Chapter 3 opens with Jonah having been spewed out onto the beach and God spoke to Jonah "a second time".
Some great points from the sermon...
Can one person who is sold out and surrendered to God make a difference? One person can make a difference. God places us in strategic places and if we are the only believer in our place, there's purpose in it.
The people of Ninevah had a deadline...40 days. We all have a deadline we just don't know what it is.
We were reminded that the fish isn't the greatest miracle. The greatest miracle is the fact that an entire city, a large city, repented! Is that our prayer for our city? Are we praying that our entire city will turn to God?
We were challenged to never underestimate our value. God delights in using ordinary people. Salvation is from the Lord but He uses His people to share the message. I LOVE how Eddie went through events in the bible where God used people to share the good news when He could've used an angel or His Spirit or Jesus Himself but He gave the task to a person. Jonah didn't share directly with the King but he shared with some and word spread all the way to the palace. Our job, just share the news and leave the rest to God. Be faithful, God wants to use us.
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