So as we continued Finish the Foundation, we camped out in the Old Testament book of Numbers chapters 13 and 14. I agree with my son, Stephen, who said in proclaiming his love for the message, "I'm an Old Testament junkie"! I still remember the day he called and said he had fallen in love with the OT. So many treasures there...it's pure GOLD! Anyway, the entire story of taking the promised land is worth reading! Eddie challenged us throughout the message to see through the eyes of faith and not fear. God had said He had given them the land. But on the banks of the Jordan, after all He had done, the people began walking by sight instead of faith. And God removed His hand from those who chose not to believe Him and follow Him and He will still do that today in the lives of people and churches.
Those who looked through the eyes of fear brought God to their level. They underestimated what God could do and what their decision would mean. It brought discouragement and discontentment and led to defeat.
Those who looked through the eyes of faith saw opportunities instead of obstacles and gained courage and God's blessing.
Eddie gave a great word on the vision God continues to give him for our church. He quoted JD Greer who said "a successful church isn't measured by seating capacity but by sending capacity". It's great to fill up the building we have now and have multiple services, but the greatness is going to be in raising up people to go, as Eddie said, "across the world and across the street".
In closing, Eddie shared four important things to remember...
1. The spies all saw the same thing, they just saw it differently.
2. Some chose the comfort zone over the end zone which is a boring place to be.
3. God shows His will but allows our choice to stand.
4. Their perspective defeated them, not their problem.
So after pondering this one again and writing it out, I again feel like taking a few hallelujah laps! I hope you are as encouraged and motivated as I am to believe God and walk it out in faith and claim whatever land God has shown you. Opportunities are greater than any obstacles. Let's take the land around us for His glory and do something mighty for the kingdom!
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