Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective

Yesterday's New Year challenge was a great challenge for me. We focused on taking our next step spiritually this coming year whatever that may be. It was a challenge to not be content where we are in our walk with God but to be Christians on the Grow!! Eddie took us back to the story of Joshua and Caleb standing firm in their belief that they could take the land God had promised even when no one else stood with them and we saw the negative influence the report had on most. I love how Eddie pointed out that the spies were giving their opinion on whether they could take the land or not when no one asked their opinion on that. God had already promised them that. Joshua and Caleb had faith in spite of visual evidence. Faith should always trump human reason and logic.
I love the formula Eddie left us with...
Attitude, it determines altitude.
Belief, believe God. Phil 4:13
Capacity, ability to be stretched.
Determination, stay tough when it's rough.
Enthusiasm, in God.
Faith, not human reason.
As we set those spiritual goals over the next few days, remember to take it to another level. Be willing to let God stretch you and as we cooperate with Him, He will grow us up to be more like Christ and make a huge impact in 2014 for Him.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective and MERRY CHRISTMAS

Yesterday was a great service for us.  We wrapped our Christmas series with a intense look at Jesus, the true star of Christmas and we had worship that was, well, over-the-top!  I love Christmas music but I have to say I tire of it when it's all the music we get every sunday in December.  This year has been an amazing December as we have had true worship music and the Christmas music has been upbeat and done in a new modern way.  I have LOVED it!!  And yesterday was no exception as we totally took Christmas music to a new level.  So thankful for our worship teams in both of our services who lead us this way!!
The message was all Jesus, all gospel, all true Christmas!  It was fabulous.  It left me wondering how anyone could reject Him but as my husband pointed out and reminded us, it's spiritual warfare.  Satan works overtime making us think we can make it on our own.  We can't make a life here much less experience eternal life apart from Jesus.
His save people from their sins.  My challenge this coming year to myself and to anyone who reads this or will listen is to be on mission to get as many to Him as possible.  To take every opportunity to share Him as the only hope, our only answer.  It's crunch time.  I believe our time is short and we need to be intentional and passionate about getting as many to Jesus as will come.  How can they believe unless they hear and how can they hear if we don't tell?  Let's not keep it to ourselves.  The greatest new years resolution for all of us should be how many can I bring to Jesus in 2014.  Challenge yourself and challenge those around you.  What greater purpose could any of us have?  Prayer lists are full of people needing physical healing.  How bout we start praying together for spiritual healing, salvation of others should be on the top of all of our prayer lists!!
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!  Praying the true blessings of Christmas will shine the brightest for all!!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Being the Church

What started several years ago as a bible study downtown in Greenville SC because God told Justin Broome to start one, has turned into an incredible ministry called Immerse. It's a ministry based on what it truly means to love God and love people. Some people talk it really well, others do it and live it. For some it's easy as long as it's not too "messy". It's easy when we can stay on the outside of lives and just deliver things or serve those who serve us. But how easy is it when it involves serving those who can't serve us? We serve teachers who teach our kids. We serve public safety people who protect us. And we should!!!! We should serve anywhere in our cities that gives us opportunities to share the gospel and gets our foot in the door. I'm so thankful that our church is heavily involved in our rescue missions and apartment complexes!! How often do we serve those who can do nothing for us? Those who maybe scare us or invoke thoughts of "they're not like us".
Well the answer to those questions tells us much about ourselves. Sometimes it's more fun to go across country or the world and share Jesus but what about down the road. Our own city is starving to know Jesus. Yes we have churches on every corner but is everyone really welcome? Will they really walk through those doors.
There are those who run to the messes. There are those whose hearts beat to serve those who have nothing to offer back. Thank God for those!  They are few in our world today.
Last night we got to tag along with one of those and serve next to him and his wife, our own daughter Jessica and her husband Justin. They don't just do it at Christmas. They do it every Friday night downtown. They lead a worship service and share Jesus with all who will listen and they have a huge audience with the homeless. The homeless listen to Justin because he's proven he loves them and he cares. He meets physical needs but they get a message of hope, the only hope we have and that's Jesus. Last night he shared with them how no circumstance of life can separate them from the love of God. He challenged them to turn around and give 1 thing away to another in need that they would receive last night. He shows them that they can make a difference, they too can be world changers.  As they circled up to pray and one of their own prayed, thanking God for the blessing of the night and what they received just ripped at the core of my heart. Some stayed after to help clean up. One told me, "I may be homeless but y'all did something for me tonight, now I'm gonna stay and do something for y'all". I could've fallen through the ground. You see he probably didn't know the scripture "silver or gold I do not have but what I have I give to you"...but he fleshed it out.
Needless to say I was totally undone, still am, hope I always will be. Seeing people so grateful for the little they have and received was tremendously humbling!! I'm praying the attitude of entitlement, my own and others, will continue to make me nauseous!!
So grateful for so many who served last night. Thrilled that so many gave so much so that we had something to give to those in need. Nothing could have been done without all doing what they could!
Being the church trumps going any day. Now saying that let me say, going to church feeds us and strengthens us so that we can be the church. Please come Sunday and bring others with you. At Fairview they will hear about the only true star of Christmas, Jesus, our only hope no matter what our circumstances!!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective

Yesterday at Fairview was fabulous!! Despite rain and frigid cold temps we had a great crowd in both services and boy did we heat it up inside the House! I loved how our band did a few Christmas songs in the worship set but they were so not the norm...Joy to the World!!! It was great!
Following that my man brought a great message on why God chose Mary! God knew Mary's desire was to do His will. Do we miss His will so often because He already knows we have no desire to follow? We were challenged to think about what we truly desire.
We also see that she was willing to pay the price. Amidst the obvious ridicule she faced from people, it amazes me that we never see that she defended herself. She trusted God and following Him mattered more to her than what others would think! What a lesson for us!!
Mary also had faith to trust God when it looked impossible. We have to trust Him in spite of all our fear. We must step out when everything and everyone tells us to step back. I love how Eddie concluded with reminding us of all the young women, celebs, that so many are so enamored with yet they come on the scene and quickly pass off the scene. They try to reinvent themselves to stay around. However, Mary is still loved, still respected today.
I'm loving this Christmas series!! But don't forget to start now inviting people for January as well when we kick off Protect This House, God's game plan for the family.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective

