Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Morning Perspective

Kindness---not really something we experience often in our world today. I think Eddie was right, sometimes it's apathy and sometimes it's busyness. I think for most of us we just get so caught up in our own stuff that we just miss those opportunities and probably lots of times don't even realize there was an opportunity til we slow down and think "oh, shoulda, coulda". So many times it hits me later that I just whizzed by someone or some circumstance where I could have made a difference and I missed it. How aggravating that is. Eddie pointed out that it usually comes from being self-absorbed and we fail to even see the needs of others: GUILTY!! Praise God for His grace and mercy and a brand new day to try again.
I also never thought of kindness meaning a loving rebuke at times. That's a hard area for me (my kids would probably disagree with that). I mean who really wants to rebuke someone especially one you love whether family or friend. But I do know the older I get the more I treasure truth. Sure, sometimes that truth hurts our feelings but I do want friends who level with me. I'm way past the stage of my life that I just want everyone to nod and agree and then go off and bash me. I'd rather have it to my face. I am actually much better at taking it than giving it. I usually run from having to give the rebuke. Again, my kids would disagree. Oh well. My prayer this morning was for the Lord to continually remove me from my self-centered world and keep my eyes wide open for His ordained opportunities. Have a blessed Monday.

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