Another awesome Sunday at Millbrook.
Starting with sunday school...fabulous. We started our lessons with the seniors combined for transitioning to college. I have heard from my girls what an awesome job the Opreas do with these lessons but got to witness it myself. If you have a senior, GET THEM TO SUNDAY SCHOOL for these lessons. We had a full room but always love having more!!
On to worship...better every week if that's possible. Have to say that as long as I've been listening to my man preach, I have NEVER known him to go into the pulpit unprepared. He brings it week after week after week and this Sunday was no exception!!
We looked at the three crosses. The Cross of Rebellion, the Cross of Repentance, and the Cross of Redemption. We saw that the cross of rebellion represents those who refuse the gospel. The cross of repentance represents those who choose to believe in Christ and trust Him as Savior and Lord. It was pointed out that we all fall onto one of those two crosses and were challenged with the question, "which cross are you on?" The cross of redemption is for Christ alone. He is the only one who can offer redemption and the only one who died for our sins. This tells us that salvation is by Jesus alone and we have nothing to offer for our salvation...a free gift if we will only receive it.
A shout out to our music ministry as well. The great job you all do sets the tone and allows us to worship and prepare our hearts for the message we will hear. Thank you for your commitment.
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