Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday Morning Perspective

Yesterday was awesome! I went to 9 and 11:11 and I think that will have to become a habit if I can trust my kids to get up on their own and get to sunday school on time, still to be determined. The music was great in both services, loving our new minister of music and the energy he brings. Oh that we would feed off of that energy as we worship. My goal is usually that when we finish singing and sit to hear what Eddie has for us that I am absolutely exhausted. I want to worship with everything that I am.
Eddie had a great sermon yesterday as we continued this journey on suffering. He pointed out that this life is a marathon and a battlefield. If we remember that, it keeps things in perspective. It went along so well with the study I am doing right now on the battles we face and our attitude when we're in the midst of them. I like how he pointed out that when we are going through suffering that it can be a gift as God chips away the things in our life that are holding us back or keeping us down. The chipping process can be painful at times but we just have to keep our hearts focused on the reward that is set before us. It may be circumstances or habits or even people that He is busy at work chipping away from us so that we can better focus on Him. I thought a lot about whether I am someone God can trust. I'm not sure that I am. I want to be but in my flesh I don't want to have to endure the things that may prove my trustworthiness. It's kinda like we want to share in His glory but not the fellowship of His sufferings, the Bible calls us to both. My prayer each day is that I would be found faithful not because of me but because of who He is in my life. I love Him so and my heart's desire is that His purpose for my life would be my true heart's desire. Eyes on Him, focus off of myself.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Following His Call

I have been on a roll the past few weeks and it all really came together in the last few days. I know when God rattled my cage a bit in regards to my schedule He began to tell me, "do what I've called you to do". True I had pushed a few things to the back burner mainly because of some circumstances that I felt like He wanted me to at the time. Lots of things were going on and He prompted me to "sit and wait for Him". So that's what I did. Well the last few weeks He has called me to pick some things back up and go forth and I'm so excited. I learned a long time ago that without clear direction from Him I had rather slow down and wait rather than get ahead of Him. Ahead of Him is NEVER where I want to be, but nothing is more exciting than following His call on my life. Of course there are times He says step out in faith and there's very little direction until you begin to step. The main thing He called me to many years ago was to my family. That has always been my #1 priority. Nothing makes me happier or feel more at peace than when I'm focused on them and being a wife and mom. That's my #1 calling. He also called me to do ministry alongside my husband. I love that role. It's a role that scared me to death early on (even though Eddie always reminds me that I knew what I was getting into although you never really know, honey) but I absolutely love being a pastor's wife. I've never wanted to do anything that would hurt him or his ministry which is a huge responsibility but I love it. Following His call is always an adventure and certainly never boring. Actually, it's an amazing life.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

He's rattling my cage again...Part 2

One of the things God led me to when He was warning me about all the negative around me and how easy it is to get pulled into that was the story of the spy mission into the promised land. The spies allowed their fear to immobilize them when they should have been moving ahead. We absolutely can't be paralyzed by the negativity. We have to move on and trust God.

We also discussed in bible study about "God talk". Beth pointed out how there are a lot of people who can do the "God talk" as well as anyone but when you look at their life there is no power, no victory. There just seems to be many of us who want power but it's the wrong kind of power. We want power over circumstances and other people. We want to control things in our churches and we have a desire for power and status. In Matthew 23 Jesus made strong accusations against those who hunger for power, money, status. It makes us lose sight of God and spreads quickly to others. Eddie mentioned not long ago in a sermon about how Satan tries to counterfeit everything God does and he can make it look very real. I think one of the most important things God has been showing me is that people, even those in our churches, can be counterfeits. They talk the "God talk" but all they really are interested in is having man power and feeling important and wanting their way. We need to be very careful because I believe as we get closer to the end times it will be harder and harder to tell the difference.
He has also changed up my schedule a bit lately, not a bad thing. It has allowed me to spend much more time with Him and become a little more focused and has definitely cleared up my hearing. Two things He has pointed out: 1) I have GOT to be more serious in my spiritual walk with Him and 2) I have GOT to be more serious in my physical workouts. So...I have entered into training. I have taken my time with Him to a new level---more prayer time, which I had slacked off in, and more time in the Word, and that means more than just reading a passage and moving on like I had done my time for the day. The prayer conference convicted me of a need for taking cleansing more seriously and repentance. He has also brought me a study that I am working through about the battles we face and the need to stand firm and fight (not the way the world fights). I am also doing a minimum of 4 days a week in the gym. This is definitely my bigger challenge because I can find every excuse in the world not to do it but I AM DETERMINED! I need to get back to the disciplines of the faith and some discipline in regard to my health.
When people rattle my cage, it's annoying and aggravating, but when Jesus does it it's not so bad. He's full of grace and mercy. I'm still learning that it is always best to let Him set our priorities and order our steps. I'm really enjoying what He's doing with mine lately. Hopefully I won't get in His way.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

