It's Valentine's Day. I love holidays, any holiday really. I love having special days set aside to reflect. My husband cares very little about these kind of special days. I do know that love should be something we give every day of course. I guess since having children, we've made it just as much about them too. It's fun anyway to give the heart boxes of candy away and I miss my kids not writing Valentine cards for classmates. Stephen always had to make sure it wasn't a mushy one for the girls...that's changed a little, right Kaylin?? Anyway...
just want to say to my honey that I love you more than I ever have. I am so blessed to walk through this life by your side. I've never been more proud of you. Life has been one incredible adventure with you and I can't think of anyone I had rather run the race with other than you. You're the only Valentine I would ever want and together we have four of the most precious valentines I could ever imagine. I love you not just today on Valentine's but EVERY day!!
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