Well...we wrapped up our Jonah study yesterday. I kinda hate to see it end because I've learned so much and been convicted so much and been encouraged so much. However, I could probably say that about every sermon every Sunday so it's time to move on.
I loved the three questions Eddie left with us:
1. Is my comfort more imortant than compassion?
2. Is the material more important than the spiritual?
3. Is the temporal more important than the eternal?
I've spent a lot of time thinking about each of those. Gourds or souls? What's more important to me? I amaze myself at how often I will say souls (that's the sunday school answer, right?)but my life reflects gourds. How wrapped up I get in stuff that makes no difference in terms of eternity (actually most stuff) but it seems so important. I go out of my way and ask others to go out of their way for ridiculous stuff and actually expect them to think it's a big deal. Unbelieveable!! I think we have a new way of keeping one another accountable in our house. It started yesterday. When one of us goes on and on about something that matters very little in the whole scheme of things we yell GOURD! How 'bout that? We will see if it helps us gain a little perspective. I do know I will be asking myself A LOT...what are my actions saying about what I truly believe and what is important to me?
If you missed the sermon, this post probably makes no sense to you. It's worth the listen. God bless!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Monday Morning Perspective
I know it's not morning but my kids are out of school today and I didn't want to spend the morning on the computer so I'm just getting around to blogging.
I loved the message on Jonah as we continued through this great little book. This may sound strange but my favorite part was the invitation. I felt a strong urging early Sunday morning to really focus some prayer time on the invitation that would be offered. I can't imagine how Eddie could have made the invitation to Christ any clearer. The call to unbelievers is always to come to Christ and accept His gift of salvation. The call to believers today was to realize that one person really can make a difference. What is God calling us to do? What is He calling me to do?
Eddie and I left Sunday afternoon to head to Sumter (we actually lived there long ago). We went so that Eddie could take part in the ordination service for Scott Shipes. They have answered God's call to move to Africa realizing that that is where God is calling them and where Scott will be a children's minister. It was so great to be in the same worship center with them again and to get to spend some time with them. I have the utmost respect for them and have always loved them. It was overwhelming to watch as one by one people laid hands on them and prayed over them. It was a little more than overwhelming as their family members came forward and prayed. I know how proud they are of them and at the same time how their hearts ache because of the distance. I can't wait to hear all that God is going to do through them there and how many lives are going to come to Christ because of their ministry. So glad they obeyed God and didn't go down to Joppa. How awesome to have been in Jonah for the past few weeks and now witness the ordination of friends as they heed God's call on their lives and choose obedience over running.
I loved the message on Jonah as we continued through this great little book. This may sound strange but my favorite part was the invitation. I felt a strong urging early Sunday morning to really focus some prayer time on the invitation that would be offered. I can't imagine how Eddie could have made the invitation to Christ any clearer. The call to unbelievers is always to come to Christ and accept His gift of salvation. The call to believers today was to realize that one person really can make a difference. What is God calling us to do? What is He calling me to do?
Eddie and I left Sunday afternoon to head to Sumter (we actually lived there long ago). We went so that Eddie could take part in the ordination service for Scott Shipes. They have answered God's call to move to Africa realizing that that is where God is calling them and where Scott will be a children's minister. It was so great to be in the same worship center with them again and to get to spend some time with them. I have the utmost respect for them and have always loved them. It was overwhelming to watch as one by one people laid hands on them and prayed over them. It was a little more than overwhelming as their family members came forward and prayed. I know how proud they are of them and at the same time how their hearts ache because of the distance. I can't wait to hear all that God is going to do through them there and how many lives are going to come to Christ because of their ministry. So glad they obeyed God and didn't go down to Joppa. How awesome to have been in Jonah for the past few weeks and now witness the ordination of friends as they heed God's call on their lives and choose obedience over running.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Love Day...should be every day

It's Valentine's Day. I love holidays, any holiday really. I love having special days set aside to reflect. My husband cares very little about these kind of special days. I do know that love should be something we give every day of course. I guess since having children, we've made it just as much about them too. It's fun anyway to give the heart boxes of candy away and I miss my kids not writing Valentine cards for classmates. Stephen always had to make sure it wasn't a mushy one for the girls...that's changed a little, right Kaylin?? Anyway...