We started our Christmas series yesterday where we will look at 3 main Christmas characters. First up was Joseph, A borrowed Dad behind the scenes. I hardly know where to begin or what to include and I'm hardly ever at a loss for words. But this was such an amazing message that took us back to that 1st Christmas but my husband related it so well to today. He drew us into the emotion of it all and left us with the most beautiful picture of Joseph, a man to be truly respected and admired.
The 4 points we looked at...
1. The tension between the law and love. What a word to us today about  choosing love over the law!!
2. His reaction to the situation. We saw that a mature reaction is one where we are more concerned with the other person rather than ourself.
3. He was open to God's leadership. When things make the least sense, God shows up in a big way. Even though Joseph had formulated a plan, he was sensitive to God's plan and followed it.
4. He did what God commanded. God said it, he did it.
Notice the way Joseph treated women. Notice the way Joseph served. Joseph had great influence over Jesus as His earthly dad.
My man hit a home run with this one! Excited for next week already!!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Every time I read psalm 78 I'm blown away. I'm shocked at the behavior of the people of Israel and then I'm shocked at how like them I am at times. God worked miracles for them, provided for them. Over and over they claimed they would follow then they would turn away. They followed with words but not heart. So much to be thankful for, yet how quickly they forgot and returned to their old ways.  And then there's verse 38...yet He was merciful. That just pierces my heart. How often I forget what He has done for me, yet He shows mercy.
He has done so much for my family this year. Just a year ago, Eddie announced to our church family that God was moving us. We didn't know where. We didn't know when. We didn't know how He would provide. But as we talked about it just the other day, it was as if we were in a grace bubble. We should've been in a fetal position scared and depressed yet we felt so free and amazingly sure that God was in total control not only of us but the surrounding circumstances. And here we sit a year later with too many blessings to list, serving Him with more energy and passion than ever and totally undone by His goodness. He provided so much on our behalf, so many of His people showing us love and encouragement that far surpassed those who didn't. He's kept every promise we felt and claimed and done things we didn't even have the foreknowledge to ask Him for.
This Thanksgiving will be different. We will host everyone at our home. It will be the first time ever we are not at my mom and dads but she's not up to that any more so I'm blessed we are here and can do this and I'm so excited. There are days my mom doesn't know me now but most of the time she does. My sister-in-law lost her dad a few months ago so that will be different for her but blessed they'll be with us again. We have another child married so we will share her but we get a new son at the table. And my grand baby will be at the table in utero so how fun is that. We have challenges like everyone else but they don't compare to the goodness of God.  As Eddie preached Sunday, what we think about determines how we feel and how we feel determines how we act so I'm choosing to think about what is true and lovely and how blessed we are!! I'm choosing to think on God's love and forgiveness. I'm choosing to think about ways to love and serve and minister.  And I'm choosing to believe God knowing that my life is not my own and when I let go and let Him, I actually like His way much better.
So then just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught and OVERFLOWING WITH THANKFULNESS! Col 2:6-7
I hope this is the best Thanksgiving you've ever had, reflecting on God's goodness and looking forward to what he has for you!!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective

We broke away from Ephesians yesterday, but no fear, we will be back there in January. We have turned our focus for the next month to the season we are in now. We kicked it off yesterday, With Thanksgiving Phil. 4:4-8. Eddie gave us 4 keys to not just surviving this time of year but thriving. We  talked about the importance of prayer and an attitude of gratitude.  We looked at 1Peter 5:7 and Eddie pointed out that we think of cast as throwing. But biblically cast means to let it go. Some have burdens too heavy to throw but we can all let them go, drop them. It reminded me years ago how I realized that when we let something go to God, it doesn't just go out into the unknown. It goes to God. He picks it up. He deals with it. He handles it. We can trust Him because he cares for us. I love how Eddie stressed how important our thinking is. What we think determines how we feel and how we feel determines how we act. I've been practicing that a lot lately trying to be intentional in thinking about what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable.
We ended the day yesterday with our church family. We gathered for a great time over soup and sandwiches. We sat there around the table and shared the Lord's Supper which was one of the sweetest ones I remember. Then we turned our thoughts to share Christmas which we chose families to buy for this Christmas. We had a great crowd and instead of gorging ourselves on another huge thanksgiving meal and focusing on ourselves, it felt like a night all about others! I'm still feeling the overwhelming sweetness of it all this morning.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mr and Mrs Broome

I can't believe it's been almost two weeks since the wedding. The newlyweds are back from their honeymoon, settled into their new home and back to work.
What an exciting time it was for our whole family! It was exhausting but it really was stress free and fun! We are so thankful for the family and friends who shared it all with us. God has been incredibly good to the Leopards bringing us two boys who were willing to join our craziness and be part of our family.
Have to tell you my favorite part had to be when those double doors flew open and a beautiful bride stood their with her dad. I just had to catch a glimpse of the groom. Yep she made him cry and that made her cry. That's just better than gold!! What a worship time we had with a wedding thrown in.
Our sweet friends, the whole Culpepper family, had everything beautiful and totally organized. Jenny Williams captures everything in pictures better than I imagined. And the music chosen by the bride n groom was perfect and perfectly sung by Ryan Burns and Ashley Blevins. God is good and we are blessed!!
I'm including the link for pics cause I'd be here all day posting my faves, I love them all!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective and a Happy Birthday Shoutout

