Sunday, January 29, 2017

Monday Moment

If you were at Fairview Sunday, you know we had great worship and a great word from our pastor. 

My husband has always been amazing at taking a subject, that has a lot of emotion attached to it and can be a reason people find fault and hate, and preaching from a standpoint of love and grace that brings forth unity and compassion. It was sanctity of life Sunday for us and we were blessed to have representatives from Piedmont Women's Center with us. So thankful for all that they do and excited to get our people more involved!

As Eddie said, let's be quick to show love, grace and compassion to all for we are ALL sinners. God forgives sin when we ask, many times we just need to forgive ourselves.

After some amazing worship at Rise, John brought a great message from John 2. We find Jesus at a wedding when the wine runs out. Yes, we see the miracle,  but we also find some sweet truth about Jesus here. We see that everything Jesus does is the best. It wasn't the cheap stuff. 

We also see the truth that Jesus could've created wine from nothing or created water right there and then wine. However, Jesus told them to bring the water. Jesus makes us a part of it. He asks us to bring Him what we have, what He's already made available, and He creates a masterpiece. He creates out of His essence and that's always good. If we bring our best self to the table every day, others will want to know the source. Let's not settle for average.

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