What's a friend to you
After lunch with a friend the other day I started thinking about friendships. I probably ponder things too much and outthink myself at times, but when my mind goes that way most of the time I just go with it.
I started thinking about the things I look for in a friendship and what has made them successful or not so much. As I came to determine the qualities I look for in others it led me to examine my own life to see if the qualities I look for in others are evident in my own life. Some were definitely there, others I'm sorry to say were not. I took that as a challenge to allow God to make some changes in me and tweek a few things. It also made me very aware of how many times we have expectations of others that we don't fulfill in our own life.
I'm not a very needy person or high maintenance. I enjoy long stretches of time to myself and I prefer quality and quantity time with family over anyone else. Therefore I probably don't give a lot to others who do want more of a friendship than I require myself. I've been told before that I'm not a very good friend because I don't give a lot of my time away. I've also been told I am a good friend for whatever reason. I don't guess it matters too much either way since we can choose to be someone's friend or not (however we are called to love ALL).
What about you? What kind of friend are you? What do you look for in a friend? Do you attract high maintenance people who require all your time and attention or are you the high maintenance one? Can you pick up with a friend you haven't seen or talked to recently just like you've been together all along? For someone to be your friend, do you have to do everything together, do you have to be talking on the phone if you're not in the same room, do you give your friends room to grow and breathe? Can someone still be your friend if they don't agree with you or if they are courageous enough to speak truth to you even if it hurts a bit.
My parents have some of the same friends that they've had since their college days. I think that's awesome. They've raised kids together, been there through thick and thin for each other and even now meet almost every Friday night for dinner. Sweet. In this day of facebook some of us have hundreds of "friends". In true friendship I don't believe there can be that many. Maybe we've lost the meaning of aquaintance and friend...they are different.
Prov. 27:17...Do our friends make us sharper in our relationship to Christ or duller? More to think about...
Posted by dawn leopard at 2:55 PM
After lunch with a friend the other day I started thinking about friendships. I probably ponder things too much and outthink myself at times, but when my mind goes that way most of the time I just go with it.
I started thinking about the things I look for in a friendship and what has made them successful or not so much. As I came to determine the qualities I look for in others it led me to examine my own life to see if the qualities I look for in others are evident in my own life. Some were definitely there, others I'm sorry to say were not. I took that as a challenge to allow God to make some changes in me and tweek a few things. It also made me very aware of how many times we have expectations of others that we don't fulfill in our own life.
I'm not a very needy person or high maintenance. I enjoy long stretches of time to myself and I prefer quality and quantity time with family over anyone else. Therefore I probably don't give a lot to others who do want more of a friendship than I require myself. I've been told before that I'm not a very good friend because I don't give a lot of my time away. I've also been told I am a good friend for whatever reason. I don't guess it matters too much either way since we can choose to be someone's friend or not (however we are called to love ALL).
What about you? What kind of friend are you? What do you look for in a friend? Do you attract high maintenance people who require all your time and attention or are you the high maintenance one? Can you pick up with a friend you haven't seen or talked to recently just like you've been together all along? For someone to be your friend, do you have to do everything together, do you have to be talking on the phone if you're not in the same room, do you give your friends room to grow and breathe? Can someone still be your friend if they don't agree with you or if they are courageous enough to speak truth to you even if it hurts a bit.
My parents have some of the same friends that they've had since their college days. I think that's awesome. They've raised kids together, been there through thick and thin for each other and even now meet almost every Friday night for dinner. Sweet. In this day of facebook some of us have hundreds of "friends". In true friendship I don't believe there can be that many. Maybe we've lost the meaning of aquaintance and friend...they are different.
Prov. 27:17...Do our friends make us sharper in our relationship to Christ or duller? More to think about...
Posted by dawn leopard at 2:55 PM
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Monday Morning Perspective
My man hit a homerun yesterday with the kickoff of the Jonah series. Don't you love how I got baseball and football in there, yeah cheesy I know. I'm the only one laughing. Just still so pumped from yesterday. I went to both services and so glad I did. The music was awesome in both services!! The crowd was great!! God is working and I am so grateful be able to witness Him working here at Millbrook.
Loved the intro to Jonah reminding us that every day we are faced with different ships and the challenge to get on the one headed in the direction God is pointing us and not the one that our flesh is screaming for us to board.
I also loved how Eddie gave us the history of the Assyrians. It made it so much more understandable why Jonah refused and what the struggle was all about.