He's rattling my cage again...Part 1

Word of warning, this is gonna be a 2 parter or more. "Experts" in the blog world tell us that people don't like to read long blogs so I'm sure I will have to break this one up since I feel full and I'm very wordy.

You know I have never heard God speak in an audible voice, many times it's much louder than that. I don't know how it is in your life but it seems like when I start dealing with something that everywhere I turn He puts it before me whether in a sermon, bible study, a good friend sharing with me, overhearing word on the street, however. I think that's because I'm thick-headed and He knows He just has to keep beating me over the head and then sometimes just jerk the rug out from under my feet and scream, "Now will you listen to me?". The last few weeks I've been cowering saying, "Ok Lord, you don't have to scream it anymore. You have my undivided attention." Do you ever get there? Maybe I get so busy that it affects my hearing but trust me I have been listening up lately and it has been sweet. Just left wondering why it takes me so long to get it.

It usually starts with discouragement or aggravation, something of that nature. This time it happened to be discouragement. Once again I was faced with the fact that everyone or everything is not always how it seems or wants to seem. That some people have motivation for doing things even calling it ministry that at the bottom line is nothing more than selfishness or a desire for self glory. That scares me a bit because I know God shares His glory with noone and I have seen the discipline on lives that try to get something that belongs to God alone. Well, that has been one lesson that I've had to learn yet again.

Then just when you need it God brings encouragement. I met with the college girls Monday night for their bible study. As I watched these young women turn through the Word and soak up the teaching that was coming from a Beth Moore study, I could've cried. I've always thought if they catch that hunger for God's Word early it will carry them through their life. I have seen some of them catch it and there's nothing more exciting. The message was on friendship, I think I needed it more than them. Beth shared how there's a huge difference between true friends and associates and how true friends can probably be counted on one hand and maybe our wrist. How true is that. One of the girls said she thought about all her facebook "friends". Maybe they should be called facebook "associates". It's funny how we talk to those people like we really know them and most of them we really don't. It's also amazing to me how we will talk on the computer but we see them face to face and we act like we've never met. Facebook is a great thing and I use it myself but I have to make myself keep some perspective. I hate that it seems to have cut out our face to face conversation skills. We will text or email stuff that we would never say in person. It also can move from being fun to trying to get a point across to someone that usually doesn't even realize we're talking to them or we're not talking to them but some assume we are. It's truly crazy at times. Anyway, the message on true friendship and what that means was awesome and I love to see these girls prioritizing bible study when I know how very busy they are.

On the heels of that I read a fellow pastor's wife's blog and she was talking about the people we surround ourselves with. She said that strength is found in shared passions and similar commitments. She said do not be fooled into thinking that you are strong because there's a lot of people around you. Do an assessment of who you can count on. She said it is better to have 2 people with her with like minds, commitments, and passions than 200 who can't support her purpose for being here. I thought that was great insight and I needed to hear that.

