Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Morning Perspective

I am LOVIN this series on worship!! One of my all time faves.
Yesterday we were in IKings 18 with the story of Elijah. We saw how the people were in neutral and couldn't decide who to worship. We also saw how Elijah wasn't. He was a man whom God could use and work through because of his consistent walk with God. The public display was possible because of the time Elijah spent with God in private. I have definitely learned through the years that God will only work powerfully in our midst and show us His power when we are being faithful in our walk with Him.
We spent some time examining the different levels of spiritual maturity in the church. We saw that most people are satisfied staying at the foot of the mountain. It requires very little commitment at the foot but we are also limited in our experience with God there.
We also saw that some will be willing to leave the masses and climb the mountain. It's kind of a hit-and-miss level. Some days we are committed and on fire for the things of God but most days are just taken up with our own interests and selfish desires. We have encounters with God but they are rare and we find ourselves still in disputes with others and sorta floundering.
Then we see the level Moses and Joshua were willing to go. This should be the goal for all of us. This is the level where we are so consumed with God that it's just all over us. I have a few friends I believe to be at this level. Nothing seems to sway them, nothing gets them off track. Their eyes and heart are so firmly fixed on Christ that nothing sways them. I know they didn't just "happen" to get to that point and it doesn't have anything to do with age. It has to do with the fact that they spend much time in prayer and bible study. Those 2 things are their top priority. If nothing else gets done during their day, they have had their time with God. They are those who are settled, not double-minded and definitely not half-hearted. They are also the ones that I have seen God work MIGHTILY in their lives.
I am so glad that our God is a wet wood fire starter. There has been some wet wood in my life and am so thankful that He has brought fire at times and done a mighty work. So thankful to serve a God who has no limits. May we be willing to allow Him to do what only He can do and may we be faithful in our private life so we are ready when we need to be for the public display of His awesomeness.

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