Had 2 very favorite parts:
One, I love how God's call is personal. It's true that we are called to the general things...salvation, ministry, but He calls us to very specific things as well. Where we will serve Him, how we will serve. Eddie was so right, it's that call that really does sustain us when others question us or talk about us or don't agree with us. Praise God for that personal call on our lives in EVERY area of our life.
Second, I loved the part on Jonah's fall. How calculated it was, how he must have rationalized, wow, just like us. It is so amazing the lengths we will go to do our own thing our own way. How costly our decisions can be not only to us but others as well. Just as Jonah paid the fare to run from God, we also pay the fare when we choose to run. As Eddie said, "If you want to run from God, the devil will be glad to provide the transportation. It looks like it was all coming together for Jonah, when in reality it was all falling apart". What a reminder to us!!
Side note...loved the wedding illustration, just hoping Eddie's just as in control when he is father of the bride and pastor over the ceremony. We don't need a nervous pastor and if he's the one falling out we can't leave him there, we won't have a wedding.
Phrase to remember...Get Back!!! Awesome job worship band!!!!
Loved the intro to Jonah reminding us that every day we are faced with different ships and the challenge to get on the one headed in the direction God is pointing us and not the one that our flesh is screaming for us to board.
I also loved how Eddie gave us the history of the Assyrians. It made it so much more understandable why Jonah refused and what the struggle was all about.
Had 2 very favorite parts:
One, I love how God's call is personal. It's true that we are called to the general things...salvation, ministry, but He calls us to very specific things as well. Where we will serve Him, how we will serve. Eddie was so right, it's that call that really does sustain us when others question us or talk about us or don't agree with us. Praise God for that personal call on our lives in EVERY area of our life.
Second, I loved the part on Jonah's fall. How calculated it was, how he must have rationalized, wow, just like us. It is so amazing the lengths we will go to do our own thing our own way. How costly our decisions can be not only to us but others as well. Just as Jonah paid the fare to run from God, we also pay the fare when we choose to run. As Eddie said, "If you want to run from God, the devil will be glad to provide the transportation. It looks like it was all coming together for Jonah, when in reality it was all falling apart". What a reminder to us!!
Side note...loved the wedding illustration, just hoping Eddie's just as in control when he is father of the bride and pastor over the ceremony. We don't need a nervous pastor and if he's the one falling out we can't leave him there, we won't have a wedding.
Phrase to remember...Get Back!!! Awesome job worship band!!!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Whatever happened to being sweet continued
Well I was gonna wait a bit before posting this but I got so much feedback that I thought I'd better go ahead and post again. Let me repeat what I have said lots of times before and that is I write out of my own experiences. I never deal with anything that God hasn't beat me over the head and heart with over and over again. Those of you who said you needed that,so did I. Those of you who said it convicted you, it did me too. I have struggled on every side of that issue and have learned lessons the easy way and the hard way at times.
I was talking to a lady after church Sunday who was hurting and struggling. I left thinking there's enough hurt just trying to live life without us trying to hurt each other. There are hurts on every pew every week and with everyone we pass throughout the week. We don't have to be friends with everyone but we do need to realize that we are all part of the same family if we belong to Christ. Some people are just plain mean and we don't have to let them in, but we are called to love.
One of the best books I have read in a long time is called the uncommon woman by susie larson. I could basicly highlight the entire book. Please read it. If you do and implement some of the things she stresses, it can change your life. I'll share some of the highlights:
...In every battle He remains the Most High God. He defends us. He fights for us. He delivers us.
...We determine ahead of time which conflicts are beneath us and we keep our lives free from the clutter of gossip, drama, and pettiness.
...It appears such a small thing to toss a few words around until you find that the people who are talking to you are also talking about you.
...To be free from the desire to control what other people say about us is wonderful.
...Trying to prevent others from having low conversations and engaging in petty gossip about us is like trying to keep the leaves from falling off of the trees on a windy fall day.
...I won't attempt to reason with those who have no inner conviction to be holy and honorable in the way they conduct themselves.
Prov. 29:25 deals with the fear of man.
We are walking in the fear of man when our thoughts are consumed with others' thoughts toward us, OR when our day goes south because we feel slighted by a comment or a cross look OR when we feel the need to get others on our side by speaking ill of another, OR when our goal is more to impress than to bless.
Can we all just agree together to try harder to give some people the benefit of the doubt, pray a lot more, and entrust those to God who continue to hurt us and misunderstand us? We also need to handle our problems the way the bible tells us to and go to those who hurt us and make it right. I love what Beth Moore says, "if you can't stay where you are successfully, then leave successfully". That usually means with our mouth closed and our hearts right. As my grandmother always said, "just kill 'em with kindness". James 3:9-10 is a good challenge for us all.