I know it's already long so I'll stop and do the rest (hopefully) tomorrow. Blessings.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gifts and Talents

Stephen spoke to the youth last night during their worship service. The place was full of middle-schoolers who, much to my surprise, were extremely attentive. They were incredibly attentive. His message was on service and he did a great job challenging the kids to allow God to use them wherever they are. He explained that God places us in certain places and those places are to be seen as our mission field, whether school, or a ballfield, or wherever. That kinda led to our discussion (which seems to be an ongoing discussion in our house) about God's call and how the talents we have are meant to be about Him and not about us. We are to use them to further His kingdom not our kingdom. We also talked about how spiritual gifts are only given to Christians to be used for the Church. We discussed how the things that we as Christians enjoy and are good at are placed within us by God to lead us to our calling. God places desires in our hearts. He wants us to have an abundant life. I just think it's amazing when our talents and our spiritual gifts collide and God gets much glory! I guess since sports has been such a huge part of our life we talk a lot about using that platform to serve God. I think so many of us get caught up in our service and ministry being "in" the church instead of "about" the Church. In our culture sports is such a god to people and people (even adults) will listen to athletes talk about God when they won't listen to anyone else. So I love to see God take athletes with their talent and mix it with say the gift of evangelism or service and get much glory. I love the Tim Tebow story and how he takes every opportunity to point others to Christ. There's nothing better than taking what we believe and the Truth we know and living it out in the real world. Stephen's challenge to the students to do that was great.
Another baseball weekend ahead for us. At least this time it's not 4 hours away only 2 1/2. I think this weekend will be special for many reasons even though it's about baseball nothing is ever "just about baseball". Last weekend God showed us some ugly sides of people being all about themselves in the world of sports and that led beautifully into this week with Stephen sharing on serving others. Believe it or not everyone isn't about their team or their teammates and most certainly not about God being any part of that atmosphere. God's great at taking the ugly stuff of life and teaching us what life is supposed to be about. I hate the ugly stuff but they sometimes make for better teaching opportunities with my kids than just the good, fun stuff. He is so good and so faithful. I can't wait to see what He shows us this weekend.

Monday, September 14, 2009

He Never Lets Go

Technology is still rather new to me. I'm starting to get used to my ipod and how to work it. Several of my kids got new ones for Christmas so I got one of their old ones, that's what moms do isn't it...get the leftovers. It was fine with me because it still worked and it wasn't so high-tech that I couldn't figure it out. It soon became my motivation for going to the gym because I could listen to my praise and worship music while I worked out so working out didn't seem like such a bore. I have had people look at me funny because I do sometimes forget that I'm in public while I want to sing out loud. I also used it on the beach this summer while laying out. I saw my girls laughing and come to find out they were laughing at me because I was singing along thinking I was barely whispering but it must have been louder than I thought. My question for them was, "how do you listen to your worship music without just bursting out singing along?" Their answer was that they kept in mind that they were in public. I guess when you're my age you just don't worry so much about embarrassing yourself anymore. Lord knows I've been embarrassed enough I'm kinda used to it. Anyway,that's not what this blog is about but I remembered that this morning when I was in the gym and Matt Redmon's song came on my ipod, You Never Let Go. It is one of my favorites. Yes, I have lots of favorites. This song just reminds me so much of how God is always with us and never lets go of us. It also reminded me of how important it is to have good Christian friends who walk with us through this life and don't let go. Ministry is a hard place to be and have good friends. Sometimes they are friends for different reasons, self-help reasons. Other times when ministry gets hard, fair-weather friends have a hard time holding on and standing by you. But I guess that's how it is with life in general. Life is hard and some just want to walk with us when things are good and fun and easy. Solid Christian friends who stand by through thick and thin are hard to come by. I am so grateful to have a God who never lets go but also we have some wonderful friends, in ministry and elsewhere, who have shown true honest friendship. Ministry friends know what you go through. They understand like others couldn't possibly understand. Some friends are in other churches who you can share with and not have to deal with "church stuff" with them. You spend time with them outside "church stuff" and they allow you to be yourself and they truly get it that you're just ordinary trying to live out the calling of Christ on your life. Others are friends who haven't yet "bought into" the christian life. They don't quite get it but what's refreshing about them is they really are themselves around you. They don't try to impress you, they don't want anything from you.

I guess what this is all about is realizing how important relationships are in my life. I've always believed that God doesn't put anyone in our life without a purpose. The older I get the more I realize too what a waste of time being petty is. Life is so much bigger than the petty little selfish things we try to make such a big deal about. There are enough hurricanes without worrying about the rain showers. I want to invest my time in solid relationships and gaining more Godly wisdom. Lord knows I need both.

