Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday Morning Perspective

Eddie delivered the state of the church message yesterday. It was great. I think we need that at least once a year. It's good to reflect on where we've been and look forward to where we are going. I came away reflecting on Eddie's challenge for church health. I believe we are for the most part an extremely healthy church but there's always areas that need work. Healthy churches start with healthy people since that is what the church is, not buildings but people. I believe it is extremely important for all of us to have regular checkups and make sure we are healthy and not in any way spreading bad germs. Are we doing those things that will keep us healthy? Are we DAILY spending time with the Lord, in His Word and prayer? Are we DAILY repenting from sin that so easily entangles us? Are we watching what we feast it pure and lovely or is it junk food? Are we exercising our spiritual gifts? Are we carrying excess weight...bitterness, jealousy, hatred? If we would all do our part in keeping ourselves healthy we would probably have very healthy churches. I was reminded of a study in Revelation with our college girls a few weeks ago about how deeply Christ cares about the goings on in His church. He walks through the hallls, He sits on the pews, He sits in our classrooms and He takes it all in. He cares deeply about what is happening and He takes it very personally. Let's allow Him to cut out any disease we may have that keeps us from being a healthy body.

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