Moms and grandmoms, it all starts with us. We can't expect our teens to choose well when we don't. When we are in the middle of our own drama or place ourselves in the middle of their drama, it teaches them things we don't want to teach them. Let's be ever so careful what we model before them when it comes to our conflicts.
As a side note, I have noticed through years of ministry that when God is getting ready to do something big in a life or a church, Satan begins to attack. So often he uses those on the inside and so often it's petty and meaningless.
I was talking to a lady after church Sunday who was hurting and struggling. I left thinking there's enough hurt just trying to live life without us trying to hurt each other. There are hurts on every pew every week and with everyone we pass throughout the week. We don't have to be friends with everyone but we do need to realize that we are all part of the same family if we belong to Christ. Some people are just plain mean and we don't have to let them in, but we are called to love.
One of the best books I have read in a long time is called the uncommon woman by susie larson. I could basicly highlight the entire book. Please read it. If you do and implement some of the things she stresses, it can change your life. I'll share some of the highlights:
...In every battle He remains the Most High God. He defends us. He fights for us. He delivers us.
...We determine ahead of time which conflicts are beneath us and we keep our lives free from the clutter of gossip, drama, and pettiness.
...It appears such a small thing to toss a few words around until you find that the people who are talking to you are also talking about you.
...To be free from the desire to control what other people say about us is wonderful.
...Trying to prevent others from having low conversations and engaging in petty gossip about us is like trying to keep the leaves from falling off of the trees on a windy fall day.
...I won't attempt to reason with those who have no inner conviction to be holy and honorable in the way they conduct themselves.
Prov. 29:25 deals with the fear of man.
We are walking in the fear of man when our thoughts are consumed with others' thoughts toward us, OR when our day goes south because we feel slighted by a comment or a cross look OR when we feel the need to get others on our side by speaking ill of another, OR when our goal is more to impress than to bless.
Can we all just agree together to try harder to give some people the benefit of the doubt, pray a lot more, and entrust those to God who continue to hurt us and misunderstand us? We also need to handle our problems the way the bible tells us to and go to those who hurt us and make it right. I love what Beth Moore says, "if you can't stay where you are successfully, then leave successfully". That usually means with our mouth closed and our hearts right. As my grandmother always said, "just kill 'em with kindness". James 3:9-10 is a good challenge for us all.
Moms and grandmoms, it all starts with us. We can't expect our teens to choose well when we don't. When we are in the middle of our own drama or place ourselves in the middle of their drama, it teaches them things we don't want to teach them. Let's be ever so careful what we model before them when it comes to our conflicts.
As a side note, I have noticed through years of ministry that when God is getting ready to do something big in a life or a church, Satan begins to attack. So often he uses those on the inside and so often it's petty and meaningless.
Whatever happened to being sweet
I found myself in Psalm 109 this morning which was very interesting to me with some of the things He has brought to my attention over the past month or so. At first I was a little overwhelmed at David's anger and how he lashed out and especially his requests to God in dealing with people. This is definitely a time of righteous indignation against liars and slanderers. David endured many false accusations as did Christ. David was angry at being attacked by evil people who slandered him and lied yet he remained a friend and a man of prayer. David was not taking vengeance into his own hands. He was asking God to be swift in his promised judgment of evil people.
That's where I found myself this morning...pondering all the hurt I have witnessed and heard about recently most of it done by loose lips. Hurt doesn't just come in the form of earthquakes and hurricanes. Sometimes we can recover more quickly from those things than we can from people who enjoy spreading rumors, talking about us when they have no idea what they're talking about, making judments based on their own opinion or even worse from hearing only one side of the story. Or...we just stand back and decide what we want to believe about people without knowing them at all.
I've heard it all recently from 12 year old girls to women in their 40's. Unfortunately mean girls don't always grow up after high school, they become mean women. It's hard to break those habits that we form and especially those that we enjoy and for some reason being critical and judgmental and hateful is enjoyable to some.
This is the part that really blows my mind. I'm talking about people that are in our churches, church-going, call themselves Christian people. The ones who say that they live by biblical values and pray and go to bible study. We are killing our witness. Why would the lost want anything to do with us when we wound each other and walk away? Whatever happened to going to a person that we feel has wronged us and talk to them? Isn't that what the bible tells us to do? We try every other way to deal with our problems other than the right way. WHY IS THAT? Whatever happened to being sweet. I had a staff wife tell me several years ago that that was just being fake. Well, sometimes if we would just fake sweet, we may start to feel sweet. Why is it such a girl way to be? My boys are 16 and 18 and we never deal with that with them.