First and most importantly, a HUGE HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sweet boy Stephen.  He is the big 22 today, double deuce!!  He's one of the reasons for my gray hair being that he was the most energetic, excitable, mile-a-minute kid I've ever known.  He is also the reason for wrinkles because I've laughed my head off at him and with him for 22 years now.  He has brought incredible joy and grown up to have more passion for Jesus in his pinkie than I have in my entire body.  Never known someone to love God and love people quite like him and he's a DOER which I love.  Happy 22nd Skeebo!! So wish I was in Ctown with you today but you're on my mind and heart every moment!! Mom loves you TONS!!
Had to do that since his birthday fell on Monday and I'm heartbroken that I can't see his face and hug his neck however he promised me facetime later!!!
I missed blogging last Monday because we took off for the convention Sunday afternoon and besides that Eddie and I both felt like a train had plowed over us from the wedding til about Tuesday.  Wedding blog still to come...
We wrapped up the Body Building series yesterday.  It was a quite interesting service.  If you weren't there just ask someone who was in either one.  I think Satan just didn't want that worship service to happen but it did and God got the victory!!  It was an awesome close to a great series.  Eddie focused some on finding and following the will of God.  It's great to know it but if we don't follow it what's the point.  I've always believed that we must have a heart to follow His will or He won't bother revealing it anyway but that's my opinion.  I loved how Eddie stressed the general will of God for all of us and taking care of the basics.  If we do that, God will reveal the specifics.  And I loved his transparency with sharing our journey the past few years and seeking God's will and then following it.  Blessings always follow obedience.
I love how Eddie ended with the focus on the Holy Spirit and pointing out that the Holy Spirit makes much of Jesus not Himself.  When we are controlled and filled with the Holy Spirit we won't go around boasting in ourself but we will make much of Jesus as well.
I don't want to sail past the holidays because they are going to be incredible at Fairview.  So much is planned to fellowship with our church family but also the serve and reach out to our community.  However I'm so excited about the new year already.  Now is the time to start investing in and inviting people to come be a part of what's happening at Fairview.  Don't let the new year slip up.  People will be hopefully thinking about the new year and of course those new year resolutions.  That's a great time to mention to others about making church a priority in the coming year.  January will be a blast as we look at the family.  Eddie and I had so much fun brainstorming last week and stirring those creative juices.  Invite people and let them know the focus will be on the family and don't we all love and need that?!
I love you church family and we are so blessed to be able to serve you!  May we see with Jesus eyes all the opportunities he has for us and may we see people through His eyes and be eager to share Him with our world that is desperate for Him even if they don't realize it yet!!
Here's the bday boy...just had to so humor me!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective

Good morning! Letting you know up front, this will be short.  I know some of you are praising the Lord for that.  I've been told a few times in my life that I'm wordy but I love details and words and stories.  However if you didn't know, it's wedding week at my house and some of you may know what that means.  Thank you Lord, we are not harried with so much to do.  We've passed the torch of stress and busy to caterers and decorators and florists!  We are just feeling the excitement and bittersweet emotions.  Having said that, I am in between runs and don't want to spend too much time on a keyboard today.
I couldn't let the chance go by though to jump on here and say WOW to the day we had at fairview yesterday.  Pretty sure some are sick of me saying that, I say it a lot lately.  I've also been told before that "bragging" whether on my kids or church upsets people who are at a low point but I don't believe that's God's way.  I think He loves our cheers and praises as long as He's the one getting glory whether it's our kids, jobs, churches, whatever.  We had almost 800 gather together yesterday and SO many of those were visitors.  God is doing an amazing thing and thankfully noone is trying to control it or manage it.  It's just let go and let's see what God will do.  Everyone from our volunteers to our pastors are elbow to elbow striving together, praying together, encouraging, ministering.  Nothing like it when everyone is on the same page and noone's worried about their own back getting patted.  God can do amazing things in an atmosphere like that.  He refuses to share His glory and He chooses to bless and work where He wants.  Hopefully we all will just stay out of His way, not trying to handcuff Him or put Him in a tidy box.  I love Him so and love watching Him do His thing and tremendously grateful for any small part He lets me play.
Points from yesterdays powerful message as we jumped into Ephesians 5...
...Live a life of love.  God's love always gives.
...Live a life of purity.  God gives boundaries for protection.
Don't play games with God.  HE IS NOT MOCKED!! Jesus is our example May we all follow in His steps!!
Btw...I have a few of my fave worship songs too so I was just needling my hubs a bit.  If you were there yesterday, you get it.  And I'm sure you could tell that that was def one of my man's faves!!
Happy Monday to all.  Imitate Christ wherever He has placed you today.  Look for those divine opportunities.  People are searching and God's people know where to send them.  Invest! Invite! It's working!!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Jessica Brooke Leopard

Well it's one week from today! I think I've been in some kind of grace bubble but now reality certainly sets in as we are staring at a wedding one week from today.  Another Leopard girl will change her name and begin the great adventure of marriage.  This time it's the baby girl.  Almost seems unreal but then as I look at you and see the growth and spiritual maturity I know you're ready for this!!
You sweet one have been the source of so much of our joy and fun.  You light up a room with your presence, your smile, your laughter!  You've made me shake my head and you've made me laugh my head off.  You have kept us on our toes and on our knees more times than you're probably aware of.  Tears have poured from good times of joy and from hurts and heartaches.  You've got a heart of compassion and have always been the biggest cheerleader for the underdog, the hurting, and the broken around you.  Someone told us recently that you have the best people skills they had witnessed and I have to agree.  You've always reached out to all people no matter their status, their circumstance, their place in life.  You love so well and that love is so evident as you serve downtown Greenville side by side with your groom.  
Come next Saturday we go from a family of 7 to a family of 8.  We add another man to this bunch (we are so outnumbered girls) and what a man he is.  Justin Broome.  We've added a Gator and now here comes a Tiger (what's wrong with the Gamecocks).  All I can say Mr. Broome is you now have a tiger by the tail.  She will keep you hopping and guessing and wondering.  She will fight for you like no other cause she is a great defender of those she loves and she loves you much!!  You will never have to wonder where you stand or what you need to do and as a cheerleader at heart, she will be your biggest one ever!!  We are so proud of you and the heart and passion you have for Jesus.  You are everything we have ever prayed for for Jessica.  You are a great team as you serve and minister together.  Your compassion for others is challenging and overwhelming.  Your love for God's Word and sharing it and seeing others come to Jesus is beautiful on you.  
I can hardly wait for this wedding day.  You get more beautiful every time I see you in that wedding dress.  The platform my dear will be full of those who have loved you much and loved you well.  Some for a few years and some your whole life.  Your brothers will stand proud and protective as they welcome this man you promise yourself to as a real brother.  That young woman to your left, who leaned over you before going to 3K when you were days old and told you "Ill be back" then upon her arrival back home leaned over you again and said "it's alright, Chrissie's home" (not sure what she thought I did to you while she was gone) will be standing by you on Saturday like she has your whole life, loving and supporting you.  We will all be praying your Dad gets through it but I'm not convinced yet.  I'll be fighting tears but trust me they are tears of joy.  We are so thankful for the godly young woman you are and how you have always chosen to do life God's way.  
As a married woman, continue doing it God's way.  He created you and He brought you and Justin together.  He knows what's best for both of you.  Keep Him the focus and the most important love relationship you have and the marriage relationship will take care of itself.  Pray for your husband sweet girl every day!  Let God lead him and you follow both of them.  Encourage him.  Support him.  Let him know that you believe in him and trust him.  We promise to love you both! You and I now go to the friend zone.  I will always be your mom but we get to enjoy that relationship on a different level.  We will love Justin as one of our own boys.  We have a lot of love and it's all shared equally.  No faves around here.  We get to enjoy the uniqueness he will bring to this family.  
Know for sure that every day we will be covering you both in prayer.  We will be cheering you on as you start this new life, your own family, making your own way as God leads you.  All that God has done in you and through you, He will continue and do immeasureably more as a couple.  Lean in to Him closely.  
Enjoy this week!!  I'll be cherishing every "last" as moms do.  Know that I couldn't possibly love you more Jessie Brooke!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective

