He's not a fan of missing Sundays, anyone who's ever worked for him would tell you that. But it was good timing in taking a day off. 
We decided to go visit The Church at Greer Station. It's a church plant in our area and we have such respect for the pastors there. We've loved getting to know them and they've impacted our boys lives for the good. It was a great service and the message was on point! We share a passion and heart to reach the lost and see people discipled. We see so much of God at work in our area that stirs us on and encourages us that we serve a God who is very active and very involved in our world. 
It's always nice, especially for Eddie, to go somewhere and just worship. That's a rare thing for us. And much needed. I was telling a young couple just the other night that you are never off from ministry. Even on vacation we are thinking, talking, planning, breathing ministry. It's just who you are if you're in ministry (or maybe that's just us). Don't get me wrong or read stuff into this that I'm not saying. Our identity is in Christ. We know that. We know better than anyone that you don't cling tightly to a ministry, but you hold all things loosely and we know that our relationship with Jesus is first and family (though a few have disagreed with us) comes before ministry work. We know all of that and we live that! But God also gives you a heart to love and serve and that makes it a part of who you are. However, as we told that young couple, you have to turn down the volume at times. Thankfully we have family and friends who help us do that. And taking a day off to just go and worship with another church and get a new perspective is one way we do that. 
It also serves to give us eyes to see things differently. We get too caught up in the way we do things being the only way or the best way and we really don't know what else is even out there. Now I am NOT a fan of church hopping. Actually I'm not just not a fan, but I'm aggravated deeply by it. The church buffet is what I call for this, there for that. It breeds a mentality of what is the church doing for me and not how can I serve where God has called me. But going somewhere else on occasion allows us to see what visitors see. It allows us to see why some things feel awkward to them. It allows us to see things in a fresh way and through their eyes.   
I loved sitting next to my husband during an entire service and worship and experience the Lord's Supper together, but I like him on stage preaching even more. And next week he's back at it!! Next Sunday is the beginning of Advent! We are so excited as Eddie will be preaching an Advent series. We are praying that this week of Thanksgiving will be a week that all will feel overwhelmed by the goodness of God and how blessed we truly are! Happy Thanksgiving! Let the greatest season ever get started!

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