just want to say to my honey that I love you more than I ever have. I am so blessed to walk through this life by your side. I've never been more proud of you. Life has been one incredible adventure with you and I can't think of anyone I had rather run the race with other than you. You're the only Valentine I would ever want and together we have four of the most precious valentines I could ever imagine. I love you not just today on Valentine's but EVERY day!!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Let the Spirit move
I had a fun day with Jessica today in Augusta doing some shopping and enjoying some mother/daughter time over lunch. But just let me say, it was freeeeezzzzing cold and WINDY!! Not my favorite kind of weather.
As we drove home God reminded me of some things. We all know you can't see the wind BUT we see evidence of it. The flags were blowing straight out, trees were bending and leaves were flying everywhere. I could feel it against the car and most definitely against myself when I got out of the car. John 3:8 says, "the wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."
We cannot see the Holy Spirit either but we can see evidence of Him as well. We can see results of His work and movement. You can also tell with some people who are just filled to overflowing with the Spirit. Sometimes we can look at someone's body language or facial expression and see evidence of the Spirit within them or maybe a lack of. Some people just glow with Jesus all over them and others look as though they have been baptized in vinegar as my husband will say. Oftentimes it's the lack of peace and joy in our life that influences our attitudes and actions. Just being stressed out over trivial things instead of focused on kingdom matters. John 14:27 says, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you." The result of the Holy Spirit's work in our lives is deep and lasting peace. I don't know about you but peace is huge to me. I have to have it. I don't function well when there is a lack of it in my life but thankfully I know where to go to find it. I need His filling constantly throughout my day so that I can operate out of a heart of peace and joy instead of out of anger and frustration and resentment. I'm sure it's something we all long for but are we willing to do what it takes to have it?
As we drove home God reminded me of some things. We all know you can't see the wind BUT we see evidence of it. The flags were blowing straight out, trees were bending and leaves were flying everywhere. I could feel it against the car and most definitely against myself when I got out of the car. John 3:8 says, "the wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."
We cannot see the Holy Spirit either but we can see evidence of Him as well. We can see results of His work and movement. You can also tell with some people who are just filled to overflowing with the Spirit. Sometimes we can look at someone's body language or facial expression and see evidence of the Spirit within them or maybe a lack of. Some people just glow with Jesus all over them and others look as though they have been baptized in vinegar as my husband will say. Oftentimes it's the lack of peace and joy in our life that influences our attitudes and actions. Just being stressed out over trivial things instead of focused on kingdom matters. John 14:27 says, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you." The result of the Holy Spirit's work in our lives is deep and lasting peace. I don't know about you but peace is huge to me. I have to have it. I don't function well when there is a lack of it in my life but thankfully I know where to go to find it. I need His filling constantly throughout my day so that I can operate out of a heart of peace and joy instead of out of anger and frustration and resentment. I'm sure it's something we all long for but are we willing to do what it takes to have it?
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Famous Last Words
I was in the book of 2 Timothy this morning. It took on a different meaning than the other times I've read it. Either I had forgotten or never realized that this was Paul's final letter. As I read it I tried to keep in mind that these were the last words of this great man of God. There's never been another like Paul,aman of deep faith and conviction. So often it is easy for us to serve Christ for the wrong reasons: it's exciting, rewarding, maybe it's relief from guilt. It's much harder to serve Him during difficult times. Paul never quit. He made the Jews mad because he claimed Jesus was God. He made the Romans mad who worshipped Caesar. The Greeks were mad at Paul for saying Jesus was human. He still didn't quit. He knew that even though he was in chains, God's word was not. (2:9)
Paul challenges us throughout this book to live a holy life, to have nothing to do with godless chatter or evil desires. He challenges us to be prepared with sound doctrine and equipped for the last days for they will be difficult. One of my favorite verses is in this book, 1:12---I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day.
What legacy will we leave behind? Are we training up others to carry on when we are gone? We have a responsibility to the next generation. What will they say about us?