This is just one of those days that I am sick and tired...
Sick and tired of ministers leaving the ministry because they can't take it anymore.
Sick and tired of teen girls' feelings being crushed and reputation ruined by loose-lip, hateful girls.
Sick and tired of families ruined because we don't love others enough to leave other people's spouse alone and try to work it out with our own. God help us every day to be real and loving. May we lavish love and mercy on others when we realize how much love and mercy we have received. How do we deal with all of this? How do we make sense of it? I received some answers from God's Word and from a great book that I turn to time and time again when I need some practical advice. That will be the next post.
That's where I found myself this morning...pondering all the hurt I have witnessed and heard about recently most of it done by loose lips. Hurt doesn't just come in the form of earthquakes and hurricanes. Sometimes we can recover more quickly from those things than we can from people who enjoy spreading rumors, talking about us when they have no idea what they're talking about, making judments based on their own opinion or even worse from hearing only one side of the story. Or...we just stand back and decide what we want to believe about people without knowing them at all.
I've heard it all recently from 12 year old girls to women in their 40's. Unfortunately mean girls don't always grow up after high school, they become mean women. It's hard to break those habits that we form and especially those that we enjoy and for some reason being critical and judgmental and hateful is enjoyable to some.
This is the part that really blows my mind. I'm talking about people that are in our churches, church-going, call themselves Christian people. The ones who say that they live by biblical values and pray and go to bible study. We are killing our witness. Why would the lost want anything to do with us when we wound each other and walk away? Whatever happened to going to a person that we feel has wronged us and talk to them? Isn't that what the bible tells us to do? We try every other way to deal with our problems other than the right way. WHY IS THAT? Whatever happened to being sweet. I had a staff wife tell me several years ago that that was just being fake. Well, sometimes if we would just fake sweet, we may start to feel sweet. Why is it such a girl way to be? My boys are 16 and 18 and we never deal with that with them.
This is just one of those days that I am sick and tired...
Sick and tired of ministers leaving the ministry because they can't take it anymore.
Sick and tired of teen girls' feelings being crushed and reputation ruined by loose-lip, hateful girls.
Sick and tired of families ruined because we don't love others enough to leave other people's spouse alone and try to work it out with our own. God help us every day to be real and loving. May we lavish love and mercy on others when we realize how much love and mercy we have received. How do we deal with all of this? How do we make sense of it? I received some answers from God's Word and from a great book that I turn to time and time again when I need some practical advice. That will be the next post.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Monday Morning Perspective
We wrapped up our series on worship yesterday. I must say I'm kinda sad about it because I enjoyed those messages so much, but I'm really pumped about the Jonah series. Don't miss the kickoff for that one next week, it's gonna be amazing.
Anyway, we were in the book of John yesterday dealing with personal worship, public worship, and passionate worship.
Personal worship...we saw that Mary worshipped through giving, Martha worshipped through serving and Lazarus worshipped through fellowship. I love how Eddie pointed out that Martha was critical of Mary for not choosing what she chose and that's what Jesus criticized her for, not her choice of service. He also pointed out that Mary took a risk in her choice of worship. Everyone was critical of Mary but she didn't seem to care what others thought. Oh if we could have that attitude. She worshipped in an extravagant way and had that "so-what" attitude concerning what others thought. We also see that she didn't have to defend herself...Jesus did that for her.
That has been the biggest lesson I have learned in recent years...I don't have to defend myself and fight the battles myself. Jesus will fight on our behalf if we are sold out to Him and living for Him. I know it's our nature that when others are saying things about us that are not true or their opinion of us is skewed we want to "straighten them out". I have learned that if I can be patient and wait on the Lord, He will straighten things out for me. It doesn't always happen on our timetable but it is so worth it to see Him work it all out. He makes everything right in His time. I have to remember as a parent how swiftly I want to defend my children, how much more our heavenly father wants to defend us and He will.
Jacob had a great message last night along those same lines. He talked about knowing when to address things and when to walk away, when it's going to turn into a fight just throw up your hands and walk away. I used to think I had to address everything and try to make things right but I've found out that some people don't want it to be right. Some love to fight, love drama, love tension and attention. I'd much rather walk away and just let people think what they want and say what they want because they probably will anyway. I am years away from mudfights praise God. I am also years away from worrying about what everyone thinks, I lived according to that for too long and wasted way too much time doing that.
True worship is to be lived out in every area of our life for our audience of ONE!!
Anyway, we were in the book of John yesterday dealing with personal worship, public worship, and passionate worship.
