We exist for those not yet here. Without sacrifice, there is no blessing. That was the jist of the message. It was powerful as we looked at a familiar Old Testament story to some of us, in a fresh and relevant way. Genesis 22:1-18 is the story when God called Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. It didn't make sense. It seemed to go against everything God had promised, but Abraham immediately obeyed.
The illustrations Eddie used to bring this to life were next level. I loved how he talked about the professor who talks arrogantly about half his class failing his tests yet God gives us tests and tells us they'll be hard but come to Him and He'll help us. Also the man who talked about his great grandfather planting peach trees that he would never live to see the fruit, but wanted others to enjoy the fruit of his labor. And lastly, only those actually playing on a team can truly enjoy the wins they experience because they know the sacrifice that went in to making wins possible. He concluded by saying that we can come to church and never sacrifice by giving a dime and serving, but we'll also never know and experience the true joy and blessing from the sacrifice.
Abraham knew what God had promised and he may not have known how God would bring it about if he sacrificed Isaac, but he knew God would not break his promise. He believed God and he was obedient and God blessed!
What a great day it was at church. People surrounded our 1st time tent which is so special! We baptized 4 students. Had one of our student D groups go and meet at the home of one of their members who was recovering from surgery so she could be a part of the group...just how cool is that?! We heard another amazing testimony from one of our members of how faithful God had been to his family as they had practiced stewardship through the years. God is doing so much! I'm constantly in awe that He allows me to be a part of serving at this place for such a time as this. Be blessed today and bless others!
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