Sunday, February 15, 2009


O.K. so yesterday was Valentine's Day so I do have to give a shout out to my Valentine. Eddie has been my Valentine now 27 times. Wow, does that really sound as old to you as it does to me? We had 3 dating and now 24 married. OMGoodness. We don't really make that big a deal out of it. Eddie thinks it's just another way people try to make you spend money and feel guilty if you don't so needless to say we do not go overboard on that day. However, I think it is a sweet thought to set aside a day to be little extra aware of how we need to make our loved ones feel loved but saying that I definitely think that is something we need to do every day. Anyway, I do hope I get to celebrate many more Valentine's Days with Eddie. I was so young and terribly insecure when we got married that thinking we would have this many V Days together was more than I could even wrap my mind around at the time but God is so good and His mercy has been great over my life. How thankful I am for that.

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