Personal worship...we saw that Mary worshipped through giving, Martha worshipped through serving and Lazarus worshipped through fellowship. I love how Eddie pointed out that Martha was critical of Mary for not choosing what she chose and that's what Jesus criticized her for, not her choice of service. He also pointed out that Mary took a risk in her choice of worship. Everyone was critical of Mary but she didn't seem to care what others thought. Oh if we could have that attitude. She worshipped in an extravagant way and had that "so-what" attitude concerning what others thought. We also see that she didn't have to defend herself...Jesus did that for her.
That has been the biggest lesson I have learned in recent years...I don't have to defend myself and fight the battles myself. Jesus will fight on our behalf if we are sold out to Him and living for Him. I know it's our nature that when others are saying things about us that are not true or their opinion of us is skewed we want to "straighten them out". I have learned that if I can be patient and wait on the Lord, He will straighten things out for me. It doesn't always happen on our timetable but it is so worth it to see Him work it all out. He makes everything right in His time. I have to remember as a parent how swiftly I want to defend my children, how much more our heavenly father wants to defend us and He will.
Jacob had a great message last night along those same lines. He talked about knowing when to address things and when to walk away, when it's going to turn into a fight just throw up your hands and walk away. I used to think I had to address everything and try to make things right but I've found out that some people don't want it to be right. Some love to fight, love drama, love tension and attention. I'd much rather walk away and just let people think what they want and say what they want because they probably will anyway. I am years away from mudfights praise God. I am also years away from worrying about what everyone thinks, I lived according to that for too long and wasted way too much time doing that.
True worship is to be lived out in every area of our life for our audience of ONE!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Two Ears and One Mouth
Has your mouth ever gotten you in trouble? Mine has. Have you ever failed to listen when you should have? I have. Have you ever blown off advice and later wish you would've taken it? I have.
I was talking to some young ladies the other day who were talking about someone they know just running off at the mouth only later realizing they probably should've shut it. Then yesterday I was talking to a friend and we were talking about how we never get too old to listen and learn from others. She was saying that she still calls her sister for advice or her mother-in-law. For some reason, some people think at a certain age they have arrived and no longer need to listen to others or heed the advice of others. Then, last night, I was watching American Idol. There was a young man getting ready to go on stage and he was talking about how he was going to respect what the judges would say to him and listen to them. He must have assumed they were going to tell him what he wanted to hear, ummm didn't happen that way. The judges began to tell him what he needed to work on and that he wasn't there yet. He immediately became defensive and when they tried to offer advice he would just burst out singing over and over again. They tried to tell him they were trying to help him but he just left shouting expletives and declaring that they knew nothing.
How often are we like that? As long as people say what we want to hear, we listen. We tell friends to be honest with us but then when we are, sometimes they don't want to be our friend any more. We think when we turn 18 we know everything and off we go headstrong into a world ready to beat us up and knock us down.
I Corinthians 8:2 says that the man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know. We so want to look good and feel important yet we so easily become arrogant with a know-it-all attitude. My parents always said "you have 2 ears and 1 mouth. You need to listen twice as much as you talk". That's advice I wish many times I had heeded. It's so much easier to learn from what others try to tell us or learn from others mistakes without always learning from the school of hard knocks. My Dad's favorite statement has always been, "hard-headed people have a hard time". Father knows best.
I was talking to some young ladies the other day who were talking about someone they know just running off at the mouth only later realizing they probably should've shut it. Then yesterday I was talking to a friend and we were talking about how we never get too old to listen and learn from others. She was saying that she still calls her sister for advice or her mother-in-law. For some reason, some people think at a certain age they have arrived and no longer need to listen to others or heed the advice of others. Then, last night, I was watching American Idol. There was a young man getting ready to go on stage and he was talking about how he was going to respect what the judges would say to him and listen to them. He must have assumed they were going to tell him what he wanted to hear, ummm didn't happen that way. The judges began to tell him what he needed to work on and that he wasn't there yet. He immediately became defensive and when they tried to offer advice he would just burst out singing over and over again. They tried to tell him they were trying to help him but he just left shouting expletives and declaring that they knew nothing.
How often are we like that? As long as people say what we want to hear, we listen. We tell friends to be honest with us but then when we are, sometimes they don't want to be our friend any more. We think when we turn 18 we know everything and off we go headstrong into a world ready to beat us up and knock us down.
