Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday Morning Perspective

Yesterday's New Year challenge was a great challenge for me. We focused on taking our next step spiritually this coming year whatever that may be. It was a challenge to not be content where we are in our walk with God but to be Christians on the Grow!! Eddie took us back to the story of Joshua and Caleb standing firm in their belief that they could take the land God had promised even when no one else stood with them and we saw the negative influence the report had on most. I love how Eddie pointed out that the spies were giving their opinion on whether they could take the land or not when no one asked their opinion on that. God had already promised them that. Joshua and Caleb had faith in spite of visual evidence. Faith should always trump human reason and logic.
I love the formula Eddie left us with...
Attitude, it determines altitude.
Belief, believe God. Phil 4:13
Capacity, ability to be stretched.
Determination, stay tough when it's rough.
Enthusiasm, in God.
Faith, not human reason.
As we set those spiritual goals over the next few days, remember to take it to another level. Be willing to let God stretch you and as we cooperate with Him, He will grow us up to be more like Christ and make a huge impact in 2014 for Him.

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