Posted by dawn leopard at 4:13 PM
Paul challenges us throughout this book to live a holy life, to have nothing to do with godless chatter or evil desires. He challenges us to be prepared with sound doctrine and equipped for the last days for they will be difficult. One of my favorite verses is in this book, 1:12---I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day.
What legacy will we leave behind? Are we training up others to carry on when we are gone? We have a responsibility to the next generation. What will they say about us?
Posted by dawn leopard at 4:13 PM
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
His name is on the paper

It is O-fficial!! Stephen signed with Spartanburg Methodist College. I guess that shouldn't really make it official. Actually if became official the Wednesday night that he called the coach and told him he had made his decision to come there. It took a lot of prayer and time but we didn't want him to give that verbal commitment before he was totally sure. That word out of our mouth has to mean just as much if not more than our signature. Anyway, he did sign his name so he is SMC bound and we couldn't be happier. Not only is it a great baseball school, always has been, but there's so many other positives. The coach is an awesome Christian man who is ACTIVE in his church (First Baptist Spartanburg) and active with the college ministry there. First Baptist is down the road and Stephen is excited to reconnect with Brandon Bowers and get involved in that ministry (so thankful he considered churches as well as schools when he was trying to decide). His grandparents are less than 2 miles away, don't know who is more excited about that. They've offered laundry services and nobody beats grandmother's cooking except maybe the restaurant his grandfather runs close by. His options are unlimited after 2 years there. It just seems to be the perfect fit for him.
We are extremely proud of his accomplishments and his hard work. It is definitely paying off now with a college education. However, all of that pales in comparison to how proud we are of the young man that he is. He has a firm foundation based on Jesus Christ. He has been so blessed to have student ministers who have poured into his life and he has been faithful to soak it in. He has stayed focused on the main thing and that is tending to his relationship with Christ. All the other stuff is just gravy. We continue to pray that he sees this baseball platform as a platform to share his faith and speak for Christ and trust Christ to direct his every path.
Love you so Stephen, you have been a joy and a blast. Couldn't even begin to tell you how much your presence around here will be missed.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Monday Morning Perspective
We finished up chapter 1 of Jonah yesterday. We were reminded that when we go God's way (to Ninevah), God pays the fare. When we insist on going our way (to Tarshish), we pay the fare. Also a sad reminder that Jonah was a great prophet but remembered for running from God. May that not be our legacy!!
My favorite part was part 2: Disobedience can cause others to suffer. How challenging was that? So thankful for the reminder that we don't live in a bubble. Every decision we make, every choice has an effect on others good or bad. I think we so often forget that or maybe we don't forget but we just don't care. We get so wrapped up in our own agenda and what we want that we don't care how it affects others. It doesn't have to be HUGE choices. It could be little things that we are just selfish over. Maybe we don't require much sleep so we don't care about our noise level at night when others turn in early. Or maybe we are early morning risers so we want everyone up at the crack of dawn with us. Maybe we need a t.v. or radio playing while we study but those around us need quiet, what do we do? Maybe we prefer the mountains to the beach so every vacation we want to go where we want to go. The little things of life...they can make or break relationships and usually are not worth it. Let's learn from Jonah that whether it's life and death choices that affect others or the little day to day things, we need an "others" mentality.
My favorite part was part 2: Disobedience can cause others to suffer. How challenging was that? So thankful for the reminder that we don't live in a bubble. Every decision we make, every choice has an effect on others good or bad. I think we so often forget that or maybe we don't forget but we just don't care. We get so wrapped up in our own agenda and what we want that we don't care how it affects others. It doesn't have to be HUGE choices. It could be little things that we are just selfish over. Maybe we don't require much sleep so we don't care about our noise level at night when others turn in early. Or maybe we are early morning risers so we want everyone up at the crack of dawn with us. Maybe we need a t.v. or radio playing while we study but those around us need quiet, what do we do? Maybe we prefer the mountains to the beach so every vacation we want to go where we want to go. The little things of life...they can make or break relationships and usually are not worth it. Let's learn from Jonah that whether it's life and death choices that affect others or the little day to day things, we need an "others" mentality.
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