Monday, February 2, 2015

Monday Morning Perspective

Flee or Follow                                      We didn't just start the Jonah series yesterday, we charged into it. It was probably one of the greatest sermons I've heard my husband preach and I know I say that a lot. This is going to be an amazing series! It's going to be a short one, but packed with good stuff. Please invite others or better yet, bring them. And commit to not missing a single one. If you missed the first one, take time to watch online! 
Just a few highlights in case you missed...
...Jonah knew exactly what God called him to do, he paid the fare and went the opposite way. 
...if you want to sin against God, Satan will be happy to provide the means. 
...the costliest thing we do is sin against God. 
...if we get back to God he'll take care of the rest. 
...Jesus paid the fare for our sin on the cross. We don't have to, actually we can't. 
This doesn't even scrape the surface. Get online and watch!! Have a favor-filled week doing those things God has called us to do. 

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