I Corinthians 8:2 says that the man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know. We so want to look good and feel important yet we so easily become arrogant with a know-it-all attitude. My parents always said "you have 2 ears and 1 mouth. You need to listen twice as much as you talk". That's advice I wish many times I had heeded. It's so much easier to learn from what others try to tell us or learn from others mistakes without always learning from the school of hard knocks. My Dad's favorite statement has always been, "hard-headed people have a hard time". Father knows best.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Monday Morning Perspective
I am LOVIN this series on worship!! One of my all time faves.
Yesterday we were in IKings 18 with the story of Elijah. We saw how the people were in neutral and couldn't decide who to worship. We also saw how Elijah wasn't. He was a man whom God could use and work through because of his consistent walk with God. The public display was possible because of the time Elijah spent with God in private. I have definitely learned through the years that God will only work powerfully in our midst and show us His power when we are being faithful in our walk with Him.
We spent some time examining the different levels of spiritual maturity in the church. We saw that most people are satisfied staying at the foot of the mountain. It requires very little commitment at the foot but we are also limited in our experience with God there.
We also saw that some will be willing to leave the masses and climb the mountain. It's kind of a hit-and-miss level. Some days we are committed and on fire for the things of God but most days are just taken up with our own interests and selfish desires. We have encounters with God but they are rare and we find ourselves still in disputes with others and sorta floundering.
Then we see the level Moses and Joshua were willing to go. This should be the goal for all of us. This is the level where we are so consumed with God that it's just all over us. I have a few friends I believe to be at this level. Nothing seems to sway them, nothing gets them off track. Their eyes and heart are so firmly fixed on Christ that nothing sways them. I know they didn't just "happen" to get to that point and it doesn't have anything to do with age. It has to do with the fact that they spend much time in prayer and bible study. Those 2 things are their top priority. If nothing else gets done during their day, they have had their time with God. They are those who are settled, not double-minded and definitely not half-hearted. They are also the ones that I have seen God work MIGHTILY in their lives.
I am so glad that our God is a wet wood fire starter. There has been some wet wood in my life and am so thankful that He has brought fire at times and done a mighty work. So thankful to serve a God who has no limits. May we be willing to allow Him to do what only He can do and may we be faithful in our private life so we are ready when we need to be for the public display of His awesomeness.
Yesterday we were in IKings 18 with the story of Elijah. We saw how the people were in neutral and couldn't decide who to worship. We also saw how Elijah wasn't. He was a man whom God could use and work through because of his consistent walk with God. The public display was possible because of the time Elijah spent with God in private. I have definitely learned through the years that God will only work powerfully in our midst and show us His power when we are being faithful in our walk with Him.
We spent some time examining the different levels of spiritual maturity in the church. We saw that most people are satisfied staying at the foot of the mountain. It requires very little commitment at the foot but we are also limited in our experience with God there.
We also saw that some will be willing to leave the masses and climb the mountain. It's kind of a hit-and-miss level. Some days we are committed and on fire for the things of God but most days are just taken up with our own interests and selfish desires. We have encounters with God but they are rare and we find ourselves still in disputes with others and sorta floundering.
Then we see the level Moses and Joshua were willing to go. This should be the goal for all of us. This is the level where we are so consumed with God that it's just all over us. I have a few friends I believe to be at this level. Nothing seems to sway them, nothing gets them off track. Their eyes and heart are so firmly fixed on Christ that nothing sways them. I know they didn't just "happen" to get to that point and it doesn't have anything to do with age. It has to do with the fact that they spend much time in prayer and bible study. Those 2 things are their top priority. If nothing else gets done during their day, they have had their time with God. They are those who are settled, not double-minded and definitely not half-hearted. They are also the ones that I have seen God work MIGHTILY in their lives.
I am so glad that our God is a wet wood fire starter. There has been some wet wood in my life and am so thankful that He has brought fire at times and done a mighty work. So thankful to serve a God who has no limits. May we be willing to allow Him to do what only He can do and may we be faithful in our private life so we are ready when we need to be for the public display of His awesomeness.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
There's gonna be a wedding
Yes, it's true...Michael proposed, Chrissie said yes and the Leopard clan is thrilled...and BUSY!! Some background and info...
Michael Hux came into our lives last May when he came to Aiken from Florida to be our high school student intern for the summer. Chrissie was serving at the same time as our student administrative intern. They were in a teeny tiny room with 3 other interns. She was the only female and came home the first day from work proclaiming that this was going to be a looooonnnnngg summer, way too much testosterone. As it turned out it wasn't quite long enough for her, she hated seeing it end and Michael was heading back to Florida. It was one more whirlwind summer. God did a huge work in the life of those two over the summer. He began showing them that He didn't just bring Michael here just for a summer job. I've always believed that when we follow Christ closely we will run smack dab in the middle of God's will and this was His will for them.