Well it's not monday morning, it's afternoon but the morning and part of the afternoon was spent at North Greenville University with my man.  Eddie spoke at chapel and I know I'm his wife but he totally killed it!!! What a joy to be there and see some students we know and love, meet some that we know their parents and family and a few so dear to our hearts we can hardly bear it.  To be able to have lunch with ministry friends and gain much wisdom and insight from some was just an added blessing.  God is so good.  I find myself saying over and over again but it's so true, He is IMMEASUREABLY MORE in every way!!!  We are both so thankful to be so close to this university that is truly winning students and making a difference for the kingdom one student at a time!!
Our service yesterday was off the charts!!  The music, again I know I say it over and over again, was beyond amazing and the message was powerful and anointed.  It feels amazing to be serving here with this team and to feel as though God has provided the whole package!!
I'm loving our Body Building series.  Yesterday we dissected Ephesians 4:17-24.  Eddie stressed how God doesn't just clean us up.  He doesn't just clean our hearts.  He creates a new you.  He creates a new heart.  The question we always ask of others and ourselves then is, why can't I act like the believer I claim to be?  We can't be perfect but we can be transformed and we can begin to live more like Jesus which should be our goal.  Most of it revolves around our thinking.  Allowing Him to transform our mind so that we no longer have faulty thinking is necessary in this process.  We need to recognize that apart from Christ we are all corrupted.  Deceitful desires give promises that they can never produce.
The danger...there comes a time that God will turn us over to our old ways if we insist  on staying there.
The challenge...Behave like we believe.  Surrender to Him, not just our actions but our thoughts and words as well.
This one is worth catching online if you missed it.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective

I know for different reasons Monday brings dread to some but I'm one of those who loves Monday mornings. I don't  really know why, I just do. This Monday morning is especially sweet. It's fall break around here and thankfully even though my boys are at different colleges their fall break is at the same time. That means I have 3 tucked away upstairs sleeping and that makes me a super happy mama. Anyway that's not the point of this blog so let's get to it...
We are in Ephesians in the middle of our series Body Building. It's proven to be as great as I thought it could be.  That's because God has shown up in a huge way every week proving himself to be all we need!! He has brought record number of visitors our way, set attendance records and most importantly brought life change to many. The worship music has been over the top fabulous every week. Having a team on the same page with the single purpose of glorifying Jesus is the only way that works!!
The focus of yesterday's message  was Healthy Bodies Grow. As Eddie went over evidences of immaturity and the essentials for maturity I was reminded and challenged of things in my life that need to be surrendered. I'm also thankful that again Eddie called us to be a church working together under one vision to win the world for Jesus!!  Thankful for the overwhelming goodness and faithfulness of God!!  Have a blessed Monday and be looking for those divine opportunities!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective

Yesterday was a great day at fairview!  We continued in our series Body Building with a focus on spiritual gifts. My husband challenged us to not be a people who sit and soak and eventually sour but to use our gifts to build up the body of Christ. Spiritual gifts are always for God's glory. Eddie stressed that some some are more interested in being served rather than serving. He challenged us to be ministry minded rather than having a consumer mentality. Consumers have the mind set of how can I give the least and get the most. Spectators soon become ones who critique and criticize with very little interest in serving. Very thankful for the message. Very thankful to sit under a leader worth following. Very thankful for a pastor who equips but also does the work. Like he said, that's what it takes to reach the world. We are in it together!!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective

We started a new series within Ephesians yesterday called Body Building.   Some points my husband made that hit home with me...
...80% of people visit a church because they're invited.
...Paul didn't see himself as a prisoner of Rome but of Christ.
...many want privileges without responsibility.
...Paul could've commanded instead he urged, encouraged.
...a church that's working out their faith, is a unified church that will reach the world.
Challenge...are we walking worthy of our calling? We call ourselves Christians, little Christ's. Are we walking as He walked?
Getting into the practical teaching of Ephesians is going to be challenging, but if we allow God to work this out in us, our relationship with Him n others will be poised for the next level!!
In the past weeks we have set record numbers in attendance and in the number of visitors at fairview. Lots of new faces are coming our way and that leads to divine opportunities. Let's continue to invest and invite and expect God to do an amazing work in all of us!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective

Not much to post today seeing that I missed church yesterday. John was playing baseball at College of Charleston, why during the fall on Sunday I have no idea, no one asked my opinion,  but anyway I was there watching him play. I knew I would miss an incredible service just because they all have been and sure enough I did!! I got messages telling me how great everything was. CrossTalk, our band, is taking it to a whole nutha level, in the words of fellow pastors Ed and Lisa Young!! And of course I think my husband I on that nutha level as well!!! So thankful to be serving with those who believe in giving our best and our all in every way and every detail for Christ's glory!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective

As I sit to write this morning, I'm so tempted to say "you just had to be there".  It was one of those services that words seem unable to express the emotion and the fullness of it.
First of all, we surpassed the goal that was set so next time we will push it a bit.  Our numbers are climbing every week not only in worship but sunday school is honing in on 600.  Again, like Eddie said, numbers matter.  They represent people and all people have souls and every soul will spend all of eternity somewhere.  It also represents people hearing the Word and that's the point, right? So, yay Fairview fam for investing and inviting!! People are showing up and lives are being changed!!  The best kept secret is getting out!!!
There was so much energy in the lobby between services.  The coffee is a huge plus.  People are hanging out and enjoying that time to love on each other and catch up!!  That energy has a way of pouring right into the worship center.
A huge shoutout to our worship leader Ryan Burns and CrossTalk band.  Ryan offered a huge challenge to us to push past that tendency to see worship as a performance.  And that he shared that so obviously from the heart was huge.  He is right when he said so many of us, and I'm the biggest one of all, can go to concerts or watch our fave team and get all into it and (lose our mind over it) and we come to worship and we dial it down a notch.  When those lights went down and they started leading His Presence, well, there's no words for that so I won't even try.  It was the most incredible time I've experienced in an extremely long time.  His Presence, it was so much more than a song yesterday!!! Thank you Ryan for speaking truth over us and leading us.  BTW...I'm a huge fan of those lights being down!!
Then came the message.  My man is the man.  No apologies for bragging on him.  I would say as he would say as well, it's God and it's always God!!  He's only the vessel, just the mouthpiece,  but I'm so thankful God uses him the way he does.  His anointing is obvious but knowing the hours he pours over every message makes me so appreciative and love him all the more.  Yesterday, he encouraged us in suffering by showing us Paul's heart through dire circumstances but he also encouraged us by sharing his own personal sufferings.  Keeping it real is the only way.
My big take away was that so many people are hurting and suffering and they don't need a diagnosis many times.  They need encouragement.  They need to know that we care as they hang on by a thread.
The other thing I thought about was how many calls and sit downs with people Eddie has had as they heard the journey God had us on the past few years and how it's been used to encourage others who are feeling the same way at the moment.  God doesn't waste anything.  He uses every single bit of our story if we will let Him.
As I go through this week, I know it will be going through my mind and heart, why am I doing what I'm doing?  Are my motives pure? Do I have a proper perspective?
Keep inviting, every week gets better, people need to know we see and we care and the greatest way to show that is bringing them to Jesus.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective

We had a great service at Fairview yesterday.  Being labor day weekend we got to have a lot of family join us which just seems to make it extra special.  Stephen was home from Charleston, John was home from Spartanburg, Jessica was with us and my mom and dad came over for the day.  That puts a mom right over the top!!
I love the passion with which my man preaches.  It's amazing to me that after so many years he still gets up every sunday with that much fire and passion and excitement.  That has to be the love for Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit!!
Eddie preached on peace yesterday in Ephesians 2.  How awesome that God just brought us to that passage with the week's world events.  He spoke of wars that go on in society and sadly even churches and families.  I loved how he preached with transparency.  We are all so guilty at times of wearing masks and wanting others to think that all is well when in reality there are wars going on in our lives.  One side note that I got this week personally in my study time is how we can choose peace with others even when they continue to war against us!!  The answer can be shake the dust, refuse to fight back, pray and walk away.  Back to the sermon...
Eddie focused a lot on the racial problems between the Jews and Gentiles and the walls that divide us and cause hostility. The walls that make us think we are better than others.   Jesus came to tear those walls down! Laws and rules put up barriers but love tears them down.
Last night as a family we decided to rent a movie.  We rented 42, the Jackie Robinson movie.  I didn't think about it at the time but the more I watched the movie the more I thought about this sermon.  The walls and hate that for so long didn't allow black athletes to play baseball in a "whites only" league and the love of one man determined to tear those walls down.  How thankful I am for that!!  Anyone who knows us at all knows that baseball is the sport of choice for us since our boys have played so much of it.  I can't imagine them playing in a time like Robinson played.  I used to say that our boys didn't see color.  I don't think it's that they didn't see it but that they saw it and could appreciate it.  Baseball was something that enabled them to play with all different races, backgrounds without giving it much thought.  But it wasn't always like that.  Thankfully, one man was tired of  the wall that divided and chose to do whatever he had to to tear that wall down and, at least the way the movie portrayed it, it was motivated by love and biblical standards.
My prayer is that as believers we would continue to see the walls that divide us and do whatever has to be done to tear them down motivated by a love for Jesus and a love for others.  Let's not be the haters.  Let's be the ones always reaching out and across lines that divide.  And we don't have to be screaming hate to take part in it.  Sometimes our silence hurts just as much.
My husband issued a great challenge in regard to numbers.  Will we take that challenge?  Will we spend this week inviting people?  Will we invite our friends? Will we invite those who may not be our friend...yet?  Will we reach out and invite someone who may be different from us?  Someone that we "happen" to run in
to that we normally wouldn't even consider inviting.  How bout we tear down some walls this week and invite someone that normally we never would.  It starts with love.  When we love God like we are called to He will enable us to love others and love them enough to care about where they spend eternity.  Like Eddie said, every person has a soul and every soul will spend all of eternity somewhere, heaven or hell.  Let's see people the way Jesus sees them and take a risk, step outside our comfort zone, and invest in someone, invite someone!!!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective and a Happy Birthday

