Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective and a Happy Birthday Shoutout

First and most importantly, a HUGE HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sweet boy Stephen.  He is the big 22 today, double deuce!!  He's one of the reasons for my gray hair being that he was the most energetic, excitable, mile-a-minute kid I've ever known.  He is also the reason for wrinkles because I've laughed my head off at him and with him for 22 years now.  He has brought incredible joy and grown up to have more passion for Jesus in his pinkie than I have in my entire body.  Never known someone to love God and love people quite like him and he's a DOER which I love.  Happy 22nd Skeebo!! So wish I was in Ctown with you today but you're on my mind and heart every moment!! Mom loves you TONS!!
Had to do that since his birthday fell on Monday and I'm heartbroken that I can't see his face and hug his neck however he promised me facetime later!!!
I missed blogging last Monday because we took off for the convention Sunday afternoon and besides that Eddie and I both felt like a train had plowed over us from the wedding til about Tuesday.  Wedding blog still to come...
We wrapped up the Body Building series yesterday.  It was a quite interesting service.  If you weren't there just ask someone who was in either one.  I think Satan just didn't want that worship service to happen but it did and God got the victory!!  It was an awesome close to a great series.  Eddie focused some on finding and following the will of God.  It's great to know it but if we don't follow it what's the point.  I've always believed that we must have a heart to follow His will or He won't bother revealing it anyway but that's my opinion.  I loved how Eddie stressed the general will of God for all of us and taking care of the basics.  If we do that, God will reveal the specifics.  And I loved his transparency with sharing our journey the past few years and seeking God's will and then following it.  Blessings always follow obedience.
I love how Eddie ended with the focus on the Holy Spirit and pointing out that the Holy Spirit makes much of Jesus not Himself.  When we are controlled and filled with the Holy Spirit we won't go around boasting in ourself but we will make much of Jesus as well.
I don't want to sail past the holidays because they are going to be incredible at Fairview.  So much is planned to fellowship with our church family but also the serve and reach out to our community.  However I'm so excited about the new year already.  Now is the time to start investing in and inviting people to come be a part of what's happening at Fairview.  Don't let the new year slip up.  People will be hopefully thinking about the new year and of course those new year resolutions.  That's a great time to mention to others about making church a priority in the coming year.  January will be a blast as we look at the family.  Eddie and I had so much fun brainstorming last week and stirring those creative juices.  Invite people and let them know the focus will be on the family and don't we all love and need that?!
I love you church family and we are so blessed to be able to serve you!  May we see with Jesus eyes all the opportunities he has for us and may we see people through His eyes and be eager to share Him with our world that is desperate for Him even if they don't realize it yet!!
Here's the bday boy...just had to so humor me!

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