And just like that we are back in Philippians and the timing is perfect. It seemed to be a good Sunday for a message on peace and joy in the midst of circumstances as we heard from many of you.
Has there ever been a time we needed the peace of God more?! Probably so. We always need that right?
As Eddie pointed out there's a big difference between peace with God, which we can only have if we've received Jesus as Savior, and peace of God.
I love that Eddie defined peace as contentment in spite of less than desirable circumstances not the absence of them. Philippians 4:4-9 gives us the perfect plan for pursuing peace. The scripture outlines itself.
I loved Eddies closing point that we have to put it into practice. We preach a lot. We talk a lot. We just don't practice it a lot. Let's do what we know we should do.
After a few weeks planned break, then the unplanned break of snow, Rise was back. So much energy and expectancy when we gather. And it was so good to get back to it. Worship was phenomenal, always is when the Spirit isn't quenched and allowed to move freely. Justin Broome brought a great word from Gen 20. After giving a summary of the ups and downs of Abraham's life and his journey of faith, he challenged us to trust God and do things His way.
Some great statements Justin made...
We justify what we do wrong by making sure there's some truth to it.
God said He would, but He hasn't, so we will.
God is gracious, but sin will cost us a lot of years.
God's declaration of who we are says more about Him than it does about us.
When we give away what we have, we get what we need.
Another great Sunday spent with the church family.
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