Lyrics from You Never Let Go...enjoy:

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death Your perfect love is casting out fear. And even when I'm caught in the middle of the storms of this life, I won't turn back I know You are near. And I will fear no evil, for my God is with me. And if my God is with me, whom then shall I fear, whom then shall I fear. Oh no You never let go through the calm and through the storm. Oh no You never let go every high and every low. Oh no You never let go Lord you never let go of me.

And I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on. A glorious light beyond all compare. And there will be an end to these troubles but until that day comes we'll live to know You here on the earth. And I will fear no evil. For my God is with me. And if my God is with me. Whom then shall I fear? Whom then shall I fear? Oh no You never let go through the calm and through the storm. Oh no You never let go every high and every low. Oh no You never let go Lord you never let go of me.

You keep on lovin and You never let go.

Yes I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on. And there will be an end to these troubles but until that day comes. Still I will praise You. Still I will praise You.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Random Stuff

Thursday! Already! Such a fast week I suppose because of Monday being a holiday. My whole week has been turned around. Just wanted to drop a quick blog before the weekend gets going full steam ahead.
We spent yesterday at Spartanburg Methodist College with Stephen. It was a college day for him and our second visit there to talk with the baseball coaches who want him to come there and play for them. That coaching staff has to be 2nd to none. They are all so personable with substance. They show forth strong character and a tremendous reputation for what they do. We had a great visit with them but still remains to be seen if that will be the school of Stephen's choosing. He has some other options and it has been months of praying and seeking God's very best. We're just really trusting that God will continue to guide and we will be faithful to follow. It was an extra treat to get to spend time with my mom and dad. They live about 2 miles (my dad has measured) from SMC. They do such a great job praying for Stephen but not making him feel like he has to go there for them. Also got to see my sweet girl Chrissie. She's about an hour away at Anderson University so she drove over to hang out and of course have dinner. I could be spending a lot of time on the road this next year if 2 of my 4 land in the upstate. Good thing it's one of my favorite places.
We head to North Georgia tomorrow for a weekend baseball tournament. Stephen and John are playing but on different teams which means for Saturday and Sunday I will GET to see 6 baseball games. Oh yeah, I said 6. So glad I learned to love baseball a long time ago. God knew I would be spending a lot of time around the diamond.
The only negative about being in N. Ga. is that I will miss a very exciting time at our church Sunday. Our new minister of music/worship begins his ministry with us Sunday. I love him and his family already. I know you will too if you have just 2 minutes around them. They have such a heart for God and a passion for ministry that you don't always find even among ministers. Millbrook is truly blessed and so are the Leopards for being able to serve alongside of them. Needless to say there will be no monday morning perspective since I won't be there but I do know you are in for a blessing so don't miss it.
One more thing before signing off...sooo excited about the bible studies through our women's ministry this fall. We have 81, yes 81, signed up for our Thursday Beth Moore study. Can you believe that! God is doing such a work. I don't have numbers for Disciplers on Wednesday morning for our women and children's study but I can't wait to hear because it is always an incredible group. We are also starting back with a study for our college age girls. Last time we combined them with our 20somethings but this time it is just for them. They will be meeting on Monday nights so pray for that group as they dive into God's Word together. Having said that just let me say a word to you regarding our studies. I always tell our women that bible study is not just for knowledge sake. It is meant to allow God to teach us and work in us and through us. See, we can know all that the bible says and not intimately know the God of the Word. The goal is to KNOW HIM not ABOUT HIM. The goal of our studies is always to see God change lives through the scripture. It's not about a program. It's about His living, active Word transforming lives. So whether you are new to bible study or been studying for many years, there's always something new to be learned. You see He is a God who is always the same yet forever revealing Himself in new ways. If you haven't signed up yet jump on in, we'd love to have you. That's where the best of friends can be made.
Ok, that's it. Hope it's random enough for you. So many different things going on. Reminder to pray for not only the church you attend but how about other churches. Eddie has always said that if they are lifting up Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, crucified, buried, resurrected and coming again, pray God's blessings on them. The Church needs prayer. We need to tap into the power source and be a mighty force together no matter where we choose to worship on Sunday. BE THE CHURCH!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Monday Morning Perspective

