Yesterday was one of the best days at Fairview yet. I know I say that a lot but this time I heard others say it as well. Usually when so much is going on in a worship service it can feel choppy. Not so yesterday. We had baptism, AGAIN,YAY! We had summer camp video. We had John and Justin read Jonah 1, to music which was beautiful! We had amazing worship led by our band and the message from Jonah 1 was exceptional. Everything just flowed which isn't the most important thing of course, but it sets such an impactful tone for worship. It could only be the Spirit that does that and it helps to have people, from stage people to those in our booth working together well as a team! We also voted to call Dr. Wilson Nelson and his wife Mary Winn to serve our seniors along with doing counseling and care. We had a standing ovation and a vote of affirmation to begin our new campus Fairview East! There were cheers and tears after that service. I think we are just all overwhelmed at the goodness of God to allow us to serve Him and for all of those He continues to add to our number.
So! Jonah 1! Eddie gave the importance of 3 cities and what they represent. Joppa is the city of decision. We all stand on that dock every day. We decide whether we are going to do what God says or not. Nineveh is not inviting but it's the place we need to be where we find purpose. Tarshish is comfortable and attractive but if that's our choice, we are going down.
Eddie pointed out that disobedience leads to consequences and causes others to suffer. The most exhausting thing we can do is run from God. Disobedience also brings wake up calls but Jonah chose to ignore those until he hit rock bottom. Disobedience can lead to disaster. Jonah thought going overboard would kill him, but it got worse. Maybe he thought he had survived that so he was good but then the fish came and swallowed him.
The greatest reminder Eddie gave us was that when a storm comes it's not for pay back, it's to bring us back. May we not have to hit rock bottom before we turn back!
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