So this was a rather crazy weekend weather wise. It had the same feel as when we await a snowstorm coming. Lots of weather forecasts and warnings about what was coming. Only this time it was rain and potential flooding. Not nearly as exciting but enough to keep us glued to the forecast and watching out of windows. And the rain came! Lots of rain! We didn't get the worst of it like our friends on the coast and in the midlands did, but it was still pretty bad. Saying all that just to say, like with snow, when the weather is threatening we always wonder what that will mean for Sunday morning worship. We watched packed out stadiums of people sitting in rain to watch their teams play and you just have to wonder, would people do that for church. Many don't even want to get out and drive to church with a mild rain, and honestly, I don't like it either. However, we serve at a church where people don't seem to look for excuses to miss and stay home. Most seem to love coming to church and hate when they have to miss. I'm so thankful for that. So, needless to say we had a really good crowd at both services and they brought energy and enthusiasm with them! It was a great day! Worship was intense and powerful yesterday. You could feel the Spirit and He was moving and working. We had two students saved who professed their faith and I always love our reaction, which is a raucious applause! How encouraging for those who step out in faith!
As for my husband...he was totally on fire! Our daughter said it best when she said she felt like running laps. I so could've joined her in that. Eddie took us to Matthew 16 and preached a powerful word on the church and who Jesus is. He gave us background. He gave us a Greek lesson. He challenged us with questions about who Jesus is to us and challenged us in our zeal for the church and our understanding that the one thing Jesus claimed ownership to was His church. We don't own it. We don't build it. It's His. We are called to be faithful to Him and serve, to be living stones.
He concluded by encouraging us that even when it appears that the Enemy is winning, he won't succeed. Jesus has already won. His power can't be denied. There is no perfect church but we have a perfect Savior.
This really is a poor attempt to shed light on an incredible message. If you missed it, please watch online. It's so much better than what can be written about it.
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