Friday, January 9, 2009

Flashback to the past

Where to start with this one...The Lord put a friend on my heart the other week that I haven't caught up with in years. Our families were friends when we were growing up and we spent lots of time together. She was actually my brother's age, which was a little older than me, but we were extremely close. I decided to search her on facebook and of all things, facebook, we reconnected. Only God can bring friends together after so many many years and it feel like they were never apart. Must be Christ in us as she loves the Lord wholeheartedly. I began to read her journal and weep as she expressed all that the Lord has done in her life. You see her little girl who has Downs Syndrome has now been diagnosed with leukemia. She's fighting for her life and God is doing miracles in and through her. It was amazing to read how weeks before this diagnosis God had given her a vision of how she was going to be going through a very dark time but in the midst of it all she has been overwhelmed by His peace and felt His embrace as He has walked through this with them and at times carried them. She's felt His love and grown more in love with Him like never before. She's learned it's not about our actions or what we do or don't do. It's all about this love relationship and clinging to Him like He's all we really need...and isn't He? It

is times like these that the Lord just throws me down on my face before Him and I realize even moreso how blessed I am but also how He really never will leave us or forsake us. I can't even imagine what Keleigh's day to day life is like as she has 5 other children who need her as well, but when I see her walking this out with the Lord it has such a profound effect on me. Her testimony is so powerful and she has gotten to know Christ in a way that I cannot possibly know Him because I haven't walked this one out. Isn't it awesome to know how our relationship with Christ is so personal that we all can know Him in our own personal way, depending on what we're going through at the moment. I think about all the different names for God and how each one means who He can be for us, our healer, our redeemer, our salvation, our comforter. We serve an amazing God and the fact that He allows us to be in relationship with Him is a mind-blowing thing. I would love to ask you to pray with me for this family, the Collins, their daughter is Hannah Cate. Thanks in advance for adding them to your prayer list.

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