Yesterday, we continued our journey through Ephesians in our series Identity Crisis...You are Alive in Christ.  We looked at the first 10 verses of chapter 2 and it was the best salvation message I think I've heard Eddie preach, although I know I've said that before.  We looked at our past, our present and our future.  The bottom line is none are good apart from Christ.  Praying that as this message sinks into the depths of our hearts we will not only examine ourselves making sure that we have trusted Christ and Him alone for our salvation but that we would also have such a burden for those around us that are lost that we won't be able to rest until we share the good news of the gospel with them.  When the truth of this message becomes a reality to us, we won't be able to stand knowing that those we know and love are living apart from Christ.
Since today is my man's birthday, I couldn't let an oppo pass without saying how incredibly blessed I am for sharing so many birthdays with Eddie Leopard.  I can't imagine living one day on planet earth without his love, leadership, his very presence.  He's taught me so much about letting go and letting God, always allowed me to be who God created me to be, led our family in love and faithfulness, and always shown us that following Christ is not only best but it is good.  Thankful he is not only my husband but my best friend for lots of years now and agreater dad than I ever even imagined he would be.  I love you Eddie Leopard!!  I know no better man!!!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Different can be good

Do you only talk or listen to people who are of your same opinion? Do you only read authors who are of your own belief system? Do you only follow or retweet those who are just like you or of the same theological mindset as you?  I follow those on twitter who I don't necessarily agree with theologically on every single issue.  And yes, I may retweet something that person says if I do happen to agree.  Sorry, if that makes some uncomfortable.  I read some authors who may write something that I disagree with but there's many things they say that we would agree on.  I love talking to those who have a different background than I do.  I think those things tend to stretch us as well as increase our awareness of the importance of discernment.  It keeps my red flags on high alert.
I love different.  How boring life would be if we were all the same with the same opinions.  I know some only want to hang with those who are like them and I can't help but think how boring the conversations must be.  I love churches who do things differently than us.  For so many that serves as ammunition to criticize but it tells me that God is so much bigger than we are and He refuses to be put into a tidy package that we can wrap our mind around.
I read this morning on twitter that someone thinks the church is no more than a social club.  Could that be because so many churches are filled with those who all look the same, act the same, have the same opinion and mindset?  We tend to want to be around those just like us and so we take on the look of a club where people are afraid to be different.
Ephesians 2 speaks to the fact that we have built up barriers and created dividing walls but Christ came to tear those down.  Who are we to build them back up?  The Holy Spirit leads us to look beyond barriers. We are to be one family.  We are one kingdom under Christ not many mini kingdoms.  Satan loves to use barriers such as age, appearance, intelligence, politics, economic status, race, theological perspective to divide people and make us ineffective.  One of the best ways to stifle Christ's love is to be friendly with only those people that we like or are like us.  We keep Satan happy when instead of penetrating darkness, we take on a social club mindset, concerned with our own preferences.  I'm hearing and seeing more and more that people are fed up with churches fighting and struggling for power.  People are looking for a place they feel loved and accepted.  They want a place where they can serve and make a difference.  I have a feeling that we would be much more effective if we would allow God to daily break down barriers that we have built up, step outside of our comfort zone and embrace people where they are even if they're not just like us. I love looking around our church on Sunday and seeing differences.  I hear people talk about feeling welcome.  I talk to people who feel a sense of belonging.  Oh for more of that.  I love how all summer we've witnessed our college students and young adults bringing their friends to bible study.  They have bought in to investing in people and inviting them to come be a part.  I'm so excited about what God is doing at this time in history.  This is our time.  Praying that we make the most of it.  Praying we make every day count for Him. Praying that we see others through His eyes.  Praying we are quick to show grace.  Praying we are slow to judge and criticize.  Praying we embrace every opportunity to talk Jesus because we may only cross paths with that person once.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective

Well this will be short and sweet.  It's move in day at SMC for John so while he's getting a few last minute things done I thought I would jump on here.  The message was way too good yesterday to not make a few statements about it.
We continued in Ephesians with our series Identity Crisis, You are Powerful.  We looked at the blessing and benefit of having the Holy Spirit power within our lives and the challenge to not allow it to be dormant.  It's appropriated through prayer and we looked at Paul's prayer and how it was "others" focused.  Paul prayed for church health, loyalty to Christ and love for others.  He prayed that we would know Christ better, which is possible as the Holy Spirit guides us.  And he prayed that we would know His power.
My favorite statements Eddie made:
Hopefully Sunday morning will nourish you, but if this is all you get, you will be malnourished.  It's a daily thing with Him.
We are obsessed with what we already have.  We want the Holy Spirit's power in our life.  It's already there but we have to appropriate it.
The church isn't a place we go it's a people. It's not a building, it's a body.
Ok, time to make our way on this rainy, cloudy day up the road to do a dorm move-in.  I have to say the weather definitely fits my mood.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective

Good Monday Morning!!  Praying Sunday was a huge blessing for all and now we are ready for the week that lies ahead.
We continued our Identity Crisis series yesterday at Fairview with I Am Rich.  Eddie did a great job of laying out just how richly blessed we are if we are in Christ.  The gospel was shared and we were encouraged in the fact that the keeping power of our salvation is not in our hands but in God's hands.  I have to say my fave part was part 3 based on verse 14.  Only Jesus provides purpose and meaning in our life.  I love how Eddie went back to Gen 24 as Abraham's servant searched for a wife for Isaac.  He showed Rebekah just a little of what was waiting for her if she agreed to go back and be Isaac's wife.  That's what we experience now.  We have so many blessings in Christ but it's only a taste of what's to come.  God gives so many blessings and benefits along our journey to show us there's so much more waiting for us at the end.  If you missed this one yesterday, catch it online!!
Have a blessed week.  Already excited about next Sunday, see you there and bring someone with you.  Invest! Invite!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective

