It is O-fficial!! Stephen signed with Spartanburg Methodist College. I guess that shouldn't really make it official. Actually if became official the Wednesday night that he called the coach and told him he had made his decision to come there. It took a lot of prayer and time but we didn't want him to give that verbal commitment before he was totally sure. That word out of our mouth has to mean just as much if not more than our signature. Anyway, he did sign his name so he is SMC bound and we couldn't be happier. Not only is it a great baseball school, always has been, but there's so many other positives. The coach is an awesome Christian man who is ACTIVE in his church (First Baptist Spartanburg) and active with the college ministry there. First Baptist is down the road and Stephen is excited to reconnect with Brandon Bowers and get involved in that ministry (so thankful he considered churches as well as schools when he was trying to decide). His grandparents are less than 2 miles away, don't know who is more excited about that. They've offered laundry services and nobody beats grandmother's cooking except maybe the restaurant his grandfather runs close by. His options are unlimited after 2 years there. It just seems to be the perfect fit for him.
We are extremely proud of his accomplishments and his hard work. It is definitely paying off now with a college education. However, all of that pales in comparison to how proud we are of the young man that he is. He has a firm foundation based on Jesus Christ. He has been so blessed to have student ministers who have poured into his life and he has been faithful to soak it in. He has stayed focused on the main thing and that is tending to his relationship with Christ. All the other stuff is just gravy. We continue to pray that he sees this baseball platform as a platform to share his faith and speak for Christ and trust Christ to direct his every path.
Love you so Stephen, you have been a joy and a blast. Couldn't even begin to tell you how much your presence around here will be missed.
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