Of course Eddie and I had concerns that this may be a "summer romance" and didn't want anyone hurt. We also didn't know very much about this boy everyone called "Hux" or "Huxy" so we had to start checking that out. I remember asking Chrissie one day, "what in the world is it about him?". Her answer did it for me. She said, "Mom, he is so real. Christ is real to him and I can't find any fake in him. I've watched him worship and there's just something about him." That did it for me. I knew that Christ in him was drawn to Christ in her and there was no reason trying to fight it. See real is huge to our clan. We don't like pretense and despise fake. We're not real good at putting on a show or pretending things we don't feel or believe. Chrissie doesn't trust easily. She's mine that stands back and really examines things and people. She just doesn't jump into things nor does she automatically trust people and assume going in that everyone is great and nice and has her best interest at heart. So for her to be swept off her feet so fast, so out of her personality, had to be a God thing.
We have grown to love Michael almost as much as Chrissie does. He treats her with such respect and tenderness. I have loved watching them together especially as they watch each other. He's madly in love with Chrissie but better than that, he's madly in love with Jesus. He has the biggest heart I've ever seen, I'm constantly telling Chrissie to "be sweet" and "don't hurt his feelings". He's just precious. They balance each other perfectly. They have the same goals the number one being to share Jesus with as many people as they can. They love people and have great people skills. We watched them all summer with our students. They have such a genuine love for them. Eddie has said over and over that they will do great as a ministry team and he doesn't say that about everybody I assure you. He has full confidence in this young man taking care of his first-born child, his first daughter. I am praying however that he will make it through that ceremony. I envision lots of tears for many of us but praise God they will be tears of joy and excitement.
We are having so much fun as we talk about and plan this wedding. I've told her if she turns into bridezilla I will quit. So far, so good. We would appreciate many prayers as we go through this time together. Our biggest goal in planning this wedding is that Christ will be glorified instead of Michael and Chrissie and that their marriage will bring much glory to Him. I'm sure there will be many blog posts regarding all of this because that is where we are right now. Would greatly accept any suggestions, advice or the like but mostly the prayers. Praise Him from whom ALL blessings flow. We are a blessed people indeed.
Michael Hux came into our lives last May when he came to Aiken from Florida to be our high school student intern for the summer. Chrissie was serving at the same time as our student administrative intern. They were in a teeny tiny room with 3 other interns. She was the only female and came home the first day from work proclaiming that this was going to be a looooonnnnngg summer, way too much testosterone. As it turned out it wasn't quite long enough for her, she hated seeing it end and Michael was heading back to Florida. It was one more whirlwind summer. God did a huge work in the life of those two over the summer. He began showing them that He didn't just bring Michael here just for a summer job. I've always believed that when we follow Christ closely we will run smack dab in the middle of God's will and this was His will for them.
Of course Eddie and I had concerns that this may be a "summer romance" and didn't want anyone hurt. We also didn't know very much about this boy everyone called "Hux" or "Huxy" so we had to start checking that out. I remember asking Chrissie one day, "what in the world is it about him?". Her answer did it for me. She said, "Mom, he is so real. Christ is real to him and I can't find any fake in him. I've watched him worship and there's just something about him." That did it for me. I knew that Christ in him was drawn to Christ in her and there was no reason trying to fight it. See real is huge to our clan. We don't like pretense and despise fake. We're not real good at putting on a show or pretending things we don't feel or believe. Chrissie doesn't trust easily. She's mine that stands back and really examines things and people. She just doesn't jump into things nor does she automatically trust people and assume going in that everyone is great and nice and has her best interest at heart. So for her to be swept off her feet so fast, so out of her personality, had to be a God thing.
We have grown to love Michael almost as much as Chrissie does. He treats her with such respect and tenderness. I have loved watching them together especially as they watch each other. He's madly in love with Chrissie but better than that, he's madly in love with Jesus. He has the biggest heart I've ever seen, I'm constantly telling Chrissie to "be sweet" and "don't hurt his feelings". He's just precious. They balance each other perfectly. They have the same goals the number one being to share Jesus with as many people as they can. They love people and have great people skills. We watched them all summer with our students. They have such a genuine love for them. Eddie has said over and over that they will do great as a ministry team and he doesn't say that about everybody I assure you. He has full confidence in this young man taking care of his first-born child, his first daughter. I am praying however that he will make it through that ceremony. I envision lots of tears for many of us but praise God they will be tears of joy and excitement.