I'm writing this on Sunday afternoon as we head out on vacation with a car packed tight with people, luggage and groceries. It's also the first time I've written a post on my phone so we shall see how this turns out. I'm fairly sure I won't spend any time in the morning on the computer since the plan is to be on the beach so thought I'd go ahead. It was way too good of a service to just skip the week.
We continued the series Identity Crisis in Ephesians 1, I am redeemed. So thankful that God not only saves but also redeems. He has lavished His blessings on us.  What perfect timing to also observe the Lord's Supper. God's presence felt so thick I could've bawled all the way through it. As I watched our band lead us it was so obvious that they were worshipping as they led.  So thankful for Ryan Burns leadership and for Tom Burns as they work with Eddie to bring a God glorifying worship service every week. Our sound/lighting/media folks are great and add so much!! Thankful that this ministry team is into details and excellence. God gave His best for us anything less than that back to Him just doesn't seem right!!
Hope all have a great week!! We are so excited to be spending it with our whole family plus a fiancée who will be making his way back from almost 3 weeks in Romania doing mission work and a sweet girlfriend. Praying for a relaxing week with tons of laughter and sweet conversation.  God is good and ever faithful!!! We love Him so!!! Keep serving Him!!! Fairview family...invest and invite!!!! We love you!!!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective

We are only week 2 into this series Identity Crisis and I'm crazy in love with it.  My husband is building a great theological foundation that I believe is going to benefit us for years to come.
Yesterday was You Are Chosen from Ephesians 1:3-6.  After a great review we jumped right in to some deep waters which my man maneuvered with much grace and great insight.
I love how he referenced Deut 29:29 that the secrets belong to God and reminded us that there's no way an 8oz human brain can totally grasp the mind of God.  That tells me that if we think we know it all and we have a total grasp on the issue of predestination, we are fooling ourselves.  Bottom line is that God is the source of salvation and it only comes through belief in Christ.  How awesome the gospel was presented yesterday.  If you missed it you can hear it online.  On my home page there's a fairview link.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective

I thought it would be a good time to get back to this since we started a new series yesterday at Fairview. I'm so excited about it because I think it can be life changing if we will let it.  We started a study in Ephesians under the title of Identity Crisis, Who Am I?  The reason I think this can be a life changer is because so many times the decisions we make in life boil down to how we see ourselves.  Our thought life revolves around how we see ourselves and most people act our of what they truly believe.  And I believe that if we see ourselves as Christ sees us, it will make all the difference in the world in how we treat others, how we make decisions, and how we live our life.  Ok, so that's my introduction.  Now for my husband's series introduction...
Identity always comes before activity.  We see that in Ephesians as the beginning deals with our identity in Christ and then we get to our activity.  Who does God say we are?  We allow others to identify us and oftentimes we don't even have an accurate view in our own minds of who we are.  Paul tells us that if we are in Christ, we are saints.  That has everything to do with our position not our morality.  I love how Eddie stressed that when we meet Jesus EVERYTHING CHANGES!!  Yes, He changes everything.  Forget the past and move on.  Noone has a past worse than Paul's yet Paul says forget what is behind and move on because Jesus is a life changer.
Too many of us have listened to the wrong voices for too long.  We've listened to what Satan and our peers have said about us and the only voice and opinion that truly matters is God's voice and He says that we are saints if we are in Christ.  It's time to tune all of the other voices out and press in to hear God's voice!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

1 year anniversary...God's call

Been a while since I had a 1 year anniversary for anything but this is a big one for me.  One year ago this month a lot of things started becoming very clear.  As I had wrestled with God for a while over some questions, the one big question being, what now?, He put something before me.  It was fuzzy then and still fuzzy on details even now but nonetheless He put it out there and after much praying and seeking and talking with family the bottom line was not whether I had all the details but whether I would be obedient.  I had many fears about saying yes however the biggest fear of all was saying no and being disobedient to Him.  I've learned that many answers don't come until we take that 1st step of faith.  Many answers have come, many still remain a mystery.  What is no longer a mystery is that He has told me to write.  My 1st response was I already do that.  I keep my own journal.  I blog.  But that didn't seem to be it.  My 2nd response was, I have nothing to write about.  Well, boy did He change that.  Soon He began giving me LOTS to write about.  Bottom line is I still don't know what form this will all take. All I know is that I'm writing what He has placed on my heart and how He is leading me through His Word.  Much of the call and the long story has been written which is why I'm not diving into many details here.  It may be a blog.  It may be a bible study for a small group or another type of group.  It may be a book.  It may be for noone to ever read but my family or it may be way out there one day.  Whatever God decides to do with it, is great by me. Like I said, my biggest fear is not where this goes but whether I obey Him or not. Everything else is up to Him.  He knows that I'm limited in every way.  But I know He has no limitations.  I also know Him to be the God of immeasurably more. I know the journey He has taken us on over the past several years but also the journey of our life together with Him.  I know that there's much to tell that can be used to encourage others whether in ministry or not.  I know He has purpose in everything He has brought us through and I know how much He has shown us and taught us.  I also believe that it's not just for us alone.  I know that if it can serve to help others then there's greater purpose and more glory for Him.  There's also much of life we have lived with Him as we have ministered and raised a family in the midst of it all.  So whatever He wants to do and however He wants to work, I'm just along for the ride.  I know it's been an incredible ride so far and He has proved Himself faithful over and over again.  I'm so thankful for my family's support and for many along the way who have encouraged us to share our story but also through the years the many who have encouraged me to write more.  If you're willing, I would love your prayers.  We can see together where all of this goes. I do know, I have to get back on the blog.  I've missed it but been busy writing in the notebook.  Just need to be better at multitasking!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Didn't mean to post all of that from Chrissie's blog but not real techno savvy.  Just meant to post her thank you blog to Millbrook but enjoy all of it ;)

MARCH 18, 2013

Work hard Play hard, Jack!

Jesus rested on the seventh day and created a cycle for us to follow. Yesterday, they showed this video in the service to go along with the current series, 'Buck Dynasty' and I thought it was so funny! Enjoy :)

Play hard,

MARCH 14, 2013

Spring Closet

I'm a sucker for warm weather. Let's just call it like it is. I don't do cold. I can drink coffee and wear fuzzy socks while in a bathing suit just as well! :) So, with the rising temps and "longer days", I get giddy!

So, what do Spring trends hold? Some good...some bad not for me...but that's the good thing about "trends". They come and go. Some go and come back years later. So, don't run out and fill your closet or home with strictly trends because you won't have anything to wear next year! Ha ha! Buy a few staple things (that don't cost an arm and a leg) that will work for you year after year even if it's not considered trendy. Here are some things that I'm seeing and some things that are on the runways that you may or may not be able to pull off. Every woman for herself!

