Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday Morning Perspective

I loved the evangelistic message that Eddie challenged us with yesterday. We've spent the last two weeks in youth sunday school talking about witnessing. I LOVE when that happens. So many of the things we were trying to get across to our students was again touched on in the worship service. God is so good.
I appreciate how Eddie pointed out that Jesus' heart and purpose was evangelistic and to love Him is to love what He loved and follow His example. often God tells us to go out into the deep but we can't get off the shore. As it was pointed out, the deep is right outside the front door. We were challenged to not be a church that is just the keeper of the aquarium. That is not what God has called us to. He has called us to go out and fish for men bringing them in and discipling them so that they will then go out to fish for men as well.
Great reminder...God does the work through us. So often we think it's up to us and we "work" so hard to "make" things happen only to be frustrated. We can't minister in and through ourselves, there's no success there because there's no power there. We have to let Him do it through us if we are following Him and being obedient to Him and following His call. My heart aches for those I see who are frustrated in their ministry opportunities because they feel like they are doing all the "right" things to reach people and are getting no results that they can see. Been there. So much more rewarding to just yield to Him and watch Him work.
Favorite quote...It's an insult to God to say we can't be used or we aren't equipped. He chooses the ordinary so He gets all the glory!
Have a blessed Monday.

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