We are having so much fun as we talk about and plan this wedding. I've told her if she turns into bridezilla I will quit. So far, so good. We would appreciate many prayers as we go through this time together. Our biggest goal in planning this wedding is that Christ will be glorified instead of Michael and Chrissie and that their marriage will bring much glory to Him. I'm sure there will be many blog posts regarding all of this because that is where we are right now. Would greatly accept any suggestions, advice or the like but mostly the prayers. Praise Him from whom ALL blessings flow. We are a blessed people indeed.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Monday Morning Perspective
OH MY...I think I'm gonna love this series on worship. What's more exciting is that in sunday school the students will also be doing a study on worship. I guess God intends for us to GET IT when it comes to worship.
I could linger on every point Eddie made in the sermon because every word from his mouth yesterday was something I needed to hear AND act upon. Loved how he talked about our sunday mornings and how active the enemy is during that time. He will do anything to keep us from getting to worship and definitely doesn't want us to be prepared. I am so guilty of skipping my Word time on sunday morning. I always pray but I don't get in the Word...just wait and get it at church. I've got to change that.
I also like how Eddie pointed out how God puts His finger right on our sin yet His mercy is so incredible that if we confess He forgives. I pray that His pointing out the sin in my life will always lead me running to Him.
I also love how he closed with encouraging us to make a commitment. True worship always leads us to that. I thought a lot about Eddie's question, "why are you here?". I think at some point I have been in church for all the reasons he pointed out. My prayer is that from this day forward it will always be to MEET GOD!
I could linger on every point Eddie made in the sermon because every word from his mouth yesterday was something I needed to hear AND act upon. Loved how he talked about our sunday mornings and how active the enemy is during that time. He will do anything to keep us from getting to worship and definitely doesn't want us to be prepared. I am so guilty of skipping my Word time on sunday morning. I always pray but I don't get in the Word...just wait and get it at church. I've got to change that.
I also like how Eddie pointed out how God puts His finger right on our sin yet His mercy is so incredible that if we confess He forgives. I pray that His pointing out the sin in my life will always lead me running to Him.
I also love how he closed with encouraging us to make a commitment. True worship always leads us to that. I thought a lot about Eddie's question, "why are you here?". I think at some point I have been in church for all the reasons he pointed out. My prayer is that from this day forward it will always be to MEET GOD!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year 2010
It's not only a new year but a new decade. I get so excited about this time of year. I absolutely love New Year's Day. It's a no makeup, stay in pajamas or sweats, cook and eat, surrounded by loved ones, watching one football game after the other or three at a time kinda day...LOVE IT!!!
I also love it because I love new beginnings. There's just something about that start over feeling. It feels like we get a do-over if we need it from the past year. There's that confidence you can have of doing some things differently if need be.
Last year was an awesome year for us. Like many of you we had our share of good and bad. There are things I wish I could forget and would have done differently and there are things I wouldn't change for anything. God's blessings far outweigh the bad stuff especially when most of His blessings feel so undeserved. He's such a loving and faithful God.
He has taught me some things this year that seem to stand out. One, He has taught me over and over again that He is truly in control, not only of my life but over all of life. Much peace in that. He's also taught me (again) to hold things and relationships loosely. The tighter I hold on the less He works. I have to let go and let Him take charge and trust Him. Basicly it comes down to knowing that He loves me and my family and He will be the One to look after us and fight for us.
This year's resolutions:
Like last year, make Jesus the focus and grow more in love with HIM.
Like last year, nothing before family.
This year, make scripture memorization a priority.
This year, take my prayer life to a new level.
Praying a joyful and happy new year for all.
I also love it because I love new beginnings. There's just something about that start over feeling. It feels like we get a do-over if we need it from the past year. There's that confidence you can have of doing some things differently if need be.
Last year was an awesome year for us. Like many of you we had our share of good and bad. There are things I wish I could forget and would have done differently and there are things I wouldn't change for anything. God's blessings far outweigh the bad stuff especially when most of His blessings feel so undeserved. He's such a loving and faithful God.
He has taught me some things this year that seem to stand out. One, He has taught me over and over again that He is truly in control, not only of my life but over all of life. Much peace in that. He's also taught me (again) to hold things and relationships loosely. The tighter I hold on the less He works. I have to let go and let Him take charge and trust Him. Basicly it comes down to knowing that He loves me and my family and He will be the One to look after us and fight for us.
This year's resolutions:
Like last year, make Jesus the focus and grow more in love with HIM.
Like last year, nothing before family.
This year, make scripture memorization a priority.
This year, take my prayer life to a new level.
Praying a joyful and happy new year for all.
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