BB Creams

I love BB Creams! My favorite is the Loreal Magic Beautifier BB Cream! It's lighter than a foundation but gives just a much coverage (for me) as one! It's better for your skin because it acts as a moisturizer, primer, sun protectant, foundation, treats imperfections, and gives a smoother texture to your face! So, especially for the warmer months I ditch the foundation and grab a BB Cream! 

Subtle Ombre and Waves
Everyone was hit hard with the ombre trend last year and I'm a huge fan because it gives me, being blonde, an opportunity to go a little longer letting my roots show! However, this season, the trend is a little less bold and a little more subtle which I think I like better! It's a tad more natural looking yet adds dimension and character to your hair! Oh, and beachy waves are still here!

Hair wraps
Another thing I'm loving because it gives me an excuse to go an extra day without washing my hair!  (I promise I'm not dirty, I'm just low maintenance when it comes to hair because I have a lot of it!) So with more roots and dirtier hair, I'm thinking the hair trend this season is a simple, less is more look and that's me! I also love the boho look!


I really love neon and it's back again! I wasn't so sure of this trend when it hit last year because all I saw was a montage of 80's music videos in my head! However, like mentioned before, less is more when working with trends! So a little bit of neon lipstick or a punch of neon clothing isn't going to blind hurt anyone! 


Whether on your body or in your home, stripes are still here! Be careful not to over-do the stripe situation (like in the picture on the right) because you may get nauseous! It's harder to pull off stripes because they do widen you so be careful where you decide to wear your stripes...whether on top or on bottom!

Bold Sunglasses

I haven't seen much of this yet but it's all over the runways. Now, I love my sunglasses, not sure about the "bold" part but hey, just because I can't pull it off doesn't mean you can't!! I see some of our Pursuit girls rocking these though!

Long Shorts

Some call them bermuda shorts, some call them board shorts, but for my 5'4" self I call them "I'm too short and they make me look like a frumpy mess shorts" If you're taller than me, rock them! I just can't! But I know a few moms of teenage girls that are going to be pretty happy the long-shorts trend is back in! We will see if they actually make their debut soon! Ha ha!

And in true Kourtney Kardashian fashion (which I love) she manages to be a walking Spring 2013 trend! So, wear one, or wear all of them...cause it can be done :)

Less is more,

MARCH 12, 2013


I love any excuse to visit my family! Normally it goes hand-in-hand with seeing a baseball game as well because if I want to see my family, I have to 9 times out of 10 see a baseball game! Good thing I love it! So, last weekend me and mom ventured to Jacksonville to see Stephen play and this weekend I went to see John play near my hometown which was perfect because the main reason I went back was for something a lot bigger than a baseball game (sorry, John ;)

Close to 17 years ago, me, my angry butt (and man, I was realmad...where the heck was Aiken anyways!) and the rest of my family made the move from Greenville, SC to Aiken, SC for my dad to lead pastor a church! As a fourth grader, I didn't really care where God had call my dad cause he wasn't calling me! So I secretly made arrangements to live with a friend...'cause that's what kids do, right? Ha! Well it only took my first day of school to prove me wrong, which He has done quite often in my life. I quickly made the best of friends and the rest is history! But my dad has always said that the "dash" on a tombstone is the most important...and though that would be a book in itself, let me just pinpointsome of the dash in between 1996-2013, shall we?

  • Salvation & Baptism of Jessica, Stephen, and John
  • I met Heather, Ashley, Ashley, Mandy, Nicole, Lindsey, Ashleigh, Bailey...and so many others that were the best friends I could've ever asked for during different times of my life! I thank ya'll for that!
  • My 4th-12th grade small group have ALL made quite the lasting impact on my life! Not only did you disciple and teach me but you did life with me and my friends! Thank you for always opening your home to me and coming to see me play basketball and cheer! That has shaped the kind of leader that I try to be today! I love you all immensely! It was so good to see some of you on Sunday! See you soon ;-)
  • Thank you, Mike & Debbie ChandlerBrandon & Ashley Bowers, and Stephen & Morgan McNeil! You invested in the life of my teenage and adult years when it was easy and when it was hard, helped me stay the course, and played a profound role in my passion for students! I love you guys to the moon and back! 
  • We saw a new beautiful facility go up and bought tons of new property! Thank you, Church, for investing in the lives of people in Aiken to help fill the seats, see people saved and baptized, and disciple others!
  • I interned one summer in the student ministry with Jake & Jenn Edwards, met my husband through that (I'm forever grateful to you both!), and got married at Millbrook! 
Millbrook, thank you for investing so much of your time, energy, talents, and money into my family! Your love will never return void for me! Yes, my parents have done a phenomenal job raising their kids and have poured so much prayer into our lives that has molded us into the Christ followers that we are today, however, they couldn't have done all of that without the encouragement and leadership of some of you! Thank you for being a refuge for my family. Thank you for allowing me to LOVE the Church!! A lot of Pastors kids can't say that but I can and I thank YOU for that! Please, love your next Pastor and his family in the same way that you have loved all of us! I could go on and on but my words could never fully say how I feel about you! So, in the words of my dad on Sunday, I will just say ... 
"How can you love Jesus and not His Church! Jesus is using YOU to build His church You have a job to do! YOU are the 29th chapter of Acts! The Church won't fail you, don't fail it! Continue the Good work! Don't give up! Don't reminisce or sit on your hands!! The Church shall move AHEAD and MAKE DISCIPLES! Make it about JESUS"

Please continue to pray for my parents in the next phase of their lives! Pray that they continue to have a burning passion for those who do not have a relationship with Jesus and that they would continue to storm the gates of hell! Pray for their next church and their new city...that they will be on fire to reach others no matter the cost! Pray for the practical matters of it all: for a house to sell and a smooth transition to a different city! Pray for clarity and guidance in a chaotic world! And as you pray for them, we will pray for you!

'Til next time MB,