All I have to say about Eddie's sermon yesterday is INCREDIBLE. Loved it, loved it, loved it. I love sermons like that when we have to "put on our thinking caps". That one made me think a lot. I can tell you the one thing I really walked away with from the message was how I need to be more bold in my witness. If we truly believe that a place like hell exists for those without Christ, we should make it a priority in our life to share Him with everyone. Eddie painted such vivid pictures in my mind yesterday and I hate to think there are those around me headed straight to hell if they die and I kept my mouth shut for whatever reason. Sometimes it just comes down to how much we really believe something and how much we care about other people. I'm getting to the point in my life where I believe all the more strongly in relationships and people. When it all comes down it really isn't about the stuff we have but the relationships we have developed. Since people are really the only things we can take with us to heaven shouldn't we spend more time developing relationships with others instead of accumulating more and more stuff.
I'm reading a great book right now by Bill Hybells called Just walk across the room. DO NOT READ THIS unless you are ready to get convicted. It is slapping me all over the place. One of the things he talks about is that if we truly believe in this God we say we do then why aren't we sharing him with others. It all boils down to "do we really believe Him".
Well it is Labor Day and we are definitely not laboring at our house. It has been a lazy, enjoy the fam kind of day. The only thing missing is my eldest but according to all sources she has had an incredible weekend herself. Our last major "summer" cookout is on the horizon so I better get my stuff together. Hate to think of summer ending but the positive for the fall is football, gotta love it. Have a blessed day. Love to you all.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

25 years and counting

Our 25th wedding anniversary was Sept. 1st. We had an amazing day at our mountain cabin in the same area that we enjoyed our honeymoon. We started the day with a late breakfast at Old Mill which was delicious. We spent a lot of time at the outlets and ended the day at our favorite restaurant ever, The Peddler. It's the neatest place on the river with incredible food and atmosphere. It really was the perfect day!
It's so hard to believe it's been 25 years. Time really does fly. I have to admit that marrying Eddie is the best decision I ever made after accepting Christ as my Savior. It's amazing when I think of how God brought us together. It's just something that never should have happened. Our meeting came totally out of nowhere and by all human standards would never have happened and certainly never should have ended this way. Like I've said before neither one of us is perfect but I like to think we are perfect for each other. We kinda balance each other out, smooth out each others rough edges. I think one of the main things for me is that he truly is my friend. We established a friendship long before we tried dating and really like each other. Like is an important factor in marriage. Sometimes the like takes you places you need to go when love gets difficult. We're in that place right now where we are seeing our kids become less dependent and empty nest is around the corner. Neither of us is excited about that because our favorite times have always been "just the 6 of us" times. Stephen labeled that when he was very little and would say "I just want it to be the 6 of us". I just love that. Family, all 6 of us, has always been the most important part of our life, the most fun part of our life, and the most exhausting part of our life. But as that empty nest looms closer, it is nice to know that we do still like each other. I'd rather be with him, talk to him, be quiet with him, just hang with him, raise kids with him, worship with him, more than anyone I know. I love him, adore him, am in awe of him, respect him, treasure him, and LIKE him. It is true that God can do amazingly more than we could ever hope or imagine because He has. At 19 when I said "I will" I never imagined how it would be. The hard times really have been bearable with him by my side and the good times have been extraordinary with him. Trust me on this...we owe it ALL to our Lord. The two of us could never have done this marriage thing alone. We would've given up a long time ago. There's too many opportunities to be selfish or insecure or stubborn. God has done a lot of chipping away at our attitudes and natures and He's still chipping but His grace in our lives has been overwhelming. When Bill sang a few weeks ago "were it not for grace, I could tell you where I'd be", wow, I know where I would be and it's not where I want to be. Covered in His grace and my marrage covered in His grace is the only safe zone for me.
Happy 25th anniversary honey, I love you more than you'll ever know.