I was in no way prepared for the emotion I felt as I sat on that front row and watched all of our church family walk down and place their gift in the chest of Joash. I tried to hold the tears but they would not be held back. I saw kids walk with their parents to give and one dumped his bucket of change! Oh my heart! I saw teenagers giving and sweet young couples that I know it was a sacrifice and step of faith for them. I saw seniors doing their part, they've walked with God long enough to know He's gonna come through. Seeing families make that walk together spoke volumes about what they're teaching their children about giving and following God. Watching my own kids take part made my heart smile. Hearing from people who said they had prayed separately as spouses and God gave them the same amount to give gave me chills. And others who didn't know if they could give and then they received unexpected checks in the mail that made it possible...God always comes through!!
Needless to say I was a mess at the end of that service. Our whole family said no matter what the amount turns out to be, nothing will take away the miracle of what we saw happen today. Nothing beats an entire body coming together, everyone doing their part, and anticipating what God will do. Like Eddie said, we do our part. God always does His part. We do what we can and He performs the miracle.
If you can hang with me a bit longer, I'd love to share a few points from the message. It was just too good not to.
We looked at the passage in Mark 6:24-44. Most of us feel like, what will our little bit do? The young boy had a very small lunch. In human terms, it was nothing compared to the need but he gave what he had. You know others in that crowd had brought a lunch too. But no one else offered theirs. A miracle can happen if the project is bigger than the people. Most operate by what they have in their hand. Churches don't see miracles many times because they don't need one. A miracle can happen and most of the time God makes us do our part first. Check out Noah. Moses had to step in water before it parted. Joshua and the people at Jericho had to do their part before the walls fell. The question always remains, will we do our part?
Thank you church family for your constant encouragement and love. We have received numerous messages expressing your love and your belief as well that God is up to something. Thank you for believing with us. Thank you for doing your part and following my husband's leadership as He follows God. You are the best, the cream of the crop. You delight me even more than that flavor creamer I'm going to add to my coffee and that ice cream from Dillard's I enjoyed breaking the fast with. When I scroll Facebook and Twitter and see your posts about church or scripture you post, you make me smile and make me thankful you allow us to serve you. You are an enormous sense of encouragement day in and day out. I'm so proud of you for taking this 40 day journey with us. I hope you celebrate and rejoice in all God has taught you through this. Continue those holy habits as you enjoy those sweets, breads, meals, Cokes and much more that you set aside for this time. I knew you could do it. Now bask in the knowledge that God knew you could do it too. He just wanted you to know you could do it. And I know He's smiling over us! And that's the best of all!!
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